1. Introduction
Monitoring of energy consumption is one of the most challenging tasks as energy generation
and consumption happen simultaneously in many cases. Therefore, saving energy is a
tough issue. In this sense, on 21st of February 2018, in Turkmenistan, a State Program
of energy saving in 2018-2024 was accepted. This program includes points about renewable
energy sources, heat provision systems, and methods of energy saving [1].
The Execution Plan of this Program consists of 28 tasks, one of which is about designing
intellectual or smart systems in order to control heat and hot water supply. The concept
of heat energy is used to define the energy provided to houses by means of hot water
circulation. This kind of house heating is used in some regions of the country by
burning natural gas. Therefore, unless the consumed energy is calculated, there are
huge amounts of water, gas and energy losses.
A measurement method is proposed for calculating the amount of consumed heat energy
that is supplied by hot water coming from a heater and circulating in a house through
heat tubes. In this sense, this paper is dedicated to a smart heat measurement system
that was prepared using an Arduino board, YF-S201 water flow sensor, DS18B20 waterproof
temperature sensors, ESP8266 WiFi (wireless fidelity) module, and 16x2 LCD I2C. The
project also used IoT (internet of things)-based solutions and billing systems. IoT
is a network of physical devices in which data or signal is transferred and received
over the internet [2].
2. Related Work
Nowadays, implementing smart systems in order to solve challenging tasks and to take
control of a process is becoming more popular. Establishing IoT-based smart systems
and monitoring a process or controlling devices online is one of the demands. In this
sense, hundreds of Arduino-based projects and smart systems have been worked out.
There are several internet platforms or domains through which devices can be controlled
and in which data can be stored. By the help of a DHT11 sensor, one study managed
to send an input temperature and humidity data to ThingSpeak cloud through an ESP8266
WiFi module [2]. Palma et al. [3] developed a new way of classroom management using NFC (near field communication)
technology and a Xively server platform, in which collected data is sent to the cloud
by establishing internet connectivity using an ethernet shield. They also managed
to integrate other technologies such as Google Maps, Zapier, and RF (radio frequency)
in order to point out the power or usefulness of IoT for managing, storing, and sharing
Vithlani et al. [4] worked out a project in which environmental parameters such as air humidity, soil
moisture, and carbon monoxide concentration are monitored in a Thinger.io internet
service system. The Thinger.io service has several advantages, one of which is the
presence of appropriate device, data, and status widgets. Thinger.io is a user-friendly
environment in which data can be stored, displayed, and retrieved. Another benefit
of using Thinger.io is that it has a possibility for both sensing and also actuating.
In this sense, Alvaro et al. mention that Thinger.io is a platform in which a sensorized
environment can be modeled, and data fusion (DF) applications, which are related to
integrating observational data, knowledge models, and contextual information, can
be implemented [5]. There are other kinds of programs that can be used to display the results in a friendlier
interface. For instance, consumed electrical energy was calculated using voltage and
current transforms together with an Arduino, and the obtained results were demonstrated
in Meguno Link software [6]. However, that type of installation works only for standalone computers, so the results
can be used to analyze results locally, but not through the internet.
Sending information or reporting about the energy consumption can be done using the
internet or a GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) service [7]. However, in order to make the proposed project universal and monitor the energy
consumption online, internet connectivity was preferred. But there are some drawbacks
and challenges of using or implementing smart systems based on IoT. Although every
step of IoT-based smart solutions is clear and smooth, there are still some challenges
to be handled. In this sense, Risteska et al. point out that IoT-based systems include
challenges such as interoperability, security, and privacy [8], which may be a good topic for further research and analysis.
Research work related to thermal calculation of electric heating was carried out by
Zhao et al., but not by means of hot water circulation [9]. They studied thermal storage and heat transfer characteristics of an EHSTSS (electric
heating and solid thermal storage system). In order to increase energy saving in the
process of heating the houses, one study worked out a new design for building walls
[10]. Nowadays, there exist several methods of house heating, some of which are based
on renewable energy sources, such as geothermal and solar energy [11]. The difference of this paper is based on the calculation of consumed heat energy,
which is supplied by circulating hot water. Using all the mentioned advantages of
IoT-based solutions, the proposed measurement tool is also connected to the internet
in order to monitor the results remotely.
3. The Proposed Scheme
The main focus of this project is to work out an accurate method of calculating the
heat energy and establish a billing system. The proposed strategy is simple and straightforward.
The heat energy for heating up the house was calculated by measuring the amount of
the water and the temperature difference of the input water (entering into the house)
and output water (leaving the house). In this case, houses are heated by means of
hot water circulation. In the case of hot water supply for domestic uses, the temperature
difference between the water and the room temperature can be measured, so if there
is not any change between the input and output temperature, there will not be any
Supplying domestic heat and hot water is not only a complex task, but it also demands
accurate calculation of the consumed and lost part of initial energy. In this sense,
this project was developed to calculate the consumed part of the energy for domestic
uses. In order to develop the current project, the following simple equation of calculating
the heat energy was used:
where $Q$ is the quantity of heat energy being calculated (cal), $m$ is the mass of
circulating fluid or supplied hot water (kg), $c$ is the specific heat capacity (cal/(kg℃)),
which is almost a constant value, and $\Delta' T$ is the change of temperature or
a difference between the input water temperature and the output water temperature
(℃). Therefore, if we assume that the specific heat of the technical and hot water
is known, the main task is to calculate the mass of the water, which can be done by
using a YF-S201 water flow sensor. Temperatures of water and the environment can be
measured by the help of DS18B20 waterproof temperature sensors. By outside temperature,
we mean the temperature of the room or house that is being supplied with heat energy.
The main parts or devices that have been used in the project are listed in the Table 1. Collected data is stored in an SD card and sent to the internet cloud using an ESP8266
WiFi module. The next step is connecting these parts properly and then uploading the
necessary programming.
Table 1. Parts of the proposed smart system.
Name of the part
Arduino UNO board
The board contains ATmega328 microcontroller and serves as a "brain" of the project.
Necessary programming codes are uploaded to this board.
YF-S201 water flow sensor
The sensor works according to the principle of Hall's effect and serves as a "water
mass calculator".
DS18B20 waterproof temperature sensor
Two pieces of this kind of temperature sensor are being used in order to measure the
temperature of two different points.
Micro SD memory card reader
The memory card is placed in this card reader and amount of the consumed heat energy
is being stored.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD-I2C)
The LCD serves as an indicator or display of the heat energy meter.
DC water pump
The water pump is connected in series with the water flow sensor and it is used to
circulate the water.
ESP8266 WiFi module
The WiFi module connects the energy meter to the internet and the amount of the consumed
heat energy is sent to the IoT platform Thinger.io via this WiFi module.
Power supply
12V DC 2A
The AC/DC adapter will serve as a power supply for the whole system elements including
the water pump and the microcontroller.
4. Diagrams and Working Principle
The first step is working out the logic of the system. The block diagram of the system
is shown in Fig. 1. As can be seen from the figure, the temperatures of input and output water are calculated
and compared with each other. Calculation of consumed heat energy is carried out only
if the input temperature is higher than the output temperature. In other words, in
order to charge the residents, there must be a drop in temperature, which means the
consumption of heat energy.
A diagram of the proposed system is shown in Fig. 2. As shown in the figure, the temperature difference is calculated using two temperature
sensors, while the YF-S201 water flow sensor is used to measure the mass of the circulating
water. Red arrows indicate hot water circulation, blue arrows show information being
displayed and stored, and dashed arrows indicate measurement data that the sensors
send to the microcontroller. Next, the necessary programming was uploaded to the microcontroller,
and the received results were stored and sent to the internet cloud Thinger.io.
Each element of the project was connected to the microcontroller in accordance with
the user guides related to each device or sensor. After the connection was completed,
the programming part was carried out, and each element was called within the program
through their connected pin numbers.
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed heat measurement system.
Fig. 2. Diagram of the proposed measurement system.
5. Programming the Microcontroller
In order to write and upload the program of the project to the microcontroller, necessary
libraries such as thinger.io, <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>, <SPI.h>, <SD.h>, <ESP8266WiFi.h>,
<ThingerESP8266.h>, <DallasTemperature.h>, and <OneWire.h> were downloaded. Next,
in order to program the microcontroller, a corresponding ``Generic ESP8266 Module''
board was selected. On the Thinger.io platform, while creating a new device, the ``Generic
Thinger Device (WiFi, Ethernet, GSM)'' option was chosen for device type.
The program of the microcontroller was divided into methods or functions, and a corresponding
method was called within the void loop() block of the program. We created methods
or functions such as SDcardmemory(), HeatCalculation(), and MassCalculation(). The
following variables were assigned in the program:
int X; int Y;
float density=1.1; float TIME = 0;
float FREQUENCY = 0;
float WATER = 0;
float TOTALVOL = 0;
float TOTALMASS = 0;
float LS = 0;
float inputTemp; float outputTemp;
float CalculatedHeatEnergy=0;
float TotalHeatEnergy=0;
File SDdata;
The amount or mass of supplied and circulating hot water was measured by the help
of the YF-S201 water flow sensor. To do so, the working principle of the sensor was
analyzed. The sensor operates on the principle of the Hall effect [12]. There is a magnet attached to a rotating propeller inside the sensor. Therefore,
when water flows through the sensor, it rotates the propeller, and every time the
magnet passes by a Hall effect sensor, it sends a signal or impulse to the microcontroller.
Therefore, by counting the number of incoming impulses, the volume of the water can
be calculated. Afterwards, the mass (kg) was derived by the following well-known equation:
where $d$ is the density (kg/m$^{3}$), and $V$(m$^{3}$) is the volume of circulating
fluid or supplied hot water. In this project, the density of the circulating water
was calculated to be 1.1 kg/m$^{3}$. The program part for the calculation of mass
or the MassCalculation() method looks like the following:
X = pulseIn(2, HIGH); Y = pulseIn(2, LOW);
TIME = X + Y;
LS = WATER/60;
Next, temperatures were measured by the help of two temperature sensors, and their
difference was calculated. As mentioned before, while one of these DS18B20 waterproof
temperature sensors was placed in the input channel of heat provision system, the
other one was mounted in the output channel. Therefore, the amount of temperature
drop was converted to heat energy, and this energy was assumed to be the consumed
energy. The program part for measuring the temperatures and then calculating the energy
consumption with Eq. (1) is as follows:
#define TEMP_WIRE 5
OneWire oneWire(TEMP_WIRE);
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire):
float HeatCalculation()
{ sensors.requestTemperatures();
if (inputTemp> outputTemp)
CalculatedHeatEnergy = TOTALMASS*1.1*(inputTemp-outputTemp);
TotalHeatEnergy = TotalHeatEnergy + CalculatedHeatEnergy; }
else { CalculatedHeatEnergy = 0;
TotalHeatEnergy = TotalHeatEnergy + CalculatedHeatEnergy;}
return TotalHeatEnergy;}
In this way, the total amount of consumed heat energy was calculated, and the obtained
result was sent to the platform via the ESP8266 WiFi module and also displayed on
an I2C LCD screen. In order to provide the database with security, backup data, or
a file, the SDcardmemory() method was also created and stored in the SD card memory
simultaneously. To do so, a memory card reader was connected to the microcontroller,
as illustrated in Fig. 2. The program part of the card or the content of the SDcardmemory() method looks like
the following:
SDdata = SD.open("heatenergy.txt", FILE_WRITE);
6. Measurement Results
The validity and efficiency of the proposed method were tested using the devices listed
in Table 1 and a wattmeter. As shown in Fig. 3, an experimental setup was developed and included a small heater, water pump, sensors,
and container in which an Arduino UNO board, LCD, memory card reader, and ESP8266
WiFi module were placed. In the experimental setup, water was heated with the help
of electrical energy. In other words, electrical energy was converted to heat energy.
The amount of consumed electrical energy was compared with the amount of heat energy
being calculated by the proposed smart system. In order to measure the quantity of
electrical power, a certified wattmeter was used. The smart system calculates heat
energy in calories, whereas the wattmeter measures electrical power in watts and electrical
energy in watt*hours. Therefore, Eq. (3) was used to convert the units of electrical energy into calories.
Fig. 3. Experimental set-up for calculating heat energy consumption.
Measurement was carried out once a day during 1 hour throughout a week. On each day
of the week, the water in the small water tank was heated and circulated with the
help of the pump for one hour, as shown in Fig. 3. The measurement results were then compared. Table 2 shows the values of measured and generated (theoretical) heat energy in kilocalories.
Using the generated heat energy, the amount of consumed electrical energy was considered.
For each day of the experiment, the results were recorded, as shown in Table 2. Then, the absolute error or the amount of heat loss or measurement $\left(\beta
\right)$ was measured using Eq. (4):
where $Q_{measured}$ is the measured value of heat energy by the proposed smart system,
whereas $Q_{generated}$ is the amount of electrical energy consumed for keeping the
water at 40℃ during one hour. As a result, the proposed system of calculating heat
energy consumption intended for domestic uses operated properly and with minor errors.
The maximum absolute error between the theoretical and experimental values of consumed
heat energy was calculated to be around 3%, which corresponds to the values recorded
on Friday, September 9, 2022. The measured amount of heat energy was always below
the generated or theoretical value. Therefore, some part of heat energy was lost outside
the heated ``house'' due to internal and external issues [13].
Table 2. Theoretical values and measurement results of heat energy registered by the experimental setup.
Generated heat energy ($Q_{generated}$), kcal/hour
Measured heat energy ($Q_{measured}$), kcal/hour
7. Conclusion
Smart processing of information helps to make quick calculations and store data for
future works. In this regard, this paper presented a novel way of calculating heat
energy consumed for heating houses or buildings with the help of hot water circulation.
A diagram, program, and experimental results of the proposed system were discussed.
Relevant measurements were carried out in order to test the validity of the smart
system, and positive results were obtained. As a result, this smart system calculates
the consumed heat energy with a maximum of 3% error.
By making mathematical adjustments in the program part of the device, measurement
errors can also be eliminated. However, prior to making such corrections, the place
where the smart system is being implemented must be studied because the measurement
errors depend mainly on the length of the heat tubes outside the house. Briefly, this
project can be used in order to realize relevant activities of the State Program of
energy saving in 2018-2024, in which the aim is to work out intellectual solutions
for heat supply and hot water provision systems.
The project was further improved by connecting it to the cloud. The system can also
be used for calculating the hot water consumption by adjusting the circuit of the
project. In that way, it will help to reduce heat losses occurring due to the improper
use of hot water and other natural factors. The project can further be improved by
using different sizes of devices or water flow sensors in order to measure the mass
of the water for the pipes with higher diameters and to calculate the heat energy
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Bayram Ashyrmyradovich Jumayev
Bayram Ashyrmyradovich Jumayev is Senior Lecturer and Head of the department at
State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan. He is also leading Young Scholars` Council
of the institute. He received his M.S. degree in Physics Education and Minor degree
in Solid State Physics from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, in 2011.
He is the owner of “Lecturer of the year – 2022” Grand Prix in Turkmenistan. He has
participated in several international projects related to education and science. His
research interests include smart systems, quantum information technology, sensors,
power engineering, and digital education.
Serdar Nazarov is the Rector of State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan. He studied
Physics, Physics education and graduated from Turkmen State University named after
Makhtumkuli in 1996. He also studied at Academy of State service under the President
of Turkmenistan in 2019. He received his scientific degree “Candidate of technical
sciences” in 2022 from Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan. His research interests
include power engineering, renewable energy sources, hydrogen energy and applied physics.