1. Introduction
Digital images are a major means of communication medium containing large amounts
of information on modern social media. Images can easily represent the world of our
lives. They can be transmitted and distributed using storage devices (USB memory,
DAS, NAS, SAN, External HDD, etc.) or communication facilities (Wired/Wireless internet,
Mobile and Space, etc.). Still, the trust in images not obtained from safe sources
has emerged as an image forensics problem. Media manipulation can be easily done by
anyone using media editing tools (Premiere, Final Cut Pro and After Effects, etc.).
However, malicious media editing and distribution cause infringement of personal data.
A Copy-Move tampering method selects a part of an image and copies it to another area
within the same image. Such modulation is a method widely used in the field of image
forensics. If there are offensive means (Tampering, Manipulation, and Modulation),
defensive means must be developed (Detection, Classification, and Decision). So, the
Copy-Move forgery detection (CMFD) method is being developed day by day [1].
There are two main methods for detecting Copy-Move: 1) a forgery image to be tested
is divided into blocks and features are extracted from each block. If blocks divided
into n${\times}$n pixel square types have similar characteristics, these blocks are
regarded as a Copy-Move area. However, since all blocks must be compared and computed,
the computational cost is high, and other geometric transformations cannot be processed.
On the other hand, using the SLIC (Simple Linear Iterative Clustering) method proposed
by [2], the 2D superpixel of the image is calculated and divided into irregular shapes rather
than a regular square segment of the former. This method groups pixels into regions
with similar values. Using this region for image processing operations such as segmentation
can make the operation less complex, and 2) similar regions can be found based on
key points (KP) of pixels without segmenting the image [3]. This method is also difficult to manage smooth locales such as weak textures.
In detecting a Copy-Move, SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) [4] is the most basic method used. SIFT is a method that extracts features that are invariant
to the size and rotation of an image. The basic principle is that by extracting the
SIFT features from two different images and then matching the most similar features,
it can find the corresponding parts in the two images. In other words, the method
can find and match the same object in the image with the same content, although the
size and rotation of the two images are different.
Fig. 1. Match the blue road sign in the two images using SIFT features.
However, since SIFT process identical features in pairs, unrelated pixels can be matched
in pairs because they have similar features. These 'Bad key point' incorrectly indicates
the pixels of the copy and the move area in CFMD.
The CMFD method has been improved to compensate for these shortcomings by combining
various image processing techniques [5-7]. Representative technologies to be applied include corner component detection [8] and texture processing [9] within an image. However, there is a problem with JIT (Just In Time) in the age of
social media. An increase in computing cost and the processing time to determine Copy-Move
due to an increase in the dimension of a feature vector extracted for CMFD.
In this paper, a new SIFT-based CMFD scheme using only a feature set of SIFT is implemented
in the definition that under the patches have the same SIFT-based feature set if the
same patches exist in the Copy-Move forgery image.
The contribution of the proposed scheme can be summarized as follows.
·Low-dimensional structure because the features are not extracted as fusion type,
only SIFT based.
·The computational cost for feature extraction is low.
·Possibility detection and decision have rapid time.
·Low computing costs and fast detection facilitate JIT processing online.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The following section describes SIFT
method. In Section 3, the proposed scheme for CMFD is implemented, and Section 4 presents
the experimental results, the performance evaluation, and the discussion of the results
effect. Lastly, Section 5 concludes.
2. SIFT Features
The SIFT is a method [4] that extracts features from (a) and (b) of the two images in Fig. 1 [13], finds pixels with similar features, connects them with lines as shown in (c), and
finds pixels with identical features.
However, there are cases where 'Bad key point' appears, as shown in (c), due to the
connection of similar features in the two images.
The extraction process of SIFT features set proceeds as follows.
1. Create a "Scale-space: 4 Octave steps".
2. Difference of Gaussian (DoG) operation.
3. Finding Key points.
4. Remove Bad Key points: satisfy Scale invariance.
5. Assign directions to Key points: satisfy rotation invariance and assigns fingerprints
(Gradient direction and magnitude, Dependance of rotation and brightness).
6. Finally extracting SIFT Features.
3. The Proposed Scheme
For a new Copy-Move Forgery image Detection (CMFD) implementation, we work to precise
group the pixels within each Copy-Move forgery area.
By removing the incorrect key points from the features shown in Fig. 1(c), we want to accurately group the pixels in each Copy-Move area. For this purpose,
the proposed scheme eliminates unnecessary key points for Copy-Move area detection
by refining the SIFT features extracted in Section 2, Step 6.
Fig. 2 shows the flow diagram of the proposed CMFD scheme. Each block shows how the example
is processed.
▪ The flow of each functional block and operation of the proposed scheme in Fig. 2 follows.
▪ [SIFT-based Feature Extraction]
Step 1. The basic SIFT features extracted block by [4] as a preprocessing of the forgery image. The first image of block ➊ is a forgery
image, and the second image is marked (red *) with key point pixels with SIFT features.
This key point is assigned with the characteristics in Section 2, step 5; the descriptor
with a rotation-invariant direction and a transformed line (cyan) presented in the
third image. The pixels having similar descriptors are connected to each other (red
line: called 'KP' means 'key point') in the fourth image.
[SIFT Feature Refinement]
Step 2. In the block ➋, among the descriptors of the 4th image in the block ➊, the
histogram is used to select the most similar 'KP'. (Example of in Figure: it finds
the connection length of key points of similar descriptors. In a histogram with the
number of bins of 1000, then 51 pairs of similar 'KPs' are extracted.)
Step 3. Find the deviation slopes from the block ➋. (Example of in Figure: among the
51 similar descriptors, 48 pairs of similar descriptors in the similar direction are
defined within the deviation slope in the histogram where the connection line in the
range is 0 to 2pi and the number of 20 bins.)
Step 4. Drop off the deviation slopes of 'KP', then grouping the majority 'KP' in
the block ➌.
Step 5. For the CMFD, finally 'KP' with the slope is refined.
Step 6. From the block ➍, make a block of 16${\times}$16 pixels (Expansion size to
represent the defined one point SIFT feature pixel visually) around the coordinates
of both ends of the KP, and generate a ground truth (GT) image with the ball-type
dilation image in the block ➏. However, the GT image includes only a line element.
Step 7. As with the operation of Step 6, the block ➎ operates in the same way in the
block ➐. Moreover, the GT image includes a line length and slope elements.
Step 8. GT image ➐ is derived with the SIFT-based feature refinement, better than
➏, and the Copy-Move area is detected as ➑ by cross operation with the forgery image
➊ under the forgery test image.
4. Performance Evaluation
The MATLAB 2021a tool was used as simulation software on a PC environment (64 bit
Win10 Pro, AMD Ryzen9 3950X$^{\mathrm{Ⓡ}}$ 16-Core CPU @3.5GHz, 128GB DDR4 memory,
and NVIDIA 2080Ti Double graphic boards). For evaluating the performance of the proposed
CMFD scheme, all Copy-Move 160 forgery images are executed in the GRIP data set [10], which also provides together a binary ground truth (GT) of the copy and move areas
in the forgery image.
First, as a preliminary step of the performance evaluation of the proposed CMFD scheme,
'TP\_C02\_039\_copy.png (Image shaking phenomenon)' in the GRIP forgery image is used
under the experiment.
In the proposed scheme: Step 2, for grouping with similar 'KP', twenty histograms
were prepared with 100-step increments with the number of bins ranging from 100 to
2,000 as shown in Fig. 3 (1st and 2nd row). Also, each histogram presents the number of 'KP's with a similar
length, and kurtosis, respectively. Subsequently, the SIFT with the grouping 'KP's,
the slope of the 'KP's belonging to the largest bin ranges from |0~π| to obtain
a histogram bin 20 which presented in 3rd and 4th row corresponds to each of 1st and
2nd row. In Fig. 3, the number of 'KP's (1st and 2nd row) is reduced by refining to (3rd and 4th row).
In this histogram, the lines belonging to the largest bin are refined with similar
slopes among the lines of a similar length selected in 1st and 2nd-row histogram correspondence
each histogram, respectively.
Table 1 shows the reduced number of refined 'KP's from (1st and 2nd row) to (3rd and 4th
row) with a histogram corresponding to each in Fig. 4.
For comparing the performance of GT images, the GT of the test forgery image is shown
in Fig. 6(a). Twenty GT images considering only the line lengths of the 1st and 2nd rows in Fig. 5 are averaged, and the GT image is shown in (b). Next, the GT image of the proposed
scheme is generated as shown in (c) with the average of twenty GT images of the 3rd
and 4th in the same way.
From the test forgery image, original (Ori.) GT, the SIFT-based features, and the
proposed CMFD scheme's features are compared as shown in Table 2. The pixel areas of each GT are calculated (Ori.: 45,274, the SIFT based: 46,620,
and The proposed: 42,554), respectively.
Table 1 Reduced Number of 'KP's Refinement in Fig. 4.
Line length only
Line length + Slop both
Colm. No.
1st → 3rd row
Colm. No.
2nd → 4th row
67 → 57
46 → 45
52 → 48
45 → 45
51 → 48
45 → 45
48 → 46
45 → 45
48 → 46
45 → 45
47 → 46
45 → 45
47 → 46
45 → 45
46 → 45
45 → 45
46 → 45
45 → 45
45 → 45
45 → 45
Fig. 2. Flow diagram of the proposed CMFD using SIFT-based feature refinement.
Fig. 3. Histogram: 1st and 2nd row (Block \ding{203} in Fig. 2), and 3rd and 4th row (Block \ding{204} in Fig.2).
Fig. 4. Proposed key point (KP) according to SIFT-based (1st and 2nd row) and refinment (3rd and 4th row).
The detect ratios with Ori. GT is calculated (the SIFT based: 1.03, and The proposed:
0.94) individually. Also, against Ori. GT, the matching ratio of 'KP's in Copy-Move
areas are calculated as 0.8562. Table 2 shows the execution results of the proposed CMFD scheme under the test forgery image:
TP\_C02\_039\_copy.png in GRIP.
Table 2 Experiment Results under Test Forgery Image (Test image No.: TP\_C02\_039\_copy.png in GRIP).
Evaluation Items
SIFT-based [4]
Proposed CMFD Scheme
Num. of Key points (KPs)
Ground Truth (GT) Area: Pixel
Ratio of Ground Truth Area vs. Ori. GT Area (45,274): Pixel
Ratio of Matching Feature vs. Ori_GT
Execution Time
3mim. 4sec.
In Table 2, when the area of Ori-GT was set to '1', the proposed scheme detected 94% of the
Copy-Move area, but it was confirmed that the SIFT-based features exceeded '1'.
Figs. 6(a) and (c) are crossing over and becomes Fig. 7(a). The (White + Green) area is Ori. GT and (White + Red) area is the proposed GT so,
the white area is defined as the final Cut-Paste area, which draws with the red line
on the forgery image (c). Fig. 7 shows the detection procedure of the proposed scheme.
Some forgery images are to be re-transformed because a malicious try to hide a trace
forensic detection. Re-transforms with several cases: (a) Lossy format JPEG, (b) Blurred, (c) Shaking, and (d) Haze in Fig. 8. The left column is a re-transformed forgery image, and the middle column is Ori.
GT, and the right column are the proposed GT's Copy-Move detection area.
Fig. 5. Proposed ground truth (GT) according to SIFT-based (1st and 2nd row) and refinment (3rd and 4th row).
Fig. 6. Ground truth generated.
Fig. 7. Copy-Move detection by proposed GT.
Fig. 8. Re-transformed cases from Copy-Move forged image.
Fig. 9. Copy-Move detection compared with [10] and [4].
The proposed CMFD scheme applied to the non-GRIP forgery image of the previous work
[10-12], as shown in Figs. 9 and 10, respectively.
Table 3 shows the execution results, and the evaluation items show the average value of all
160 Copy-Move Forgery images in the GRIP forgery image data set. Among all 160 forgery
images, four images can not extract the feature set: non - Key point because there
are almost no texture components. The evaluation item's values are averaged with 160
As mentioned in Table 2 and explained in Fig. 7(a), it was confirmed that when (Ratio of Ground Truth Area vs. Ori\_GT Area) approaches
'1', this result is an 'Excellent' grade for CMFD utility without exceeding '1'.
Fig. 10. Copy-Move detection compared with [12].
Table 3 Average Experimental Results. All 160 Forgery Images in GRIP Dataset.
Evaluation Items
SIFT-based [4]
Proposed CMFD Scheme
Ave. Num. of Key points
Ave. Ground Truth Area
Ave. The ratio of Ground Truth Area vs. Ori_GT Area (33,495 Pixels)
Ave. The ratio of Matching Feature vs. Ori_GT
Num. of images with non-Extracted Key point
Ave. execution time per one image
3min. 20sec.
Total Elapsed time
8hr. 7min.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, we extracted SIFT-based features of the image, found pixels with similar
key points among them, obtained the line's length and slope between the found pixels,
and found the line's length and slope. Lines with similar lengths and slopes were
selected and grouped, and the largest group was defined as a feature set with pixel
information in the Copy-Move area.
We implemented a new CMFD scheme using our feature sets. Each feature set extracted
for the proposed CMFD has coordinates of pixels belonging to the copy-move area, respectively.
The proposed CMFD scheme is a passive forensic tool requiring no prior information
on the forgery image under forensic detection. Also, the proposed CMFD scheme detected
the Copy-Move region well in Lossy format JPEG, Blurred, Shaking, and Haze images.
In particular, the detection rate of GT was very close to '1', which was an excellent
Thus, the proposed scheme can be beneficial in many areas of image forensics.
This research is supported by NRF 2021R1A2C1003406 (National Research Foundation of
Also, the authors would like to thank the leading researchers in this study field,
the hidden reviewers whose meaningful comments, and the official working of Journal
Coordinator and Editor, IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing. With
the treatments, this paper could be written thoughtfully.
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Jae Jung HWANG is Professor of School of IT Information & Control Engineering IT
Convergence & Communication Engineering Major, Kunsan national University, Kunsan,
South Korea.
Kang Hyeon RHEE (Life Member, IEIE) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electronics
engineering from Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea, in 1977 and 1981, respectively,
and the Ph.D. degree in electronics engineering from Ajou University, Suwon, Korea,
in 1991. He is an Emeritus Professor with the School of Electronics Engineering, Chosun
University, Gwangju, Korea. His current research interest includes multimedia fingerprinting/forensics.
He was the recipient of awards, such as the Haedong Prize from the Haedong Science
and Culture Juridical Foundation, South Korea, in 2002 and 2009.