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  1. (Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Capacitacion de Telecomunicaciones, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria / Lima, Peru {fmendoza, aaparcana, rleon, jquiroz} )

Systematic literature review (SLR), Cryptography, Privacy, Confidentiality, Resource-constrained IoT

1. Introduction

The Internet of Things (IoT) is intelligent devices connected to a network, which enables the collection, transmission, and processing of real-world data. The IoT is used in a wide range of applications, such as supply chain management, industry, wireless sensor networks, logistics, healthcare, smart cities, big data, social computing, and cloud computing [1].

In the IoT, the devices are key elements that can be divided into two categories: resource-rich IoT devices and resource-constrained IoT devices. Resource-rich devices are personal computers, servers, laptops, etc. Resource-constrained devices are sensor nodes, RFID tags, actuators, etc. [2]. Resource-constrained devices have increased in popularity due to their increased use in applications.

Some applications work with critical data that require confidentiality during transmission over the network. Therefore, IoT systems must offer security features that include authorization, authentication, data confidentiality, and integrity protection [3]. In this scenario, cryptography is a tool to ensure authentication, authorization, confidentiality, privacy, and data integrity. However, the resource-constrained nature of some IoT applications does not make conventional cryptographic algorithms feasible [4]. Lightweight cryptography is an answer to the problem, introducing lightweight features such as less memory usage, less processing, and low power consumption in resource-constrained devices [2].

Security concerns have received attention in several research fields over the past few years. Therefore, the INICTEL-UNI’s cybersecurity research group works on cryptography in resource-constrained IoT devices. It is thought there has been an increase in the number of papers. A systematic literature review (SLR) is needed to search for these papers and answer relevant questions for researchers in the area.

This study answers questions on the most productive authors, the most cited papers, and the most frequent words used in cryptography for privacy in a resource-constrained IoT by applying an SLR based on the Kitchenham [5] and PRISMA [6] guidelines.

The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents the problem in general, a summary of related work, and the contributions of this study. Section 3 explains the methodology used for the SLR. Section 4 analyzes and compares the results. Finally, Section 5 presents the conclusions and limitations of this study, and proposes future research.

2. Related Work

In a systematic literature review, a search strategy for review papers is applied to compare the results. However, none of the papers found for this study completely matched the research variables selected, the methodology used, and the questions posed. In spite of this, important contributions were collected that at least matched some of the points mentioned above. Likewise, this study highlights that the research papers found were published after 2018, so a review can still be conducted to analyze the impact of cryptography in a resource-constrained IoT.

In 2018, Gandara et al. [7] conducted a systematic literature review on hybrid cryptography in wireless sensor networks. The study relied on three databases: IEEE Xplore, Science Direct, and the ACM Digital Library. Four inclusion criteria, four exclusion criteria, and six quality assessments were used, and the systematic review obtained 14 papers. That study indicated that cryptography was used as a security mechanism to overcome security problems in WSNs to methodically increase the level of security (confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation) and to decrease the use of resources. Also in 2018, Liao et al. [8] presented a systematic review focused on the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). That study searched three databases: Scopus, IEEE Xplore, and ScienceDirect. Using four inclusion criteria and eight exclusion criteria, the systematic review yielded 94 papers, pointed out key differences between Industry 4.0 and the IIoT, further investigated the coexistence and limitations of multiple IIoT standards and technologies in one application, and outlined several research directions for the future of IIoT research. In 2019, Alloghani et al. [9] conducted a systematic review for homomorphic encryption studies in three databases: ProQuest, Web of Science, and IEEE Xplore. Their review applied PRISMA principles, found 59 papers, and presented research questions similar to those in our study. Macedo et al. [10] applied a systematic literature review (based on Kitchenham guidelines) for the security aspects of the Internet of Things. The study found 131 research papers and presented an increased number of publications in which cryptography was included. Rani & Singh Gill [11] presented a review of some security protocols using lightweight cryptography. That study did not present any systematic review features comparable to our study; of importance, however, it highlighted the presentation of different lightweight encryption algorithms. In 2020, Haro-Olmo et al. [12] presented a systematic literature review on Blockchain from a privacy perspective. That study performed the SLR based on Kitchenham guidelines with 28 primaries and six databases: Google Scholar, the ACM Digital Library, Springer, IEEE Xplore, Science Direct, and Scopus. A study by Latif et al. [13] presented a review of key management and lightweight cryptography for the IoT, which showed the strengths and weaknesses of various lightweight cryptography algorithms. A 2020 study by Zagi and Aziz [14] performed a systematic literature review of the IoT and privacy. They employed two databases: ACM and Science Direct. PRISMA principles were applied, and 88 papers were obtained. It presented the challenges affecting IoT privacy, the gaps in IoT security aspects, plus the different types of IoT attacks and their solutions. In 2021, Rao & Prema [15] published a review on lightweight cryptography for IoT-based applications. The authors analyzed various lightweight cryptography solutions and their security threats against authentication and data integrity. Also in 2021, Thakor et al. [2] presented a review of lightweight cryptography for resource-constrained IoT devices and showed key concepts for understanding the field. They also analyzed and compared various lightweight cryptography algorithms, concluding with future research directions that may be useful to researchers in the field. That study served as a basis for the present study in determining the characteristics for developing the search strategy. At the end of a search for similar review studies, no research was found that posed an SLR paper on cryptography for privacy in a resource-constrained IoT.

The main contribution of the present study is to analyze and visually present the results of a systematic literature review on cryptography for privacy in a resource-constrained IoT along with the following:

· to apply an SLR methodology based on the Kitchenham and PRISMA guidelines for cryptography, privacy, and the resource-constrained IoT, and

· to present visual results for the questions posed by using an automated tool supported by Microsoft Power BI software.

3. Methodology

The systematic literature review methodology by Kitchenham [5] defines research phases and techniques involving research problems and objectives, database searches and strategies, search results, exclusion criteria, paper selection, and quality assessment, including a data extraction strategy, and finally, data synthesis. The execution of each phase for our study was carried out March 1-18, 2022.

3.1 Research Questions and Objectives

Formulating the research questions and establishing the research objectives is the first phase in a systematic literature review. This phase is important for planning the search strategy, data extraction, and data analysis. Table 1 shows our research questions and their respective objectives.

Table 1. Our Research Questions and Objectives.



RQ1: How many studies were published over the years?

Determine which studies have been published over the years.

RQ2: Which are the countries with the most production in the area?

Identify the countries with the most studies produced.

RQ3: Which databases include the most papers on cryptography in a resource-constrained IoT?

Determine the databases that had the most papers on cryptography in a resource-constrained IoT.

RQ4: Who are the most productive authors in cryptography development?

Determine the authors who studied the development of cryptography the most.

RQ5: Which publication media are the main targets for research in the area?

Determine the publication media databases that are the main targets of such research.

RQ6: What are the most cited papers on cryptography and its influence on privacy in a resource-constrained IoT?

Determine which papers on cryptography and its influence on privacy in the resource-constrained IoT were cited the most.

RQ7: What are the most used keywords?

Identify keywords that were used the most.

RQ8: What are the most frequent words in titles and abstracts?

Identify the most frequently used words in titles and abstracts

RQ9: What are the affiliations with the most research in the area?

Determine which institutions do the most research in the area.

3.2 Sources and Strategies

The databases chosen contain research papers focused on engineering and were used to search for papers relevant to our study. The databases were IEEE Xplore, Scopus, Science Direct, and the ACM Digital Library.

The search strategy necessitates the identification of important descriptors for the study, which are presented in Table 2. The descriptors contain synonyms that are separated by a slash (/).

Search equations were used in the search procedure, which are shown in Table 3. The syntax of each of the databases was rigorously respected.

Table 2. Search Descriptors.



Encryption / Cryptography


Privacy / Confidentiality



Methodology / Method / Model

Table 3. Databases and Search Equations.


Search equation

IEEE Xplore

(("Full Text .AND. Metadata":Encryption) OR ("Full Text .AND. Metadata":Cryptography)) AND (("Full Text .AND. Metadata":Privacy) OR ("Full Text .AND. Metadata":Confidentiality)) AND ("Full Text .AND. Metadata":IoT) AND (("Full Text .AND. Metadata":Methodology) OR ("Full Text .AND. Metadata":Method) OR ("Full Text .AND. Metadata":Model))


ALL ((encryption OR cryptography) AND ( privacy OR confidentiality) AND (iot) AND (methodology OR method OR model))

Science Direct

(Encryption OR Cryptography) AND (Privacy OR Confidentiality) AND (IoT) AND (Methodology OR Method OR Model)

ACM Digital Library

[[All: encryption] OR [All: cryptography]] AND [[All: privacy] OR [All: confidentiality]] AND [All: iot] AND [[All: methodology] OR [All: method] OR [All: model]]

3.3 Studies Identified

Once the search for research papers is carried out, the results are shown in a diagram that includes the databases and the total set of papers found, as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Number of relevant papers in each database.

3.4 Exclusion Criteria

Exclusion criteria were defined to filter papers relevant to the research. Given the criteria below, papers were filtered in the following order:

EC1. The paper is older than the years 2019-2021.

EC2. The paper is not written in English.

EC3. The paper was not published in a peer-reviewed journal.

EC4. Index terms do not contain Cryptography.

EC5. The proposed solution is not applicable to privacy in a resource-constrained IoT.

EC6. The abstract does not focus on resource-constrained or lightweight.

EC7. The paper is not unique.

EC8. The full text of the paper is not available.

3.5 Selection of Papers

The first results totaled 31 010 papers based on the strategy described in Section 3.2. The selection and filtering steps were as follows.

1) Apply exclusion criteria to obtain papers relevant to the study.

2) Apply quality assessments to include papers that give a clear answer to the given research questions.

The results of the first step yielded 245 primary studies, as shown in Fig. 2 (PRISMA Chart).

Fig. 2. Exclusion criteria.

3.6 Quality Assessment

Applying quality assessment is the second step described in Section 3.5 to identify a final set of papers to be included in the systematic review. Four QA criteria were selected, as follows.

QA1. Are the research objectives clearly identified in the paper?

QA2. Does the paper explain the context in which the research was conducted?

QA3. Is the document well organized?

QA4. Are the results of the experiment clearly identified and reported?

After a review of the 245 primary studies, nine papers were discarded, and the remaining 236 studies met the quality criteria, every one having been published in journals in Q1, Q2, and Q3 according to SCImago and which is shown in Table 4. We assume that these peer-reviewed papers were verified to ensure their relevance and are in accordance with the objectives of the study initially posed.

Table 4. Journals and Papers by Quartile.



















3.7 Data Extraction Strategy

In this subsection, use is made of a data collection structure where the necessary information is extracted to answer the research questions. The information extracted from each paper included the paper’s ID, title, URL, source, year, country, number of pages, language, paper type, publisher's name, author(s), affiliation(s), number of times cited, abstract, and keywords. Zotero was used to obtain the data shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Report in Zotero.

3.8 Data Synthesis

Finally, the data extracted that responded to the research questions were collected and entered into an Excel spreadsheet. Subsequently, the data obtained were analyzed and presented visually in figures and tables with the Microsoft Power BI tool. The online location for a listing of the 236 primary studies is in Appendix A.

4. Results and Discussion

This section describes the results for each of the research questions formulated and discusses the results with related work.

4.1 RQ1: How many studies were published over the years?

Fig. 4 shows the distribution of papers by year from 2019 to 2021; however, during the research, some papers published between these years were included in journals for a later year (2022). The numbers of papers published during 2019, 2020, and 2021, were 58, 71, and 98, respectively; the number of papers published in 2022 at the time of the search was nine. The number of papers published during the previous few years increased significantly each year.

The results for papers published from 2019 to 2022 demonstrate that cryptography for privacy in the resource-constrained IoT is a current topic.

The systematic reviews found, however, are not comparable with the present study. However, we noted that a study by Alloghani et al. [9] showed a decrease in the production of papers on homomorphic encryption from 2014 to 2018. On the other hand, Macedo et al. [10] found that studies on security aspects within the IoT that involved encryption increased in the years 2013-2018.

Fig. 4. Numbers of papers over the years.

4.2 RQ2: Which are the countries with the most production in the area?

Fig. 5 shows a world map of the countries with the highest number of published papers on cryptography in the resource-constrained IoT. Fig. 6 shows that China, India, Pakistan, and Iran are the countries with the highest numbers of papers published in this review at 81, 44, 16, and 10, respectively.

The results highlight that the majority of published papers on cryptography in the resource-constrained IoT were found on the Asian continent.

Despite not obtaining comparable review papers, a systematic review within the area of encryption is presented. Alloghani et al. [9] wrote that the countries with the highest research output in homomorphic encryption were India, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and China. This study confirms it not surprising that these countries publish about security. Homomorphic encryption cryptographic solutions were found in this study, along with other algorithms. The research agrees on some of the main countries. Our study highlights China and India as having the highest research production, while the U.S. and the U.K. do not stand out in that area.

Fig. 5. World map showing countries with the highest numbers of published papers.
Fig. 6. Number of papers published per country.

4.3 RQ3: Which databases include the most papers on cryptography in a resource-constrained IoT?

The databases that published the most papers are Scopus, IEEE Xplore, Science Direct, and the ACM Digital Library at 100, 74, 57, and five, respectively. Fig. 7 shows the number of publications per database. Fig. 8 shows the number of publications per database and publication year. Fig. 8 also shows that the number of publications in at least three of the databases has increased over the years.

The results demonstrate that databases with engineering papers show increased numbers of papers on cryptography for privacy in the resource-constrained IoT; Scopus was the database with highest number. No similar papers raising exactly the same research questions were found.

Fig. 7. The number of papers per database.
Fig. 8. Numbers of papers per database and publication year.

4.4 RQ4: Who are the most productive authors in cryptography development?

Fig. 9 shows publications by authors, where Ximeng Liu was listed on six papers, while Hongwei Li, Insaf Ullah, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Muhammad Asghar Khan, Saru Kumari, Satyabrata Roy, Umashankar Rawat, and Xiaojiang Du were listed on four.

The results highlight that the most productive authors in the publication of such papers are the 72 authors credited on two or more publications. Review papers found did not present similar questions.

Fig. 9. Number of papers per author.

4.5 RQ5: Which publication media are the main targets for research in the area?

Fig. 10 shows that the main publication media for research in the area under study were IEEE Access, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Sensors, and Future Generation Computer Systems with 55, 38, 18, and 11 papers, respectively. According to the SCImago portal, the respective publishers of these journals are IEEE for the first two, then MDPI and Elsevier.

The results highlight that most of the papers searched for on this research topic were found in IEEE Access, a peer-reviewed, open access journal. The systematic reviews found did not present the same search as the present study, therefore, no comparable papers were found. However, the study by Alloghani et al. [9] focused on homomorphic encryption indicated that the main publication media were the International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and the International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security. In our study, these journals were not found among the main publication outlets.

Fig. 10. Number of papers per publication media.

4.6 RQ6: What are the most cited papers on cryptography and its influence on privacy in a resource-constrained IoT?

Fig. 11 lists papers with their respective number of citations, the highest of which were Privacy-Preserving Support Vector Machine Training Over Blockchain-Based Encrypted IoT Data in Smart Cities; $mathsf{LightChain}$: A Lightweight Blockchain System for Industrial Internet of Things; and LAM-CIoT: Lightweight authentication mechanism in cloud-based IoT environment (163, 106, and 101 citations, respectively)-more than 100 based on this review.

The results of this review highlight that there were at least 32 papers out of the 236 with more than 20 citations focused on cryptography and its influence on data privacy. The review papers found did not present similar questions.

Fig. 11. Papers and numbers of citations.

4.7 RQ7: What are the most used keywords?

Results show that the most used keyword/phrase is Internet of Things at 63 mentions in the papers from this research. Fig. 12 shows the keywords in a word cloud, in which the important keywords are security, IoT, authentication, Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), and access control at 43, 36, 31, 28, 23, and 15 mentions, respectively, which are listed in Fig. 13.

In the research area, keywords that should be used include Internet of Things (or IoT) and security. Also, key technologies such as blockchain, cloud computing, cryptography, and attribute-based encryption should be taken into account. The review papers found did not present similar questions.

Fig. 12. Word cloud of keywords.
Fig. 13. Number of mentions per keyword.

4.8 RQ8: What are the most frequent words in titles and abstracts?

Fig. 14 shows the words mentioned in titles as a word cloud; thus, we can see that the most important words are IoT, lightweight, Internet, secure, and authentication at 80, 77, 67, 61, and 45, respectively.

In the titles, words that should be used are lightweight, IoT, internet, secure, authentication, scheme, and encryption.

Fig. 15 shows words used in abstracts, represented in a word cloud, and we can see that the most important words are security, data, IoT, scheme, devices, and encryption at 510, 487, 425, 294, 229, and 238, respectively.

In research on this area, words that should be used in abstracts are IoT, security, data, encryption, scheme, devices, and lightweight.

No studies comparable to ours, or similar questions, were found. However, it is worth highlighting that the study by Alloghani et al. [9] showed a word cloud from selected papers. In that study, the following words stand out: homomorphic (1802 occurrences) followed by security, scheme, information, and secure. Many of these words are highlighted within the present paper along with lightweight, which appears because of the focus on the resource-constrained IoT.

Fig. 14. Word cloud of words used in titles.
Fig. 15. Word cloud of words used in abstracts.

4.9 RQ9: What are the affiliations with the most research in the area?

The results determined that the most research in the area was from Xidian University, as seen in Fig. 16. This university in China produced 11 research papers followed by the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China with eight papers, Manipal University Jaipur with four papers, then Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications, COMSATS University Islamabad, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, and Vellore Institute of Technology with three papers each, as seen in Fig. 17.

The affiliated institutions determined as the most productive were mostly from China, which is also the country with the highest research production on the topic. The review papers found did not present similar questions for comparison.

Fig. 16. Word cloud of affiliated institutions.
Fig. 17. The number of papers per affiliation.

5. Conclusion

Through a rigorous study on cryptography and its influence on privacy in the resource-constrained IoT, 236 papers were identified. The papers contributed to answering the nine research questions posed in this paper, and were chosen after searching the most specialized scientific databases, applying exclusion criteria as well as quality criteria by adopting the PRISMA and Kitchenham guidelines [5], and using the Zotero tool to extract correct data. In the results and discussion, important findings are shown in the response to RQ1, indicating that the number of papers published from 2019 to 2021 increased. RQ2 showed that most publications of scientific papers on cryptography for privacy in the resource-constrained IoT were from the Asian continent. The result of RQ3 showed that most engineering paper databases increased research production on cryptography for privacy in the resource-constrained IoT over the three years under study, with Scopus returning the highest number of research papers. RQ4 highlighted 72 authors as more productive in publishing papers, with two or more to their names. RQ5 indicated that most of the publications in this research were in IEEE Access, with RQ6 highlighting at least 32 papers with more than 20 citations focused on cryptography for privacy in the resource-constrained IoT. From RQ7, keywords that should be used in such research papers include Internet of Things (or IoT) and security. From RQ8 the words most frequently used in the titles and abstracts were lightweight, IoT, encryption, and scheme. RQ9 determined that the most productive affiliated institutions were in China, which is also the country with more papers produced.

Finally, this study concludes that cryptography for privacy in the resource-constrained IoT is a developing area of research. It presents an overview of how to find useful works for research on cryptography for privacy in the resource-constrained IoT, resulting in a list of high-level works (see Appendix A). This study presents helpful information for researchers who are interested in knowing the work of high-level researchers at worldwide institutions. Additionally, it presents valuable insight that could improve the readability of new work, and it introduced related emerging technologies.

The present work has a limitation from not using more databases owing to a lack of access. Another limitation comes from not using databases because they did not have a powerful filtering tool. In addition, a small range of publication years was used, so a wider range could improve the conclusions from our work.

Researchers on cryptography and its influence on privacy in the resource-constrained IoT are advised to ensure their review papers consider descriptors and keywords found from this study.

We are going to use the selected primary studies to answer more complex questions, including those on cryptography algorithms and IoT devices used in this research area.

Appendix A. Selected Primary Studies

The 236 primary studies are listed in the GitLab repository (available at


This work was supported by Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Capacitacion de Telecomunicaciones, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Lima Peru.


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Fredy Mendoza-Cardenas

Fredy Mendoza-Cardenas is a Professor at the School of Tele-communications Engineering, Univer-sidad Nacional de Ingenieria (UNI), Peru. He is the Lab Advisor of the Advanced Networking Laboratory at UNI. He received his B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from Univer-sidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Peru, in 2003. He worked as a specialist consultant in industrial and healthcare areas. Prof Mendoza-Cardenas served as a speaker for the IEEE Communications Society. He is involved in the Leading University Project for International Cooperation between SeoulTech and UNI. He is a Huawei Certified Academy Instructor. Currently, he is pursuing a Master of Science at Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria. He is a researcher specialist at Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Capacitacion de Telecomunicaciones, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria. His research interests include Lightweight cryptography, Resource-constrained IoT, Network security, and Software-Defined Networking.

Andres J. Aparcana-Tasayco

Andres J. Aparcana-Tasayco re-ceived his Bach. Eng. in Systems Engineering in 2021 from Universidad Autonoma del Peru, Lima, Peru. His skills are Software Development, Database Design and Programming, Machine Learning, Networking, and Network Programmability. Additionally, he was awarded in Huawei’s ICT Competition Peru and Thesis Workshop by Universidad Autonoma del Peru in 2021. In addition, he has published and reviewed papers for international conferences. He was a research committee chair in his IEEE Student Branch and is currently an IEEE, IEEE ComSoc, and IEEE Computer member. He currently works as a research assistant at the coordination of Cybersecurity and Networking in Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Capacitacion de Telecomunicaciones, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Lima, Peru. His current research interests include virtualization technologies and Software-Defined Networking, Programmable Data Planes, Network Monitoring, and Network Security.

Rai Stiv Leon-Aguilar

Rai Stiv Leon-Aguilar received his Bachelor of Science degree in Telecommunications Engineering in 2021 from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Lima, Peru. He works as an assistant researcher in the cybersecurity and network research group of the Directorate of Research and Technological Development, in Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Capacitacion de Telecomunicaciones, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria. He has participated in the project CP-ABE encryption scheme on MQTT model for an IoT system. His current research interests are cryptography, the Internet of Things, and computer security.

Jose Luis Quiroz-Arroyo

Jose Luis Quiroz-Arroyo received his Bachelor of Science degree in Electronic Engineering in 1993 from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Lima, Peru. He is an Electronic Engineer. He graduated from the Telecommunications Master's Program at the National University of San Marcos (UNMSM). He has specialization in telecommuni-cations, networking, security, and ethical hacking. He is an instructor of courses in telecommunications, cybersecurity, and Cisco CCNA, and is PECB ISO / IEC 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager, PECB ISO / IEC 27001 Lead Implementer. He was a professor at the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (FIEE) of the National University of Engineering. He works as a Research Specialist and is in charge of the cybersecurity and network research group of the Directorate of Research and Technological Development, of the Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Capacitacion de Telecomunicaciones, Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, leading activities in Software Defined Networks (SDN), cryptography, honeypot systems, and cyber threat intelligence. He was involved in various research and development projects, including the installation and maintenance of the first experimental IPv6 node in Peru with connection to 6Bone, VoIP academic federated service of Peru incorporated into, Open Source IMS experimental system. He has served as Coordinator of the Mobility Working Group of RedCLARA (Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks) for the implementation of the federated and confederated service of eduroam (education roaming), collaborating in the ELCIRA Project of FP7 for deployment in Latin America. His research interests include SDN, Internet Infrastructure Security, Authentication and Authorization Infrastructures (AAI), IoT, and Cybersecurity.