1. Introduction
Infectious diseases occur due to a number of pathogens that transmit easily from
person to person, animal to animal, or person to animal. There are different ways
that lead these pathogens to spread, and their transmission is fast [1]. It is essential to detect these infectious diseases at the initial phase for their
prevention and control.
An impenetrable viral pneumonia was reported in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.
The World Health Organization (WHO) termed this virus Novel Corona virus (2019-nCoV)
on January 12, 2020, and Coronavirus Disease 2019 has occurred due to this virus.
This virus is the 7$^{\mathrm{th}}$ known species of coronavirus due to which human
beings have suffered. Various symptoms are found in patients who suffer from 2019-nCoV,
such as fever, mild cough, or pneumonia, which causes death [2].
The mortality rate of COVID-19 is approximately 2 to 4%, although these are very
initial percentages, and variation could be found when more information is available.
The 2019 novel coronavirus is an uncompromising and unexpected virus. Initially, this
virus is capable of camouflaging itself [3]. This virus can occur in an asymptomatic manner, in which the patient can be seen
as healthy, or it can be visible through various observable symptoms that a person
suffers from in a common respiratory disease. It also has a long latency period. A
report from Lancet states that the median latency time of 2019-nCoV can be 20 days
and may reach up to 37 days for some patients. Furthermore, the transmission of this
virus occurs in diverse ways. Similarity can be seen in the spreading process of coronavirus
and several other infectious diseases [4].
At present, there is no precise treatment available for COVID-19, but treatment
of a number of signs/symptoms is possible. This treatment is provided in accordance
with the clinical position of the patient. Furthermore, supplementary care is proven
efficient for infected patients. This supplementary care or self-protection consists
of hygienic eating routines, maintenance of basic hand and respiratory sanitation,
and the avoidance of close interaction with other people who have signs of a respiratory
disease like cough and sneezing.
During lockdown, factories are closed, schools are suspended, and people are isolated
in their own homes, from which daily life is troublesome as COVID-19 is spread extensively.
Thus, the prediction and analysis of the progression of COVID-19 has become very crucial
[5]. Prior studies have made use of various predictive models, such as regression prediction
models, Markov chain models, Bayesian networks, and machine learning (ML) schemes
to evaluate the occurrence, transmission, and variation of communicable diseases.
A number of earlier studies were conducted on the basis of research regarding Influenza,
HIV, and SARS.
There are 4 modules in a COVID-19 prediction model. These modules are feature
selection, network search, local trend prediction, and fuzzy rule-based risk assessment
[6]. Most researchers have used COVID-19 dataset1, which has dates, countries, confirmed
cases, recovered cases, and total deaths for empirical evaluation of their proposed
COVID-19 prediction techniques. In the initial phase, it is assumed that there is
no connection between the attributes and the predictive variable. This data has three
major issues related to categorizing the risk of a country. The number of cases is
represented with ${\kappa}$, the number of deaths is ${\delta}$, and ${\rho}$ shows
the number of recovered patients. ${\kappa}$ ${-}$ (${\rho}$ + ${\delta}$) is used
to compute the active cases ${\alpha}$.
A backward elimination scheme is implemented to choose the attributes [7]. Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression is employed to compute ${\rho}$ of all features
through ${\alpha}$. The attributes are selected using a threshold. In the second phase,
$\varphi _{1},\,\,\,\varphi _{2},\ldots \ldots ,\,\,\,\varphi _{n}$ are assumed as
different hyper-parameters of a learning algorithm, and ${\mathrm{\mu}}$$_{1}$, ${\mathrm{\mu}}$$_{2}$,
{\ldots}.., ${\mathrm{\mu}}$$_{\mathrm{m}}$ are the domains of the parameters. The
training set (D$_{\mathrm{train}}$) and test set (D$_{\mathrm{test}}$) are two categories
of the dataset D. The hyper-parameter space is denoted with $\theta $= $\mathrm{\mu}_{1}\times
\mathrm{\mu}_{2}\times \ldots .\times \mathrm{\mu}_{m}.$ Training data is used for
training on $\varphi \in \theta .$ The test error E(${\varphi}$, D$_{\mathrm{train}}$,
D$_{\mathrm{test}}$) is considered as the error on D$_{\mathrm{test}}$ of the parameter
${\varphi}$. The optimization of a hyper-parameter is computed using Eq. (1) for the dataset (D) with minimization.
Generally, the hyper-parameter search is very costly because there is a necessity
of training and evaluating the dataset for every combination of parameters [8]. The risk of a country is forecasted using the prediction of ${\delta}$, ${\kappa}$,
and ${\rho}$. Initially, the death rate (Eq. (2)), new case rate, and recovery rate are computed using Eqs. (3)-(5), respectively. A Gaussian fuzzy membership function is utilized to reveal the risk
measurement of these parameters. Rules are entailed in estimating the risk of the
final class.
An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is an idea that is influenced by a biological
nervous system and is used to process information like the brain. The novel structure
of the information processing system is the major component. In ANNs, programming
knowledge is useful to plan a data structure that can play the role of a neuron [9]. This data structure is known as a node. An educational algorithm is employed to
train the network among these nodes.
The nodes consist of two states: active and inactive states. Every edge includes
a weight. The next inactive node is activated through positive weights, and the next
connected node is inactivated through negative weights. Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)
is a modified version of a recurrent neural network (RNN). An RNN is capable of handling
a sequence with a recurrent hidden state that is activated each time on the basis
of the preceding time [10]. With a set of inputs x = (x$_{1}$, x$_{2}$, {\ldots}., x$_{\mathrm{t}}$), the hidden
state $h_{t}$of an RNN is estimated using Eq. (5).
In Eq. (5), $v$ denotes a non-linear function. The LSTM generates an output$y$output $y=\left(y_{1},y_{2},\ldots
.y_{t}\right)$. The hidden states are updated using Eq. (6):
In Eq. (6), $g$ represents a bounded function. A universal RNN predicts the conditional probability
of every input state using Eq. (7).
LSTM is flexible and estimates dependencies of various time scales. LSTM is a
popular variant of an RNN. LSTM makes use of gate and memory cells for predicting
sequences. Network-based algorithms consider the communication between various parts.
Nevertheless, the contact network G is hidden (and subsequently, the infection probability
matrix B) and must be inferred from the epidemic outburst [11].
A version of a network inference-based prediction algorithm (NIPA) has been implemented
to predict the spread of COVID-19 in Hubei, China, and Italy. There are mainly two
steps included in NIPA. The first step infers the original infection matrix from the
epidemic outburst. The next step makes use of the infection matrix B and the estimated
curing rates$~ \delta _{i}$ for node $i$ for outbreak prediction by iterating the
Susceptible-Infected-Removed (SIR) model on the estimated infection matrix B. NIPA
effectively predicted the spread of COVID-19 in the Chinese area of Hubei, but the
hidden contamination matrix B could not be induced.
2. Literature Review
Massimo A. Achterberg et al. [12] described that researchers belonging to different scientific disciplines made attempts
for predicting the spread of COVID-19 [12]. NIPA was investigated for predicting COVID-19, in which ML and SIR models were integrated.
The interaction among various regions was taken in account in this algorithm. The
evaluation revealed that the original NIPA provided the finest performance to predict
the spread of COVID-19. Superior accuracy was obtained from the presented algorithm
in comparison with another algorithm. Additionally, network-based prediction was better,
and the presented algorithm outperformed an LSTM network with regard to predictive
Md Masud Rana et al. [13] suggested an innovative -19 stochastic model for securing communication systems to
transfer and store epidemic data [13]. The observable and non-observable COVID-19 conditions included infection, cases,
recovery, and deaths, which were taken into consideration to construct and authenticate
the dynamic COVID-19 model. In order to transmit the local observation information
to a central control center, a secure communication system based on IoT was put forward.
COVID-19 was predicted by constructing and deploying an optimal signal processing
algorithm. The outcomes demonstrated that the suggested approach was adaptable for
predicting the phases of COVID-19 in a short period of time. As a result, the constructed
simulator and analysis provided a significant resource to forecast the state and proactive
action of COVID-19.
Michał Wieczorek et al. [14] discussed the research outcomes to design a neural network framework to forecast
the spread of COVID-19 [14]. The proposed predictive framework is planned on the basis of a traditional approach
along with a deep architecture whose learning is accomplished through a Nadam training
model. The training phase is carried out using official data taken from governmental
and open repositories. The predictive outcomes are evaluated for countries as well
as for regions for presenting the possibly wide spectrum of values related to forecasting
the COVID-19 spread. The outcomes indicated that a higher accuracy of 99% is provided
through the proposed framework.
Chamara Sandeepa et al. [15] discussed the tracking of the social interaction of users and forecast the infection
possibility on the basis of social interactions [15]. Initially, a social interaction tracking system was built depending upon Bluetooth
Low Energy (BLE) and the Global Positioning System (GPS). An algorithm was established
to forecast the probability of COVID-19 infection on the basis of the collected data.
At last, the deployment of a prototype of the system was accomplished by means of
a mobile app and a web monitoring tool. Furthermore, a graph-based model was utilized
to carry out the simulation for the analysis of the behavior of the established algorithm.
The simulation showed that self-isolation is essential to slow down the development
of this disease.
Hossein Abbasimehr et al. [16] recommended three hybrid approaches based on time series techniques to predict COVID-19.
Three deep learning (DL) models known as multi-head attention, LSTM, and a convolutional
neural network (CNN) were integrated with the Bayesian optimization algorithm [16]. The performance of prediction was improved in an automatic manner using a Bayesian
optimization technique. The epidemic data collected from the Coronavirus Resource
Centre of Johns Hopkins University (JHU) was employed for performing the experiments.
The experimental outcomes validated that the recommended DL frameworks are better
than the benchmark approach.
Refat Khan Pathan et al. [17] intended to use an LSTM algorithm based on an RNN for forecasting the future mutation
rate of COVID-19 [17]. The nucleotide mutation and codon mutation were verified at a separate level by
processing the gathered data. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) obtained in testing
using LSTM was computed as 0.06 and 0.04 for the training phase. The training and
testing phases assisted in predicting the nucleotide mutation rate of 400 patients
at a future time. This exhibited that the intended algorithm was capable of forecasting
the day-basis mutation rates in the availability of more data of patient data in updated
Furqan Rustam et al. [18] presented a study based on ML approaches to predict the number of upcoming patients
who suffer from COVID-19 [18]. Generally, this study made implementation of 4 basis predictive techniques in the
prediction of the threatening factors of COVID-19: linear regression (LR), least absolute
shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO), support vector machine (SVM), and exponential
smoothing (ES). The outcomes generated in this study presented that the proposed system
is efficient for the recent scenario of the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, ES provided
efficient performance among other techniques to predict the fresh confirmed cases,
death cases, and recovery rates.
Logan Ryan et al. [190 emphasized constructing and computing ML-based algorithm
for forecasting the mortality in COVID-19 and ventilating patients in a mechanical
way [19]. The MIMIC dataset, which includes the data of 53,001 ICU patients, was used to conduct
the retrospective study. The constructed algorithm was proven as a valuable predictive
tool that assisted in predicting the mortality of a patient at clinically useful time
points. This algorithm successfully predicted the morality for mechanically ventilated
patients and the patients who suffered from pneumonia and COVID-19 with high accuracy.
K. Shyam Sunder Reddy et al. [20] presented a neural network-based technique for the forecasting of COVID-19 cases
[20]. A dataset collected from India was utilized to implement the LSTM based on RNN to
predict COVID-19 cases. The performance of the presented network was analyzed, and
comparison was accomplished with parameter mitigated variants of LSTM. The concealed
unit signals, bias, and input signal were removed to achieve those variants. The performance
of the presented approach was computed with regard to the mean square value.
Ertuğrul Karaçuha et al. [21] discussed the utilization of a former Deep Assessment (DA) technique to model a dataset
initially [21]. Two techniques were implemented to predict COVID-19: a DA technique and LSTM.
Subsequently, a Gaussian predictive model was suggested for forecasting the short-term
future of the pandemic. The quantification of the model was also performed. The suggested
model was compared with the SIR model. Finally, wavelet-based de-noising and correlation
coefficients were employed to analyze the impact of history on memory vectors. The
outcomes exhibited that the suggested Deep Assessment technique provided average errors
of 0.6671% for confirmed cases, 0.6957% for a recovered case, and 0.5756% for death
In Table 1, a comparison of various proposed COVID-19 prediction techniques is systematically
presented. COVID-19 prediction has various steps, like pre-processing, feature extraction,
and classification. Various researchers proposed such techniques for COVID-19 prediction.
The techniques proposed by the researchers are based on ML. The ML technique predicts
COVID-19 and improves accuracy. The techniques are compared based on outcomes, advantages,
and disadvantages.
Table 1. Comparison Table.
Massimo A. Achterberg, Bastian Prasse, Piet Van Mieghem
A NIPA was investigated for predicting COVID-19 in which ML and SIR models were integrated.
The interaction among various regions was taken in account in this algorithm.
A superior accuracy was obtained from the presented algorithm in comparison with the
other algorithm. Additionally, network-based prediction was found better and the presented
algorithm outperformed the LSTM with regard to predictive error.
This work proved the superiority of network-based prediction over existing prediction
Unexpectedly, the inclusion of a time-varying or static approach in NIPA on real infection
data makes no improvement in the prediction accuracy for the region of interest.
Md Masud Rana, Ahmed Abdelhadi, Md Riaz Uddin Ahmed, Ahad Ali
Suggested an innovative COVID-19 stochastic model for securing the communication systems
to transfer and store the epidemic data.
The outcomes demonstrated that the suggested approach was adaptable for predicting
the phases of COVID-19 in a short period of time. As a result, the constructed simulator
and analysis had provided significant resource to forecast state and proactive action
The devised approach was capable of predicting COVID-19 exposed cases in efficient
The new algorithm took some initial time for COVID-19 prediction as the devised prediction
algorithm worked through an iterative method.
MichałWieczorek, Jakub Siłka, Marcin Woźniak
Discussed the research outcomes to design a NN framework so that COVID-19 spread was
forecasted. The designed predictive framework was planned on the basis of traditional
approach along with deep architecture whose learning was accomplished through NAdam
training model.
The outcomes indicated that a higher accuracy of 99% was provided through the designed
The new approach generated highly accurate predictive outcomes for COVID-19 pandemic.
This approach did not provide high precision due to the lack of devoted predictors.
The network efficiency was also not so good.
Chamara Sandeepa, CharukaMoremada, NadeekaDissanayaka, Tharindu Gamage, Madusanka
Initially, a social interaction tracking system was built depending upon the BLE and
GPS. An algorithm was established for forecasting the probability of infection of
COVID-19 on the basis of the collected data.
The simulation depicted the self-isolation was essential to slow down development
of this disease.
The new approach showed better options and flexibility over different types of existing
The strategy applied for collecting COVID-19 dataset was inefficient in terms of privacy.
Hossein Abbasimehr, Reza Paki
Recommended the 3 hybrid approaches to predict COVID-19 time series techniques for
which 3 DL models known as multi-head attention, LSTM and CNN were integrated with
the Bayesian optimization algorithm.
The experimental outcomes validated that the recommended DL frameworks were better
in contrast to the benchmark approach.
The major benefit of the presented techniques was their capability of processing the
sequence data. Moreover, the architecture of developed models was inspired from multi-output
prediction scheme that permitted prediction in numerous days.
There was a need to improve the presented techniques by taking out the important features
from time series and integrating them into the deep learning models
Refat Khan Pathan, Munmun Biswas, Mayeen Uddin Khandaker
Intended to use LSTM algorithm based on RNN for forecasting the future mutation rate
of this virus. The nucleotide mutation and codon mutation were verified at separate
level by processing the gathered data
The outcomes exhibited that the intended algorithm was capable of forecasting the
day basis mutation rates in the availability of more data of patient data in updated
It was possible to use this model for the regular prediction of mutation rates by
analyzing large clinical data in updated time.
The mutation rate was merely limited to base substitution. Also, it was not possible
to determine the insertion and deletion rate.
Furqan Rustam, Aijaz Ahmad Reshi, Arif Mehmood, Saleem Ullah, Byung-Won On, Waqar
Aslam, Gyu Sang Choi
Presented a study in which potential of Machine Learning approaches was illustrated
while predicting the number of upcoming patients who were suffered with COVID-19.
The outcomes generated in this study represented that the presented system in which
these techniques were utilized was efficient for the recent scenario of COVID-19 pandemic.
Additionally, ES provided efficient performance among other techniques to predict
the fresh confirmed cases, death cases and recovery rates.
The prediction generated by this study could be highly beneficial for the authorities
for taking actions in time and decision-making regarding COVID-19 outburst.
The machine learning algorithms used in this study were not competent in terms of
Logan Ryan, Carson Lam, Ritankar Das
Emphasized on constructing and computing a ML based algorithm for forecasting the
mortality in COVID-19 and ventilating the patients in mechanical way. The MIMIC dataset
that included total 53,001 ICU patients was applied to conduct the retrospective study.
This algorithm had successfully predicted the morality for mechanically ventilated
patients and the patients suffered from pneumonia and COVID-19 with accuracy.
This machine learning-based algorithmic approach was a competent predictive tool for
predicting the patient mortality at medically convenient time points.
The ML algorithm devised on the MIMIC dataset made use of merely data from the ICU.
Therefore, more research work was needed for evaluating the efficiency level of the
algorithm in other patient care environments.
K. Shyam Sunder Reddy, Y. C. A. Padmanabha Reddy, Ch. Mallikarjuna Rao
Presented a NN-based forecasting of numerous cases of COVID-19. The dataset collected
from India was utilized to implement the LSTM based on RNN so that COVID-19 was predicted.
The performance of the presented network was analyzed, and its comparison was done
with parameter mitigated variants of LSTM. The performance of presented approach was
computed with regard to the Mean Square Value measure.
The presented predictive framework for predicting corona cases provided an evaluation
measure i.e. MSE rate of 59%.
There was a need of more improvement in the presented framework in terms of accuracy,
precision, etc.
Ertuğrul Karaçuha, Nisa Özge Önal, Esra Ergün, Vasil Tabatadze,
Hasan Alkaş, Kamil Karaçuha, Haci Ömer Tontuş, Nguyen Vinh Ngoc Nu
In this work, DA technique and LSTM were implemented to predict COVID-19. Subsequently,
Gaussian predictive model was suggested for forecasting the short-term future of the
pandemic and the quantification of this model was also performed.
The outcomes exhibited that the suggested the Deep Assessment technique provided the
average errors of 0.6671% for confirmed cases, 0.6957% for recovered case and 0.5756%
for death cases.
This work assumed curve of regular variations to be a Gaussian function, but actually,
it did not follow an accurate Gaussian for all nations. In addition to this, the model
based on the data did not pay heed to prevention measures issued by authorities in
direct manner.
The presented Gaussian scheme underestimated the trend of the pandemic, and the fastest
increase was monitored in the US, whereas the slowest was observed in China and Spain.
3. Conclusion and Future Scope
In this work, the various predictive algorithms proposed in the literature for
the purpose of the analysis of COVID-19 were compared based on their outcomes, pros,
and cons. These COVID-19 techniques are based on ML and optimization techniques. It
is concluded that ML methods outperformed optimization algorithms. In the future,
hybrid ML methods can be designed for COVID-19 prediction for better prediction results.
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Rakesh Kr. Arora is currently working as an associate professor at Krishna Engineering
College, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. He has more than 20 years of teaching experience
in reputed institutes. His interest areas are data warehousing, data mining, database
systems, and operating systems. He has a number of papers in international journals
and conferences to his credit.
Manoj Kr. Gupta is presently working as Director at Trinity Institute of Innovations
in Professional Studies (Aff. to Guru Gobind Singh Indra-prastha University), Delhi-NCR,
Greater Noida, India. Prior to this, he has worked as a Dean and Professor at Rukmini
Devi Institute of Advanced Studies (Aff. to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University),
Delhi, India. He has more than 25 years of experience in teaching and academic administration.
His interest areas are database systems, data warehousing and data mining. He has
2 patents (filed & published), 5 books, and around 30 international/national research
papers to his credit.
Bhoopesh Singh Bhati is working as an assistant professor in the Depart-ment of
Computer Science and Engineering at Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technolo-gies
& Research, Govt. of NCT, Delhi, India. He has a number of research papers in international
journals and conferences. His current research area is information security.