(School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University / Seoul 02841, Korea {jy364,
franky_, jokim}@korea.ac.kr)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Leaf instance segmentation, Spatial embedding, Knowledge distillation
1. Introduction
Plants grow sensitive to the surrounding environment. In order for plants to grow
healthy, various environmental conditions must be kept constant. Otherwise, plants
cannot grow normally due to lack of nutrients, or plants cannot grow due to pests.
Therefore, continuous monitoring is essential for plants sensitive to environmental
changes to grow normally.
In the agricultural field, various sensors and monitoring systems for detecting environmental
changes are introduced to increase plant productivity. However, it costs a lot of
money to purchase equipment, and it also requires a lot of time and effort to manage
equipment. To solve these problems, introducing deep learning technology in the agricultural
field can grow plants more productively. Instead of using expensive agricultural equipment,
plants can be managed in a contactless manner using relatively inexpensive vision
sensors. Using a remote device can reduce costs and automatically control the environment
without the need for human intervention. Therefore, deep learning based research is
being actively conducted in the agricultural field [1-5].
In this paper, we propose a leaf instance segmentation network using spatial embedding
method and knowledge distillation. Each plant leaf is very small in size and has many
overlapping areas, so segmentation is performed using spatial embedding instead of
detection-based segmentation. In the existing knowledge distillation method, the ``teacher''
network is composed of a large and heavy network, and the ``student'' network is composed
of a small and light network, but the proposed network architecture is the same as
the teacher network and the student network. Moreover, unlike knowledge distillation
to lighten the model, the proposed network aims to achieve good performance even with
a small amount of dataset using knowledge distillation. We conduct experiments using
various types of distillation, and as a result, the proposed network produces good
instance segmentation performance. In summary, the contributions of the paper are
as follows.
· In consideration of the characteristics of leaves that are small in size and have
many overlapping parts, a leaf instance segmentation is performed with a spatial embedding-based
segmentation instead of a detection-based segmentation.
· The proposed network adopts knowledge distillation to achieve good performance even
when learning with a small amount of dataset.
· We conduct experiments in various combinations by placing different types of distillation
at different locations in the network.
Fig. 1. Plant leaf instance segmentation using knowledge distillation.
Fig. 2. Growing plants in the chamber.
2. Related Work
2.1 Instance Segmentation
Recently, networks that produce good instance segmentation performance are mainly
object detection-based segmentation [8, 9, 20]. Many of these networks have developed
a segmentation technique based on object detection of Faster R-CNN [6], which is a method that adds Region Proposal Network (RPN) to R-CNN [7] that performs object detection using a bounding box. In particular, Mask R-CNN [8] is a model that has been widely used as a comparison method and shows high performance
among segmentation networks developed based on Faster R-CNN. Faster R-CNN has a class
label branch and a bounding box offset branch, where Mask R-CNN is a network that
adds an object mask branch. Therefore, segmentation networks that reduce the size
of the model or speed up the computation using the Mask R-CNN backbone have been actively
studied until now.
As another method of segmentation, there are networks of performing segmentation based
on an embedding loss function [10,27]. These networks allow feature vectors of pixels belonging to the same instance to
be similar to each other, and feature vectors of pixels belonging to different instances
to be different. The fully convolution network is not suitable for the embedding method,
so it shows worse performance than the detection-based network [11-15]. To solve the problem, methods have been proposed to increase segmentation performance
by allocating pixels to point to the center of an object [16-19]. In addition, a method for adding clustering to the loss function and optimizing
intersection over union has been proposed [27].
The proposed method is the same concept as [27] which is an embedding-based segmentation, and we have introduced additional knowledge
distillation. Plants have a small instance size and many overlapping parts, so it
does not fit to the detection-based segmentation, which necessarily has bounding box
information, so we adopted embedding-based segmentation.
2.2 Knowledge Distillation
Knowledge distillation is a method of transferring knowledge from a large and heavy
network, teacher network, to a light and small network, student network. In general,
a teacher network extracts useful information such as feature information from input
images and transfers it to a student network. Knowledge distillation has been widely
used to improve performance in classification, segmentation and object detection [21-23].
Our network uses knowledge distillation to achieve good performance with even a small
set of data, instead of lightening the model. The structure of the teacher network
and the student network are the same, but the input image of each network is different.
For training a teacher network, a large amount of plant dataset is used, and for training
a student network, a small amount of plant dataset is used. In addition, two types
of distillation methods are used: attention distillation [24] and region affinity distillation [21].
3. Dataset for Instance Segmentation
3.1 Dataset Acquisition
We grew butterheads in a plant grower chamber to directly acquire a plant dataset.
11 butterheads were grown for 18 days, and an IP camera was installed in the chamber
to record butterhead growth. After cultivation was completed, we cropped the acquired
images to generate a total of 198 RGB images. 175 images were used for train, and
23 images were used for test.
3.2 Dataset Processing
Instance labels are required for plant leaf instance segmentation. We labelled to
distinguish between leaf instances. Using the annotation tool [25], we generated the labeled ground truth of the Butterhead dataset we processed. Each
leaf instance was labeled in a different color, and rules were set so that the leaves
that grew later would be on top if overlapping parts occurred.
Fig. 3. Butterheads taken with an IP camera.
Fig. 4. RGB Original Image and Labeling Results.
4. The Proposed Method
4.1 Leaf Instance Segmentation
We performed a spatial embedding-based instance segmentation, considering the properties
of small and overlapping plant leaves. The backbone of our network is ERFNet [26], which is often used for segmentation. ERFNet consists of encoder and decoder structures,
and factorized convolutions and residual connections are applied to help perform efficient
segmentation. The decoder is divided into two branches: seed branch and instance branch.
Seed branch generates a seed map, which has a value close to 1 as it is closer to
the center of the instance to which each pixel belongs, and a value close to 0 as
it moves away from the center. It is calculated using Gaussian functions.
The instance branch generates sigma map and pixel offset vector (x, y). Sigma map
is related to the margin of each instance, and offset vector (x, y) represents the
distance away from the center in the x and y directions. After that, with seed map
and sigma map, each pixel is subjected to instance segmentation through clustering.
Spatial embedding which points to the centroid of the instance is performed with each
pixel and the corresponding offset vector. Using Gaussian functions, we compute the
distance between spatial pixel embedding and instance center to obtain the probability
of belonging to that instance. The spatial embedding loss is used as a segmentation
4.2 Knowledge Distillation
A large amount of plant dataset was used to train the teacher network, and a small
amount of plant dataset was used to train the student network. Unlike other general
datasets, it is difficult to obtain plant datasets because they can only be obtained
by growing plants in facilities with the same environment for a certain period of
time. To solve this dataset shortage problem, we used knowledge distillation to achieve
good segmentation performance even with a small amount of dataset. Since the purpose
is not to make the model lighter, the structures of the teacher network and the student
network are the same. Two types of distillation are used in the encoder and decoder
of our backbone network ERFNet: attention distillation [24] and region affinity distillation [21]. In the encoder, attention distillation is used to transfer attention containing
important information from the teacher network to the student network. We obtained
the attention using the squeeze-and-excitation block of [24]. In the decoder, region affinity distillation [21] is used to transfer region contrast information from the teacher network to the student
The region contrast is obtained by calculating the cosine similarity between two classes.
The two classes are multiplied by foreground and background of the plant binary mask,
respectively. One class is multiplied by the feature map and the background of the
plant binary mask. The other class is multiplied by the feature map and the foreground
of the plant binary mask. The region contrast information of the teacher network is
transferred to the student network. Two methods, attention distillation and region
affinity distillation, are used for the distillation loss.
4.3 The Proposed Network Architecture
Fig. 5 is the overall structure of the proposed network. The top is the student network
and the bottom is the teacher network. The encoder consists of 16 layers, the decoder
consists of 8 layers each of the seed branch and the instance branch, and the decoder
consists of 16 layers in total. The teacher network is trained with a large plant
dataset with 750 images.
The sequence of network operations is as follows. First, we generate seed map, sigma
map, and offset vector via ERFNet with a large dataset from the teacher network. Then,
with the generated map, the leaf instance segmentation is performed using the spatial
embedding. The teacher network is frozen after learning 1000 epochs. After the training
of the teacher network is completed, the student network is trained. The student network
works identically to the teacher network, but it can perform well with a small amount
of plant dataset through distillation transferred from the teacher network. Unlike
the teacher network, the student network learns with a total of three losses, two
distillation losses as well as segmentation loss. An attention distillation is performed
at the encoder portion, and a region affinity distillation is done at the decoder
Fig. 5. The Proposed Network Architecture.
5. Experimental Results
5.1 Experimental Setting
The proposed network is trained using several kinds of plant datasets. The image size
of all datasets with different types is unified to 128 ${\times}$ 128. The network
is implemented using the PyTorch framework on a PC with NVIDIA RTX 3090 GPU [28]. We adopted the Adam optimizer for loss optimization [29]. The initial learning rate is 0.00001.
We used four kinds of plant datasets in the experiment. Komatsuna [30] dataset is used to experiment with the teacher network. There are a total of 900
images in the Komatsuna dataset, 720 for train and 180 for test. For the student network
experiment, three types of datasets are used: CVPPP 2017 A1, A4 [31], and the Butterhead dataset that we made. The CVPPP 2017 A1 dataset has a total of
128 images, 100 for train and 28 for test. The CVPPP 2017 A4 dataset has a total of
624 images: 459 for train and 165 for test. Finally, the Butterhead dataset has a
total of 198 images, 175 for train and 23 for test. The dataset experimenting with
the student network has fewer images than the dataset experimenting with the teacher
network. We conducted many experiments by placing distillations at different locations
in the network four types of distillations: feature distillation [32], attention distillation [24], prediction map distillation [21] and region affinity distillation [21].
5.2 Result on the CVPPP 2017 A1 Dataset
We evaluated the knowledge distillation and instance segmentation performance of the
proposed student network using the A1 dataset of CVPPP 2017 [31], a leaf counting challenge dataset. Before training the student network, the teacher
network was pre-trained after 1500 epochs learning with the Komatsuna dataset. In
order to find out the effect of distillation, we conducted four experiments using
four types of distillation. The distillation is performed on the encoder layer and
decoder layer of the ERFNet. Table 1 shows the results of evaluation with mIoU, a quantitative evaluation metric. Fig. 10 shows the results of the experiment. Fig. 10(a) is a ground truth image. Fig. 10(b) is a result image when knowledge distillation is not used. Fig. 10(c) is a result image when using attention distillation in the encoder and region affinity
distillation in the decoder and this is the result of the proposed method. Fig. 10(d) is a result image when using feature distillation in the encoder and region affinity
distillation in the decoder. Fig. 10(e) is a result image that adds a prediction map distillation to Fig. 10(d). Fig. 10(f) is a result image that uses region affinity distillation in the encoder and attention
distillation in the decoder, as opposed to the proposed method.
Table 1. Performance comparison on CVPPP 2017 A1 dataset[31].
No knowledge distillation
Feature distillation - Region Affinity distillation
Prediction map distillation +
Feature distillation - Region Affinity distillation
Region Affinity distillation - Attention distillation
Attention distillation - Region Affinity distillation (proposed)
First, in the case of feature distillation in the encoder and region affinity distillation
in the decoder, the mIoU increases compared to no knowledge distillation. But looking
at Fig. 10(d), a small leaf instance cannot be segmented in the middle part. When precision map
distillation is added in the previous case, the mIoU increases, and the leaf stems
become a little clearer, as Fig. 10(e) shows. In the case of region affinity distillation in the encoder and attention distillation
in the decoder, it can be seen that it has been segmented to the small leaf instance
located in the center due to the influence of attention distillation as shown in Fig. 10(f). The proposed method is to change the position of distillation in the previous case.
All the leaves are well segmented, and stems and borders are more distinct as shown
in Fig. 10(c).
Fig. 6. Komatsuna Dataset[30].
Fig. 7. CVPPP 2017 A1 Dataset[31].
Fig. 8. CVPPP 2017 A4 Dataset[31].
Fig. 9. Butterhead Dataset.
5.3 Result on the CVPPP 2017 A4 Dataset
Also, we evaluated the knowledge distillation and instance segmentation performance
of the proposed student network using the A4 dataset of CVPPP 2017 [31], a leaf counting challenge dataset. The experimental evaluation method is the same
as in 5.2. Table 2 shows the results of evaluation with mIoU, a quantitative evaluation metric. Fig. 11 shows the results of the experiment. The resulting image sequence is the same as
in section 5.2. The CVPPP 2017 A4 dataset is very similar except for the background
of the CVPPP 2017 A1 dataset, showing similar results.
Fig. 10. Segmentation result comparison on CVPPP 2017 A1 dataset[31]: (a) is the ground truth; (b) is without knowledge distillation; (c) is attention distillation in the encoder and region affinity distillation in the decoder (proposed); (d) is feature distillation in the encoder and region affinity distillation in the decoder; (e) is prediction map distillation and feature distillation in the encoder and region affinity distillation in the decoder; (f) is region affinity distillation in the encoder and attention distillation in the decoder.
Fig. 11. Segmentation result comparison on CVPPP 2017 A4 dataset[31]: (a)-(f) are the same as the detailed description of Fig. 10.
Fig. 12. Segmentation result comparison on Butterhead dataset: (a)-(f) are the same as the detailed description of Fig. 10.
Table 2. Performance comparison on CVPPP 2017 A4 dataset[31].
No knowledge distillation
Feature distillation - Region Affinity distillation
Prediction map distillation +
Feature distillation - Region Affinity distillation
Region Affinity distillation - Attention distillation
Attention distillation - Region Affinity distillation (proposed)
5.4 Result on the Proposed Butterhead Dataset
Finally, we evaluated the knowledge distillation and instance segmentation performance
of the proposed student network using the Butterhead dataset. The experimental evaluation
method is the same as in 5.2. Table 3 shows the results of evaluation with mIoU, a quantitative evaluation metric. Fig. 12 shows the results of the experiment. The resulting image sequence is the same as
in 5.2.
Unlike the CVPPP 2017 dataset, the Butterhead dataset is one produced by labeling
ourselves, so the experimental results are slightly different. Butterhead dataset
has no stems, and there are many overlapping leaves, so their performance is not good
in these overlapping areas. But still, the performance in the proposed method with
attention distillation in the encoder and region affinity distillation in the decoder
is the best. Our next research goal is to design a network that can perform better
for overlapping leaves.
Table 3. Performance comparison on Butterhead dataset.
No knowledge distillation
Feature distillation - Region Affinity distillation
Prediction map distillation +
Feature distillation - Region Affinity distillation
Region Affinity distillation - Attention distillation
Attention distillation - Region Affinity distillation (proposed)
6. Conclusion
We proposed a network that performs instance segmentation using knowledge distillation.
For instance segmentation, each pixel is instance-divided through clustering. And,
spatial-embedding is performed pointing to the center of the instance. In addition,
Butterhead dataset is produced by directly performing butterhead cultivation to labeling.
Experiments are conducted with various datasets for network performance evaluation,
and experiments are conducted with various combinations of knowledge distillation.
As a result, the experimental results prove the effect of improving the instance performance
with knowledge distillation.
This work is supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant
funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2020R1A4A4079705).
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Joo-Yeon Jung received the B.S. degree from the Department of Computer Science,
Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea, in 2021. She is currently pursuing
the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Korea University, Seoul, South Korea.
Her current research interests include image processing, image prediction, and deep
Sang-Ho Lee received the B.S. degree from the School of Electrical Engineering,
Korea University, Seoul, South Korea, in 2015, where he is currently pursuing the
integrated M.S. and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering. His current research interests
include image generation, color constancy and visible light communication
Jong-Ok Kim received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electronic engineering from Korea
University, Seoul, South Korea, in 1994 and 2000, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree
in information networking from Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, in 2006. From 1995
to 1998, he served as an officer in the Korea Air Force. From 2000 to 2003, he was
with SK Telecom Research and Development center and Mcubeworks INC., South Korea,
where he was involved in research and development on mobile multimedia systems. From
2006 to 2009, he was a researcher in Advanced Telecommunication Research Institute
International (ATR), Kyoto, Japan. He joined Korea University, Seoul, Korea in 2009,
where he is currently a professor. His current research interests include image processing,
computer vision and intelligent media systems. He was a recipient of Japanese Government
Scholarship, from 2003-2006.