(School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University / Seoul, Korea
{mashimaro13, doublej1412, cylee}
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Beam tracking, Long short-term memory (LSTM), Mobility embedding, Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
1. Introduction
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are one of the most commonly investigated technologies
in recent literature [1-4]. UAVs are envisioned as one of the key enablers of seamless connectivity in beyond
fifth-generation (B5G) communication systems and non-terrestrial networks (NTNs) [4]. It is anticipated that UAVs can be deployed to serve different roles in wireless
communication systems, such as wireless power transfer [3], aerial relay [5], aerial user equipment [6], and aerial base stations [7]. The maneuverability of UAVs is the key to various possibilities in wireless communication
systems, but it is also a major challenge that must be overcome. A wireless communication
channel between a ground base station (GBS) and a UAV is expected to exhibit different
characteristics compared to that of a terrestrial network, including dominant and
strong line-of-sight (LOS) paths and high variability.
Modern communication systems require higher data rates over mmWave and higher frequency-band
channels. Accordingly, beamforming technique is essential to cope with the high attenuation
of radio frequency (RF) signals and increase the link efficiency. In mmWave communication
systems, narrow beams generated by massive antenna arrays suffer from sharp drops
in beamforming gain, even with a small amount of misalignment.
Recently, the beam tracking technique has gained extensive research interest in the
area. Some studies [8-10] consider beam tracking in terrestrial networks. However, the channel models in UAV
communications must be separately considered since they differ from those in terrestrial
networks due to high LOS probability and variability. Other studies [1, 11-13] consider beam tracking techniques in UAV communications.
The beam tracking scheme in [11] was based on an extended Kalman filter (EKF), which can operate in environments of
known mobility status. In other studies [12,13], the authors proposed a beam tracking scheme based on beam training sessions and
codebooks, which require additional resources and overhead. The pilot-based 3D beam
tracking scheme [1] is proposed for UAV communications. However, the performance of the pilot-based scheme
can be degraded by the pilot overhead, especially when beam tracking is needed at
both the transmitter and receiver sides. There have also been efforts to employ deep
learning in modern communication systems to capture the time-varying environmental
A deep learning-aided channel prediction scheme [14] is proposed for users with mobility. The channel state information (CSI) prediction
schemes [15,16] estimate the future CSI based on the acquired CSI.
In this paper, we propose a pairwise 3D beam tracking scheme in an air-to-ground (A2G)
communication system where both the UAV and GBS conduct beam tracking to communicate
with each other. In the considered scenario, each communication node is equipped with
a long short-term memory (LSTM)-based mobility network (MoNet) and determines the
future beamforming and combiner vectors. The MoNet uses the received signal for beam
tracking operation, rather than implementing beam training stages. As a result, each
communication node can predict the future beamforming vectors with high accuracy at
every time sample. The proposed MoNet then recursively uses the predicted beamforming
vectors as the next input to obtain the next beamforming vectors. Simulation results
show that the proposed pairwise beam tracking scheme not only predicts the future
beamforming vectors with high accuracy and achieves high communication rates due to
the increased beamforming gain.
2. System Model
We considered an A2G communication system with a GBS and a cellular-connected UAV
as shown in Fig. 1. Both the GBS and the UAV are equipped with a uniform planar array (UPA) with B =
B$_{x}$B$_{y}$ and U = U$_{x}$U$_{y}$ elements, respectively. We assume a Rician-fading
channel at sample time t, which can be expressed as
where D$_{t}$ is the distance between the GBS and UAV, P$_{0}$ is the channel gain
at unit distance D$_{t}$ = 1 m, ${\alpha}$ is the path loss exponent, K is the Rician
factor, $\overline{\mathbf{H}}_{x,t}$ is the LOS channel, and $\overset{˜}{\mathbf{H}}_{x,t}$
is the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) channel, of which the elements follow a zero-mean
circulant symmetric complex Gaussian (ZMCSCG) distribution with unit variance. The
UAV-to-GBS LOS channel is modeled as:
Fig. 1. Illustration of A2G communication system.
while the GBS-to-UAV LOS channel is:
where $\phi _{u,t}$, $\theta _{u,t}$, $\phi _{b,t}$, and $\theta _{b,t}$ are the azimuth
and elevation angles of the UAV and the GBS, and $\mathbf{a}_{u}\left(\cdot \right)$
and $\mathbf{a}_{b}\left(\cdot \right)$ are the array response vectors of the UAV
and the GBS. The UPA array response vector at each node is given by:
where ${\lambda}$ is the wavelength, d is the element spacing of half-wavelength,
and M$_{x}$ and M$_{y}$ are the numbers of elements at x and y axes. Assuming that
the GBS and the UAV are communicating with each other, the received signals at the
GBS and the UAV are written as:
where $\mathbf{f}_{u,t}$ and $\mathbf{f}_{b,t}$ denote the beamforming vectors, $s_{u,t}$
and $s_{b,t}$ are the transmit signals with unit power, and $\mathbf{n}_{u,t}$ and
$\mathbf{n}_{b,t}$ are the additive Gaussian noise vectors of the UAV and the GBS
with variances $\sigma _{u}^{2}$ and $\sigma _{b}^{2}$, respectively. After applying
combiners, the processed signals are given by:
where $\mathbf{w}_{u,t}$ and $\mathbf{w}_{b,t}$ denote the combiner vectors of the
UAV and the GBS, $\overset{˜}{n}_{b,t}=\mathbf{w}_{b,t}^{H}\mathbf{n}_{b,t}$, and
$\overset{˜}{n}_{u,t}=\mathbf{w}_{u,t}^{H}\mathbf{n}_{u,t}$. The received signal-to-noise
ratios (SNRs) at the GBS and the UAV are written as:
In this paper, we consider the beamforming and combining vectors to be a UPA array
response vector at a specific angle: $\mathbf{f}_{x,t}=\mathbf{w}_{x,t}=\mathbf{a}_{x}\left(\phi
_{x,t},\theta _{x,t}\right)/\sqrt{M_{x}M_{y}}\,.$ Accordingly, the achievable rate
3. The Proposed Pairwise Beam Tracking Scheme
In multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems, both sides of communicating nodes are
equipped with array antennas to implement beamforming and combining. However, downlink
beam tracking schemes are usually considered in conventional schemes. Also, for pilot-based
schemes, the resources required for pilot transmissions need to be doubled for naive
extension of existing techniques.
We propose a pairwise beam tracking scheme, where communicating nodes on both sides
participate in the beam tracking with the aid of MoNet. Given that each communication
node in the considered A2G communication system is equipped with each MoNet, the nodes
can communicate with each other and simultaneously operate in a real-time beam tracking
protocol. We first describe the structure and training scheme of MoNet, which outputs
the predicted angles. A real-time beam tracking protocol is proposed, which does not
require any reference signals or pilots and recursively uses the previous predictions
as future inputs.
3.1 LSTM-based MoNet
Using (5) and (6), the GBS and the UAV predict the future azimuth and elevation angles to determine
the beamforming and combining vectors. The proposed beam tracking model requires Q
consecutive input samples to capture the time-series characteristics for the prediction
task. The input samples required at each communication node can be written as
where $\mathbf{y}_{x,q}$ denotes the q-th received signal sample, which can be either
(5) or (6). As illustrated in Fig. 2, the beam tracking model consists of two parts: a feature extractor and a feature
decoder. The feature extractor processes the input samples into the mobility embedding
$e_{x,t}$ as follows:
where $\mathcal{F}_{x}\left(\cdot \right)$ is the feature extractor. The feature extractor
is composed of layers of LSTM to capture the time-series characteristics of the input
samples and outputs the mobility embedding, which contains the time-correlated feature
of the input samples. The extracted mobility embedding is then decoded by the feature
decoder, which can be written as:
where $\hat{\phi }_{x,t+1}$ and $\hat{\theta }_{x,t+1}$ denote the predicted azimuth
and elevation angles, $\mathrm{G}_x(\cdot)$ is the feature decoder, and $\overset{˜}{e}_{x,t}$
is the mobility embedding after rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation. The feature
decoder is composed of fully connected layers with parametric ReLU (PReLU) activation
in between. The proposed model is trained to jointly minimize the mean squared error
(MSE) between the actual angles:
where $\mathcal{E}\left\{\cdot \right\}$ denotes the expectation operator.
The feature extraction performance of the deep learning-based beam tracking model
can be shown using t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE). We conducted
a toy simulation in a circular trajectory as illustrated in Fig. 3. As the UAV moves along the circular trajectory, the GBS receives the signals from
the UAV as in (5) as an input to the feature extractor. In Fig. 3, the time-series mobility embeddings extracted by the GBS are visualized in the right
figure, where the colors represent the sample time that corresponds to that of the
left figure. As seen in the figure, the mobility embeddings are continuous in the
three-dimensional latent space, which means the beam tracking model of GBS succeeded
in capturing the signal characteristics that change during the continuous movement
of the UAV.
Fig. 2. Architecture of LSTM-based MoNet.
Fig. 3. Example of mobility embedding in the circular trajectory. Illustration of circular trajectory (left) and t-SNE plot for corresponding mobility embeddings (right).
3.2 Real-time Beam Tracking Protocol
At each communication node, the output of the beam tracking model can be used to predict
the beamforming and combining vectors $\hat{\mathbf{f}}_{x,t+1}$ and $\hat{\mathbf{w}}_{x,t+1}$.
Assuming that the GBS and the UAV are communicating with each other and applies the
predicted beamforming vectors at sample time t+1, the received signal model can be
written as:
where $\hat{\mathbf{f}}_{x,t+1}=\mathbf{a}_{x}\left(\hat{\phi }_{x,t+1},\hat{\theta
}_{x,t+1}\right)/\sqrt{M_{x}M_{y}}$. After applying the combining vectors, the received
signals are:
where $\hat{\mathbf{w}}_{x,t+1}=\hat{\mathbf{f}}_{x,t+1}$ and $\overset{˜}{n}_{x,t+1}=\hat{\mathbf{w}}_{x,t+1}^{H}\mathbf{n}_{x,t+1}$.
Then, to predict $\hat{\phi }_{x,t+2}$ and $\hat{\theta }_{x,t+2}$, (16) and (17) are recursively included as new input samples to the previous input sample as:
The pairwise beam tracking scheme is summarized in Algorithm 1.
4. Numerical Results
In the simulation, the UAV is assumed to be moving in a quasi-static random walk model
and randomly changes its velocity at every 5 sample times. The speed of the UAV is
assumed to be uniformly random in the range of [20,35] m/s, and the direction of movement is also uniformly random in the range of [$-$${\pi}$/6,
${\pi}$/6]. The total trajectory length is set to 120 seconds.
The operating altitude of the UAV is constant at 100m.
The GBS and the UAV are communicating with each other with a carrier frequency of
30 GHz and are equipped with UPAs with B$_{x}$ = B$_{y}$ = 8 and U$_{x}$ = U$_{y}$
= 4 elements, respectively. For the channel parameters, the path loss exponent is
${\alpha}$ = 3, and the Rician factor is set to K = 15 dB. The time interval for each
sample is set to 20 ms and the number of input samples is \ul{Q} = 128.
The received SNR is set to 20 dB unless stated otherwise. For the pilot-based reference
schemes, we assumed that the time interval between two pilots is 200 ms. The feature
extractor is composed of 4 layers of LSTM, and the feature decoder has 3 fully connected
layers. The beam tracking model was trained with an adaptive moment estimation (Adam)
optimizer and a learning rate of $10^{-4}$.
The instantaneous normalized beamforming gain can be calculated as:
where $G_{b,t}=G_{u,t}$ at any sample time t. In the dynamic pilot scheme [1], pilot transmission for beam search takes place when the beamforming gain is below
the threshold or the time since the last beam search reaches the maximum time interval.
For the periodic pilot scheme, we do not activate the beam search condition for the
beamforming gain threshold. For the dynamic pilot scheme, we set the gain threshold
for pilot transmission to 0.8, and the time interval between beam detection of pilots
was 200 ms. L denotes the maximum time interval for pilot transmission. For the periodic
pilot scheme, L is the pilot transmission periodicity. A smaller L assures that the
beamforming gain does not degrade or age over time while increasing the pilot overhead.
The simulation was conducted using an unseen trajectory to test the generalizability
of the proposed model.
Fig. 4 shows the real-time normalized beamforming gain performance of the proposed scheme.
It is shown that the proposed model is capable of maintaining high beamforming gain
without severe gain drops that conventional pilot-based schemes have. The stability
of the proposed model is also demonstrated in the cumulative distribution function
(CDF) of the normalized beamforming gain in Fig. 5. Unlike conventional pilot-based beam tracking schemes, the proposed beam tracking
scheme predicts the future beamforming vectors in a real-time fashion and prevents
the performance degradation due to the channel aging and fluctuation.
In Fig. 6, the average achievable rate performance of different beam tracking schemes is demonstrated.
In highly variable environments, conventional schemes fail to maintain a certain level
of beamforming gain, while the proposed beam tracking scheme succeeds in maintaining
high beamforming gains. There is also additional performance degradation in conventional
schemes due to the pilot overhead, but the performance of the proposed beam tracking
scheme is not affected.
Fig. 4. Real-time normalized beamforming gain.
Fig. 5. Cumulative distribution function (CDF) of normalized beamforming gain.
Fig. 6. Average achievable rate versus SNR for proposed beam tracking scheme and conventional schemes.
5. Conclusion
We proposed a real-time pairwise beam tracking protocol using a deep-learning aided
beam tracking model. The proposed beam tracking scheme only uses the received signal
samples to predict the beamforming vectors. The simulation results showed that the
proposed beam tracking scheme is able to maintain high beamforming gain compared to
conventional pilot-based schemes. Moreover, the proposed scheme achieves superior
communication rate performance due to higher beamforming gain performance.
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant,
which is funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (NRF-2022R1A2C1011443).
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Seokju Kim is received the B.S. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
from Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, in 2020. He is currently working
toward the Integrated M.S. and Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
of Yonsei University. His research interests include wireless communication system,
multiple-input and multiple-output system, UAV communications and machine learning.
Jeongjoon Lee is received the B.S. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
from Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, in 2021. He is currently working
toward the Integrated M.S. and Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
of Yonsei University. His research interests include wireless communication system,
multiple-input and multiple-output system, satellite communication and machine learning.
Chungyong Lee received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electronic engineering from
Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, in 1987 and 1989, respectively, and the Ph.D.
degree in electrical and computer engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, GA, USA, in 1995. From 1996 to 1997, he was a Senior Engineer with Samsung
Electronics Company, Ltd., Kiheung, South Korea. Since 1997, he has been with the
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, where he is currently
a Professor. His research interests include array signal processing and communication
signal processing.