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List-wise learning algorithms, Course recommendation, Community education, Trust relationships, Dynamic recommendation

1. Introduction

Community education (CE) has developed more formats to facilitate student learning, but the abundance of educational resources has resulted in increased knowledge redundancy. Reducing the time cost for students to access target content has emerged as a crucial concern. Course recommendation technology presents a practical approach to addressing this issue. Typically, traditional recommendation algorithms are classified into three main categories: content-based, collaborative filtering-based, and hybrid recommendation algorithms. On the other hand, these algorithms consider only the binary relationship between users and projects, and the recommended content solely depends on machines, which could lead to a lack of rationality and accuracy. Therefore, with the development of technology and the massive utilization of educational resources, curriculum recommendation (CR) technology should also change to be more accurate, fast, timely, and personalized. Unlike ordinary search engines, dynamic recommendations (DR) can analyze the users’ preferences from their historical behavior and recommend content that may be of interest to them, providing them with a personalized service that can be used for CR to improve learning efficiency (Jiang et al. 2023; Da’u A et al. 2020). Trust relationships (TR) are relationships that exist between people that can influence some of their behaviors to some extent. Recommendations based on TR are beneficial for improving the success rate of recommendations. Trust recommendations are an effective information filtering technique that defines the trust of third-party nodes and their reputation. They are applied to solve problems such as privacy security and communication security on the Internet (Gao et al. 2021; Yang et al. 2021). Providing personalized and accurate recommendations to users has been an important and urgent issue owing to the huge number of resources and limited mobile device capabilities (Gao et al. 2020). In this context, the List-wise Learning to Rank for Recommendation for Social Networks (L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN) algorithm and a TR-based DR model for CE courses were used in this study to build a recommendation model. There are two main innovations in this study. The first is the construction of a recommendation model using the L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN algorithm. The primary organization of the paper is broken into four sections: an examination of pertinent research, constructing a recommendation model based on the L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN algorithm and a DR model for CE courses based on TR, analysis of the application effect of the proposed model, and a summary of the whole study.

2. Related Works

CR is a technology developed to provide personalized recommendations to users owing to the popularity of online learning and information overload. Learning analytics were incorporated into the current business models of education technology companies in the form of algorithm-based or human recommendations, according to Renz et al. (2020). They contended that few business models allow learning analytics and artificial intelligence to develop adaptive teaching and learning paths. To give the reader a reasonably comprehensive understanding of the important concepts in the field, Afsar M. M. et al. (2022) reported that recommender systems have become an essential part of daily life and provide an overview of reinforcement-based, learning-based recommender systems. Groton and Spadola (2022) suggested that online learning is becoming increasingly popular in higher education, but little is known about the preferences of students working in social work for online learning. Imène et al. (2022) contended that conventional recommender systems provide users with a list of items they might find interesting and that the items recommended are not alternatives but instead items to be taken in a system for recommending the order of learning courses proposed to facilitate the learning process and to meet the needs of users. Ma (2021) addressed the vulnerability of recommendation systems to support attacks. Ban et al. (2022) argued that one of the challenges of adaptive learning is how to generate personalized recommendations for learners from several learning resources, and a multi-task learning framework incorporating knowledge and personality was proposed to facilitate CR and address this problem. Khan et al. (2021) tackled identifying students with distinct skill levels that structurers often face. They devised a predictive model utilizing a decision-tree machine learning classifier that could forecast student outcomes in introductory courses during the early stages of the semester.

A recommendation algorithm that operates on list-level ranking learning aims to develop a sorting model that uses the users' historical behavior and other characteristics to sort courses according to potential interest levels with a high degree of flexibility. Song et al. (2020) proposed a refined list-learning approach to tackle the problem of prevalent recommendation systems disregarding the influence of the entire display list, which significantly shapes the user's decision-making procedure, and recognizing the dependency of the entire list. Wang et al. (2021) developed a task recommendation framework to address low data quality and high incentive costs arising from the low perceived enthusiasm of the mobile population. They obtained a sorting model by learning the sorting algorithm, which generated a task recommendation list based on the sorting model. Pang et al. proposed a deep reinforcement learning method that utilizes hierarchical attention and sample-enhanced priority experience replay. Their approach was designed to tackle the challenge of traditional list-based recommendations being affected by historical behavior and difficulty responding to real-time environmental changes.

Trust recommendation is an efficient information filtering method that integrates social interaction network data into algorithm design, offering a solution to information overload. Shokeen and Rana (2020) reported the significant contributions of recommendation systems in processing vast data and displaying pertinent information, services, and projects to individuals. They conducted a survey on trust recommendation systems based on social media data. Wang et al. (2021) introduced a trust-centered collaborative filtering algorithm to tackle the problem of sparsity in user historical behavior data stemming from the unstable and intricate network environment. The method seamlessly integrated user trust with current collaborative filtering techniques. Khanal et al. (2020) presented an overview of recommendation systems used in electronic learning environments. The article covered trust recommendations and addressed various issues, including data scarcity, cold start, scalability, time consumption, and accuracy in personalized systems.

Previous research affirmed the positive impact of CR in enhancing learning efficiency. While recommendation systems have introduced list-learning algorithms and TR, traditional list-learning algorithms have lower recommendation accuracy. In addition, research on dynamic course recommendations based on TR remains limited. Therefore, the recommendation models utilizing the L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN algorithm and trust-based DR models for CE courses offer significant practical applications and potential.

3. CE Course DR Models based on L2R2SN Algorithm and TR

The scope of CE is expanding in line with technological advances. Online education, which has access to a wealth of resources and is not time or location-bound, is steadily rising to prominence. On the other hand, the abundance of educational resources also results in information overload, making it challenging for standard search engines to offer individualized services to users. Therefore, the study constructed a recommendation model based on the L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN algorithm and a DR model for CE courses based on TR to enhance the users’ online learning experiences and realize customized suggestions for users.

3.1 Recommendation Model Building based on L2R2SN Algorithm

Traditional recommendation algorithms analyze the rating matrix of users and items to generate recommendations. This approach, which only considers the binary relationship between users and items, results in the recommended content relying mainly on machines, which affects the accuracy of the recommendation results. Sorting learning is a machine learning technique that predicts the order relationship between samples by sorting them. It is used primarily in the information retrieval field. Adding list-level sorting learning to recommendation algorithms can calculate the users' item preferences, prevent content recommendations that rely heavily on machines, and improve the rationality and accuracy of the recommendation results. Assuming there are $m$ users who have rated $n$ projects excessively, the project set is represented by $I=\left\{i1,i2,\ldots ,in\right\}$. The user set is represented by $U=\left\{u1,u2,\ldots ,um\right\}$, and the user's rating on the project is represented by $V$, where $rui$ represents any rating value in $V$. Fig. 1 shows the model for ranking learning.

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the sorting learning model.

The Plackett-Luce model is a classical list-level sorting learning (LLSL) algorithm that can directly optimize the sorting order of a list of items, describe the permutation probability distribution, and directly obtain a recommendation list that satisfies the user’s preferences by optimizing the evaluation metric or constructing a loss function. The Plackett-Luce model can capture the degree of user preference for different projects, and consider the relative relationship between projects and the overall ranking results. The model has good interpretability and robustness, and is suitable for innovative hanging recommendation and ranking tasks. In the Plackett-Luce model, for any permutation, the sum of the probabilities of one full permutation of all items selected is equal to one, and the probability of the permutation is expressed as Eq. (1).

$ \left\{\begin{array}{l} P\left(\pi u\right)=\overset{n}{\underset{i=1}\Pi }\frac{w\left(\pi ui\right)}{\sum _{j}^{n}w\left(\pi ui\right)}\\ \sum _{i=1}^{n}wi=1 \end{array}\right. $

where$\pi u$ denotes an arrangement of items; $wi$ denotes the probability of an item being selected; $\pi ui$ denotes the arrangement position of an item; $P(\pi u)$ denotes the probability of selecting $\pi u$. On the other hand, the list-level sorting-based learning algorithm does not model and incorporate the interactions in human society into the algorithm, so the recommendation results are inaccurate, and the time efficiency of the algorithm is constrained. The L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN algorithm is a recommendation model based on LLSL that utilizes personalized networks to determine the relationship traits of users and friends from the interaction relationships, along with the resemblance traits of items. The acquired characteristics are then added to the fundamentals of the LLSL recommendation model. The L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN algorithm is trained iteratively by constructing an efficient objective loss function and using a gradient descent strategy. In the L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN algorithm, only items with the highest probability of being selected are chosen, as expressed in Eq. (2).

$ P\pi u\left(rui\right)=\frac{\phi \left(rui\right)}{\sum _{k=1}^{K}\phi \left(ruk\right)} $

where $\phi (.)$ is chosen as the $\exp (.)$ exponential function. The social characteristics of users on social networks and the social information between items are considered in the L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN algorithm to model the social relationships of users in everyday life. Social characteristics on social networks encompass personal profiles, posts, comments, likes, private messages, shared links, following status, and frequency of social activities. These characteristics can provide insight into an individual's personality, interests, and level of activity and interaction within the online world. Objective evaluation of these traits can be valuable when analyzing social behavior in cyberspace. Social information in course recommendations typically refers to users' behavior and interactions on social media platforms. This includes their social relationships with other users, interactions with courses, and the communication impact of such social information in social networks. The data can be used to improve the personalized level of course recommendations and enhance the overall appeal of the results. The social relationships among users were simulated using the user set $F(u)$ that comprises individuals within the same community as well as WeChat friends and other acquaintances of the target user $u$ within the social network. The user relationship is set when selecting the user trust set, and the difference between the ratings of two items is limited to less than 1 to represent the similarity between items. The user trust set and the item similarity set are expressed as Eq. (3).

$ \left\{\begin{array}{l} N\left(u,i\right)=\left\{v\left| v\in F\left(u\right),rui\geq 0,rvi\geq 0\right.\right\}\\ N^{2}\left(u,i\right)=\left\{s\left| s\in C\left(i\right),rui\geq 0\right.\right\} \end{array}\right. $

where $v$ represents the user's rating of a project, $rvi$ and $rui$ denotes the trusting user’s rating of item $i$ and the target user’s rating of item $i$, respectively. Fig. 2 shows the user-item relationship scores.

Fig. 2. Example of a User Project Relationship Rating.

The closer the predicted value is to the genuine value, the smaller the loss function value. Eq. (4) depicts the target loss function of the L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN algorithm.


where $\xi $ represents the loss function; $g(.)$ denotes the $Sig\mathrm{mod}$ logic function, which can limit the range of predicted values. $\lambda $ is a regularization factor; $\alpha $ and $\beta $ represent parameters, and $\lambda (\left\| U\right\| _{F}^{2}+\left\| V\right\| _{F}^{2})$ can avoid overfitting. In summary, the L2R2SN algorithm effectively addresses the cold start issue by merging the user and social relationship traits. By analyzing the user characteristics, it predicts courses that may interest users and provides preliminary personalized suggestions. In addition, it uses social network data to bridge the gap in interactive data between the users and courses, solving the data sparsity problem to some extent.

3.2 TR-based DR Models for CE Courses

Recommendation engines (DR) analyze the user’s previous behavior to determine their preferences and forecast their likelihood of being interested in the material. The aim of DR is to provide personalized services to users by predicting what they are likely to be interested in. For example, Fig. 3 shows a generic process for personalized recommendation systems.

Fig. 3. General Model for Personalized Recommendation Systems.
Fig. 4. User Trust Mobile Network.

TR is considered to exist between two people when one person's behavior can influence another’s. In a trustworthy mobile network, users act as nodes, and trust is unidirectional. Fig. 4 shows a trustworthy mobile network. The nodes represent users, and the data on the node connections represent trust values.

Assuming a user set $U=\left\{u1,u2,\ldots ,uN\right\}$, project set $I=\left\{i1,i2,\ldots ,iM\right\}$, and user $u$'s project rating $i$ is used to represent $Ru,i$. The task of this study is to predict $Ru,i$. For any two items, the introduction of rules is considered in the calculation of item similarity, and the importance value between the two items is calculated by $\chi ^{2}test$ to eliminate the chance of rules, which is expressed as Eq. (5).

$ \left\{\begin{array}{l} \chi ^{2}-corri,j=\frac{\left(\left| O11O22-O12O21\right| -\frac{m}{2}\right)^{2}}{R1R2C1C2}\\ R1=O11+O12,R2=O21+O22\\ C1=O11+O21,C2=O12+O22 \end{array}\right. $

where $O11$ denotes the number of users who have a common rating for items $i$ and $j$; $O12$ and $O21$ denote the number of users who have a rating for item $i$ only and item $j$ only, respectively, and $O22$ denotes the number of users who have no rating for either item $i$ or $j$; $m$ represents the number of users. For each item, the most relevant item can be selected based on the importance value to construct its vector. The similarity between items can then be calculated using cosine similarity. The probability of user $u$ wandering to user $v$ node at step $k$ in the trust mobile network is expressed as Eq. (6).

$ \left\{\begin{array}{l} \begin{array}{l} P\left(k\colon v\right)=P\left(k-1;t\right)\left(1-\phi v,i,k\right)P\left(St=v\right)\\ P\left(St=v\right)=\frac{tt,v}{\sum _{w\in TUt}tt,w} \end{array}\\ \phi v,i,k=\max j\in \mathit{RI}vsim\left(i,j\right)\times \frac{1}{1+e^{-\frac{k}{2}}} \end{array}\right. $

where $P(S=v)$ denotes the selection of user $v$ as the next wandering node from the set of users with TR with user $t$. $tt,v$ denotes the trust value between user $t$ and user $v$. Staying at this node with probability $\phi v,i,k$ and selecting an alternative item score to return, the decision to continue selecting the next user as a wandering node is made with probability $1-\phi v,i,k$. Each user on the wandering path has a certain probability of selecting it as an alternative user for this wandering, as shown in Eq. (7).

$ P\left(u\approx u',i\approx i'\right)\frac{P\left(u',i'\right)}{\sum _{u'\in S,i'\in RIu'}P\left(u',i'\right)} $

where $P(u\approx u',i\approx i')$ is the probability of selecting item $i'$ as an alternative item and user $u'$ as an alternative user. Eq. (8) expresses the rating of item $i'$ by user $u'$.

$ P\left(u',i'\right)=tu,u^{1}tu^{1},u^{2}\ldots tu'-1,u'P\left(Yu',i'\right) $

The probability of selecting an alternative item $i'$ on the selected alternative user $u'$ is expressed as Eq. (9).

$ P\left(Yu',i'\right)=\frac{sim\left(i,i'\right)}{\sum _{l\in RIu'}sim\left(i,l\right)} $

where $sim(i,l)$ represents the similarity between the two items. The variance is calculated from the values returned by the model for each tour, as shown in Eq. (10).

$ \sigma ^{2}=\frac{\sum _{1\leq i\leq K}\left(ri-\overset{\frown }{r}\right)^{2}}{K} $

When the variance converges, the wandering comes to an end. Several wandering processes are needed to predict the rating of item $i$ by user $u$. The ratings of alternative items by alternative users returned by each wandering are then weighted in accordance with the corresponding probabilities, and the outcome is the predicted rating, as expressed in Eq. (11).

$ \Pr e\left(u,i\right)=\sum _{\left\{\left(u',i'\right)|Ru',i'\right\}}P\left(u\approx u',i\approx i'\right)\left[Ru',i'\right] $

The professional-attribute matrix is formed, and the professional category data is considered a vector on $p$-dimensional space. The similarity between the course vector and the professional category is calculated as shown in Eq. (12).

$ sim\left(ci,zj\right)=\cos \left(ci,zj\right)=\frac{ci,zj}{\left\| ci\right\| .\left\| zj\right\| } $

where $zj$ and $ci$ denote the professional class vector and the course vector, respectively. Using the cache algorithm, courses are divided into pools of professional courses based on similarity, and the similarity between courses and professional classes is calculated using Eq. (12). The similarity matrix is updated to group the courses into the pool with the highest similarity. User trust-based CR rating prediction first predicts the ratings within the course pool based on the current user’s rated data. In the absence of ratings, the prediction selects the current user whom the current user most trusts to wander one step to make a predicted rating (Eq. (13)).

$ t\left(v,u\right)=\frac{\sum _{v\in woT_{\left(v\right)}^{+}}tv,ata,u}{\sum _{v\in woT_{\left(v\right)}^{+}}tv,a} $

where $a$ denotes the node on the path during the search from user $v$ to user $u$. User $v$‘s rating prediction for $i$ is expressed as Eq. (14).

$ \hat{r}v,i=\overline{r}v+\frac{\sum _{u\in R}tv,u\left(ru,i-\overline{r}u\right)}{\sum _{u\in R}tv,u} $

where $\overline{r}v$ and $\overline{r}u$ denote the mean of all ratings of $v$ and $u$, respectively; $R$ denotes the set of users for whom maximum trust exists between users $v$ and $u$, and $ru,i$ denotes the rating of $i$ by user $u$. Fig. 5 presents the precise steps in the trust-based DR model developed for CE courses.

Fig. 5. Flow chart of a dynamic recommendation model for community education courses based on trust relationships.

4. Analysis of the Effectiveness of a CE Course DR Model based on the L2R2SN Algorithm and TR

The research constructs a recommendation model based on the L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN algorithm and a DR model for CE courses based on TR, which helps realize personalized recommendations for users and has certain positive implications for the development of CE. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of the model must be further verified. The research is analyzed in two main aspects. The effectiveness of the recommendation model based on the L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN algorithm is validated in the first section, and the effectiveness of applying the DR model to CE courses based on TR is examined in the second section.

4.1 Effectiveness of Recommendation Models based on the L2R2SN Algorithm

The experiments were conducted using the Flixster dataset and the Epings dataset, denoted as Dataset 1 and Dataset 2, respectively, to evaluate the efficacy of the L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN algorithm. The L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN algorithm was compared with two conventional list-level sorting learning recommendation algorithms: the CofiRank and ListRank algorithms. The study selected 80% as the training set and 20% as the test set and used the normalizing discount cumulative gain (NDCG) as a measure, with higher NDCG values indicating better recommendations. Setting $\lambda $ to 0.01, setting both $\alpha $ and $\beta $ to 0.3, setting the matrix dimension to 10, and setting the implied eigenfactor dimension to 10, 20, 30, and 40, the NDCG values for the three algorithms varied, as shown in Fig. 6. The L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN method has a larger NDCG value than the other two algorithms, with a minimum and maximum of approximately 0.73 and 0.82, respectively. On dataset 1, the recommendation accuracy (RA) of the ListRank algorithm and the L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN algorithm improved as the dimensionality of the implied feature factor increased, while the RA of the CofiRank algorithm did not change significantly. On dataset 2, the RA of the CofiRank algorithm improved significantly as the dimensionality of the implied feature factor increased, while the RA of the ListRank algorithm did not change significantly.

Fig. 6. Changes in the NDCG values of three algorithms.

The other parameters were kept constant, and the list length was set to 5, 10, 15, and 20, respectively. The NDCG values of the three algorithms varied, as shown in Fig. 7. The NDCG values of the L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN algorithm ranged from 0.7 to 0.74, making them greater than those of the other two algorithms. Therefore, adding the interaction between items and users to the LLSL algorithm improves the recommendations. Moreover, the NDCG values of the three algorithms also become larger as the list length increases and the RA improves.

Fig. 7. Changes in the NDCG values of the three algorithms.

When the number of users was set to 3500, 5500, and 8500, the NDCG values of the three methods varied, as shown in Fig. 8. The other parameters were unchanged. The NDCG values of the L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN algorithm were greater than those of the other two methods, with the minimum and maximum values being 0.694 and 0.757, respectively. The NDCG values of all three methods, however, did not change significantly as the user base grew, suggesting that the user base has little impact on the recommendation effect.

Fig. 8. Changes in the NDCG values of the three algorithms.

The accuracy and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) were used to validate the efficacy of recommendation models that use the L2R2SN algorithm. These results were compared with four other state-of-the-art recommendation algorithms: the neural factorization machine (NFM) model algorithm, which is typically used for sparse prediction analysis; the DeepFM algorithm, based on the click-through rate estimation recommendation system; the Feature Category Interaction Factorization Machine (FIFM) model algorithm; and the recommendation algorithms based on the user interests and collaborative filtering algorithms (Jin 2023). Table 1 lists the findings. The L2R2SN algorithm outperformed the other four algorithms in accuracy, scoring 0.827 and an RMSE index of 0.382. The results demonstrate the favorable recommendation performance of the L2R2SN algorithm because it exhibits superior precision over the other algorithms, displaying feasibility and superiority.

Table 1. Evaluation index results of five recommendation algorithms.



















Overall, the L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN recommendation model outperforms the conventional LLSL algorithm and has advantages over the most recent recommendation algorithms. This highlights the positive impact of including item-user interactions in the LLSL algorithm, which improves the precision of the system suggestions.

4.2 Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Application of the TR-based DR Model for CE Courses

The study compared the effectiveness of the TR-based CE course DR model with three methods in terms of coverage, RMSE, and aggregation diversity: the TidalTrust algorithm, the matrix decomposition, and the UC-BCF algorithm. A new dataset was produced to establish trust among users and solicit ratings for the proposed model because no suitable dataset was available for trust propagation. This approach eliminated any potential biases in the dataset and increased its legitimacy. Two sets of datasets featuring normally distributed user ratings for courses were generated to ensure the reliability of the dataset. Dataset 1 included 17598 items, 9857 users, 94893 TRs, and 89264 ratings. Dataset 2 comprised 31685 items, 11994 users, 110902 TRs and 150812 ratings. Fig. 9 presents the outcomes of the coverage comparison between the four techniques. The model constructed by the study performed well in terms of coverage rate. This is because the model fully utilizes the trust relationship between users and effectively manages trust propagation, resulting in a high coverage rate of approximately 0.75 while maintaining accuracy. In addition, the matrix decomposition has the lowest coverage rate of 0.6 among the four methods because it only utilizes the users’ item rating information.

Fig. 9. Comparison results of the coverage of the four methods.

Fig. 10 shows the outcomes of the RMSE comparison between the four techniques. The model developed in this study had the lowest RMSE value on both datasets, approximately 1.25-1.4, demonstrating the high accuracy and low error rate of the model. On the other hand, the accuracy of the method was low because of the inability of the Tidal Trust to handle effectively the noise problem that arises during trust propagation while considering the trust level.

Fig. 10. Comparison results of the RMSE of the four methods.

Fig. 11 compares the combined diversity of the four approaches. The model developed by the study outperformed the other three algorithms in terms of DR variety, as depicted in the figure, with a range of 2400 to 4100, which is richer. Even in sparsely populated data areas, the model produced richer DR results by considering user trust and computing item similarity based on the criteria.

Fig. 11. Comparison results of the aggregation diversity of the four methods (Ed note: I suggest replacing “our” with the actual name of the algorithm).

Data on courses and student evaluations were gathered and pre-processed to confirm the precision. Four thousand nine hundred students across 30 majors, 650 courses, and 791,483 behavioral statistics made up Data 1, the first of the two datasets that comprised the training set. The test set of Data 1 consisted of 11 majors, 250 courses, and 1436 students, whereas Data 2 consisted of 21,357 behavioral statistics. The courses were divided into course pools, as stated in Table 2, and the keyword count of the training set was set at 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16. As shown in Table 2, selecting "weak keywords" for course classification resulted in a better success rate for adding courses to the course pool than selecting "strong keywords." This success rate increased as the number of keywords increased. From 322 to 554, there were steadily more successes because there were more keywords. In addition, selecting keywords required careful consideration of the content settings. Choosing a broad "weak keyword" resulted in extensive coverage of courses and multiple placements of the same course in various pools. Strong keyword selection resulted in limited course category coverage and a significant long-tail distribution (Nimrah and Saifullah 2022).

Table 2. Course classification of strong and weak keywords.


Number of keywords








Strong keywords

















Weak keywords

















The results in Fig. 12 compare the TR-based CE course DR model developed by this study with the conventional random wandering TidalTrust technique. The mean Absolute Error (MAE) was used as an evaluation parameter to compare the CR results. The suggested model recommendation from this study had a greater success rate than the TidalTrust algorithm, as shown in the figure. All courses in the professional course pool cache were first divided into several broad categories to focus the search when looking up the courses and increase the search efficiency. In addition, when wandering in the event of unsuccessful cases, the users with the highest levels of trust were also considered, which increases the likelihood that successful recommendations will be made.

Fig. 12. MAE values of the two algorithms.

5. Conclusion

With the rapid technological advances, online education has emerged as a significant form of continuing education. One of the largest challenges is offering students personalized course recommendations from the vast selection available. The study suggests a recommendation model based on the L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN algorithm and a DR model for CE courses based on TR to address the CECR challenge. These findings show that for various implied feature factor dimensions, the L$^{2}$R$^{2}$SN method developed for this study had a minimum and maximum NDCG value of approximately 0.73 and 0.82, respectively. For various user counts, the NDCG values varied from 0.694 to 0.757, which were superior to the CofiRank and ListRank algorithms. The coverage of the TR-based CE course DR model developed for the study was good, with a maximum of approximately 0.75 and slight inaccuracy. The RMSE values were between 1.25 and 1.4 at their lowest and highest points. The model outperformed the TidalTrust algorithm, the matrix decomposition, and the UC-BCF method in DR diversity with a minimum and maximum of approximately 2400 and 4100 and had a greater success rate of recommendations than the TidalTrust algorithm.

In summary, the research institute's model performed well in NDCG, accuracy, RMSE, MAE, coverage, and aggregation diversity indicators, resulting in a positive recommendation effect. Applying this approach to CE can efficiently and accurately offer users suitable course suggestions, minimizing the time spent finding specific courses. The proposed model greatly enhances the learning effectiveness and efficiency by leveraging the benefits of online education. While just the students’ trust was considered in this application study of the course DR model, this may have impacted the practical use of the model. Therefore, additional data are needed to increase the real-time recommendations of the algorithm and accuracy and incorporate more student data into the system for improved CECR implementation.


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Zongkui Wang

Zongkui Wang obtained his BA in Law from Zhengzhou University in 2001 and MA in Economy Law from Beijing Technology and Business University in 2007. He was devoted to the educational work including education training and education reform in Beijing after graduation. He has written six monographs and five academic papers that were published on relevant journals. Now he is working in the Academic Affairs Office of Beijing Open University. His areas of interest are social education and vocational training.