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Publishing Schedule

IEIE SPC is published bi-monthly (February, April, June, August, October and December).

Manuscript Format

The manuscript format guidelines are the following:

Items Guidelines
Pages More than 8 pages within 14 pages including figures, tables, and biographies.
Depending on the manuscript types (Please refer to the manuscript types below)
Page size 21cm (width) X 29.7cm (height)
Column and line space Double column page and single space.
Main context
font size and style
10 point-size. Times New Roman only.
Main title and section title
font size
18 point-size, Arial bold font style, and indianred color for the main title. 12 point size Arial bold font style and indian-red color for the section title.
Abstract 100~200 words.The abstract title font is the Times New Roman font.
Abstract must illustrate the nature, importance, 
and contributions of the paper. Do not include complex symbols,
mathematical notations or bibliographic references.
Author name and affiliation Author name is 9 point-size. Author’s affiliation should include e-mails and should be
written in 9 point-size.
You must indicate which author is the correspondent author after the authors' affiliation.
Keywords Provide 5~6 keywords that best describe the contents and address the key issues of your paper.
The keyword title is Arial font type and 10 point-size.
The given keywords are essential to find the appropriate reviewers.

Manuscript types : Four types of manuscripts are accepted.

Regular papers Typically, eight pages in final length. The regular papers should focus on a specific, original contribution, with sufficient literature review, analysis, and results to establish clearly its merit and potential value.
Short papers Four or fewer pages in the final form with preliminary but very important results, intended for quick processing. Also, it is recommended that implementation of applications (not much contribution for academia, but for industry) fits to the short papers.
Invited papers These normally address the papers that EIC or AE invites for special issues.
Correspondence These normally address corrections to published papers or substantive technical discussion of papers. They are limited to two pages in the final form.

Publication Fees

The manuscripts submitted from January 1, 2020 will be charged after acceptance for publication as follows.

  • Within 8 pages: USD 200 or KRW 200,000
  • 9 pages or more: USD 50 or KRW 50,000 per each page

※ All accepted manuscripts will be published in the journal after the payment of the publication fee. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the cancellation of publication. This policy has been in effect since January 1, 2020.

Pages Publication Fees
1 ~ 8 (up to page 8) USD 200 (or KRW 200,000)
9 ~ USD 50 (or KRW 50,000)  per each page

Fast Track Publication

The Fast Track Publication System is designed to expedite the review and publication process for urgent papers. This system allows authors to have their submissions reviewed and published more quickly than the standard process. Please note the following important details about the Fast Track system:

※ Fast Track publication slots are limited per issue and are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Submission Guidelines for New Manuscripts:
    Fast Track requests will only be accommodated if there are available slots in the desired issue.
    ② When submitting a new manuscript, select the Fast Track option during the submission process.
    After submission, contact the journal's main email to request Fast Track processing. (
    If you received the Acceptance notification at least two months prior to the issue's publication date, It can be guaranteed of publication on the issue you requested.
  • Requesting Fast Track for Already Submitted Manuscripts:
    Fast Track requests will only be accommodated if there are available slots in the desired issue.
    If you wish to switch an already submitted manuscript to Fast Track, contact the journal's main email with your request. (
Pages Publication Fee for Fast Track
1 ~ 8 (up to page 8) USD 600 (or KRW 600,000)
9 ~ +USD 50 (or KRW 50,000) per each page

*The Fast Track Publication Fee includes the cost for expedited review, and no additional review fees will be required later.

  • Invoice Issuance: All authors will soon receive an invoice for the publication fee associated with their submissions.
  • Importance of Settlement: Failure to settle the publication fee may result in the cancellation of paper submissions.
  • No Refunds: Once the publication fee is settled, the editorial process will commence. Therefore, please be aware that refunds for publication fees are not feasible after payment.