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  1. (Faculty of Radio-Electronic Engineering, Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam

Circular antenna array, Phased array antenna, Particle swarm optimization, Genetic algorithm, Amplitude distribution

1. Introduction

Circular antenna array (CAA) is capable of 360$^{\circ}$ coverage by an omnidirectional beam, multi-beam, or a narrow beam that could scan 360$^{\circ}$ [1]. Therefore, the CAAs are used in radar, sonar, navigation systems, and base station antennas in information systems. The omnidirectional beam of CAAs (or cylindrical arrays) is often used in the transmit mode of sonars [2]. To generate the omnidirectional radiation pattern, the elements on the circle are excited in phase with uniform amplitude distribution [2,3]. With this transmit mode producing umbrella-shaped beam patterns or sector beam patterns, the reduction of side-lobe level (SLL) in receive mode by a narrow beam is crucial to suppress scattering noise from side-lobe directions. As a result, the study focuses on decreasing SLL and increasing directivity in narrow beam generation mode for CAAs.

With the complex configuration, the reduction of SLL for CAA is more challenging than for linear antenna arrays. In [4,5], CAA is transformed into a virtual linear array. Then, based on the calculation for this virtual linear array, the optimal amplitude distribution to mitigate SLL and generate the desired beamwidth for CAA is determined. This method requires multiple conversion steps, and the equally spaced elements with a distance being less than half a wavelength. Besides, this method is limited by the accuracy of the transformation, and could not produce both a desired SLL and the narrowest main beam (the maximum directivity) [6]. Another method in [7] is to build the mathematical expression describing the radiation pattern, then analyze simulation results to determine the optimal amplitude distribution reducing SLL to less than the required value and to generate the narrowest half-power beamwidth (HPBW). This method also requires the distance between two successive elements on the circle to be less than half a wavelength.

Thanks to the simplicity, ease of implementation, and convergence ability, the genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm algorithm (PSO) are widely applied for optimizing the configuration and parameters of some antenna arrays [8-10]. Therefore, GA and PSO are also used to determine the amplitude distribution for CAA (or cylindrical array) to reduce SLL as shown in the literature [11-16]. However, these studies have not simultaneously decreased SLL to less than the required value and increased the directivity to a maximum value. Some studies [13-16] have ignored the element pattern when analyzing the array pattern and determining the optimal amplitude distribution. Unlike the linear antenna array, the radiation pattern of CAA cannot be calculated by multiplying the array factor with the element pattern, it is necessary to consider the element pattern in the summation when analyzing the radiation pattern of CAA.

With the construction of a combined objective function for GA and PSO, the paper determines the amplitude distribution to optimize the radiation pattern for CAA by decreasing SLL to less than the required value and increasing directivity when considering the element patterns. Optimization of the array pattern is carried out in both cases of uniform CAA and non-uniform CAA with the distances between two adjacent elements on a circle being more than half a wavelength. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solution when determining the amplitude distribution that reduces the SLL to less than -20 dB and maximizes directivity in some cases.

This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the radiation pattern of CAA. Section 3 constructs the combined objective function to optimize the radiation pattern for CAA using GA and PSO. Section 4 presents simulation results. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper.

2. Radiation Pattern of CAA

Consider a CAA as shown in Fig. 1 with N elements arranged at arbitrary intervals on the circle corresponding to the coordinates A$_{1}$, A$_{2}$, ..., A$_{\mathrm{N}}$. In this Figure, l$_{1}$, l$_{2}$, ${\ldots}$, l$_{N-1}$, and l$_{N}$ are distances along the circular from A$_{1}$ to A$_{2}$, A$_{2}$ to A$_{3}$, ${\ldots}$, A$_{\mathrm{N-1}}$ to A$_{\mathrm{N}}$, and A$_{\mathrm{N}}$ to A$_{1}$, respectively. As a result, the radius of the circle R and the distances l$_{1}$, l$_{2}$, ${\ldots}$, l$_{N}$ are related to each other by the expression:

$ R=\frac{\sum _{n=1}^{N}l_{n}}{2\pi } $

Set l$_{0}$ = 0, the coordinate of the n$^{th}$ element is ($R\cos \theta _{n}$, $R\sin \theta _{n}$, 0), and $\theta _{n}$ is given by:

$ \theta _{n}=\frac{\sum _{n=1}^{N}l_{n-1}}{R} $

Choose the coordinate origin O(0,0,0) as the reference point (or the phase reference). Consider any direction in space defined by the directive unit vector ../../Resources/ieie/IEIESPC.2024.13.6.579/2.png. The path-length difference between points A$_{\mathbf{n}}$ and O directed to P is determined as follows [2,17]:


In the receiver mode, the active angle intercepted by the active elements on the circle is usually chosen to be less than or equal to 180$^{\circ}$. Assuming the number of active elements is M (M ${\leq}$ N), the amplitude distribution and phase distribution of the array with the M element are (a$_{1}$, a$_{2}$, ${\ldots}$, a$_{M}$) and (${\psi}$$_{1}$, ${\psi}$$_{2}$, ${\ldots}$, ${\psi}$$_{M}$), respectively. The array factor when considering the elements in the array as omnidirectional antennas is determined by

$ \begin{array}{l} AF\left(\theta ,\varphi \right)=\sum _{m=1}^{M}a_{m}\exp \left(j\left(k\Delta l_{m}+\psi _{m}\right)\right)\\ =\sum _{m=1}^{M}a_{m}\exp \left(jkR\cos \left(\theta -\theta _{m}\right)c\mathrm{os}\varphi +j\psi _{m}\right) \end{array} $

where j is the imaginary unit which is defined as$j^{2}=-1$, $k=\frac{2\pi }{\lambda }$ is the wave number, and$\lambda $ is the wavelength.

To steer the main beam to the direction with angular coordinates ($\theta _{0}$, $\varphi _{0}$), the excitation phase for elements in the CAA must satisfy the following conditions

$ \psi _{m}=-kR\cos \left(\theta _{0}-\theta _{m}\right)c\mathrm{os}\varphi _{0} $

Substituting the excitation phase in (5) into Eq. (4), the array factor when steering the main beam to the direction$(\theta _{0}$, $\varphi _{0})$ is determined as

$ AF\left(\theta ,\varphi \right)=\sum _{m=1}^{M}a_{m}\exp \left(\begin{array}{l} jkR\cos \left(\theta -\theta _{m}\right)c\mathrm{os}\varphi \\ -jkR\cos \left(\theta _{0}-\theta _{m}\right)c\mathrm{os}\varphi _{0} \end{array}\right) $

When taking into account the radiation pattern, the element patterns of the m$^{th}$ element in the azimuth direction, and elevation direction can be chosen as follows [1,7,18]:

$ \,D_{m}\,\,\left(\theta ,\varphi \right)=\left(1+\cos \left(\theta -\theta _{m}\right)\right)\times \left(1+\cos \varphi \right) $

Therefore, the array pattern considering the element patterns is expressed as

$ \begin{array}{l} F\left(\theta ,\varphi \right)=\sum _{m=1}^{M}a_{m}\exp \left(\begin{array}{l} jkR\cos \left(\theta -\theta _{m}\right)c\mathrm{os}\varphi \\ -jkR\cos \left(\theta _{0}-\theta _{m}\right)c\mathrm{os}\varphi _{0} \end{array}\right)\\ \times \left(1+\cos \left(\theta -\theta _{m}\right)\right)\left(1+\cos \varphi \right) \end{array} $

Since the CAA is placed in the x-y plane, the radiation pattern synthesis for CAA is usually interested in the azimuth direction (${\varphi}$ = 0). With the suppression of the radiation pattern in the elevation plane, the array pattern in the azimuthal plane is given by

$ \begin{array}{l} F\left(\theta \right)=\sum _{m=1}^{M}a_{m}\exp \left(jkR\cos \left(\theta -\theta _{m}\right)-jkR\cos \left(\theta _{0}-\theta _{m}\right)\right)\\ \times \left(1+\cos \left(\theta -\theta _{m}\right)\right) \end{array} $

In the case of uniform CAA, when only the array pattern in the azimuth plane is considered, formulas (5) and (9) become:

$ \psi _{m}=-kR\cos \left(\theta _{0}-\frac{2\pi }{N}\left(m-1\right)\right) $
$ \begin{array}{l} F(\theta )=\sum _{m=1}^{M}a_{m}\exp \left(\begin{array}{l} jkR\cos \left(\theta -\frac{2\pi }{N}\left(m-1\right)\right)\\ -jkR\cos \left(\theta _{0}-\frac{2\pi }{N}\left(m-1\right)\right) \end{array}\right)\\ \times \left(1+\cos \left(\theta -\frac{2\pi }{N}\left(m-1\right)\right)\right) \end{array} $
Fig. 1. Geometry Model of CAA.

3. Combined Objective Function to Optimize the Radiation Pattern for CAA Using GA and PSO

3.1 Constructing a Combined Objective Function to Optimize both SLL and Directivity for CAA

When only considering the radiation pattern in the azimuth plane, the maximum value of SLL is determined according to the function $F(\theta )$as the following

$ \begin{array}{l} SLL_{\max }=\max \left(20*\log _{10}\left| \frac{F\left(\theta \right)}{\max \left(F\left(\theta \right)\right)}\right| \right)\\ =\max \left(20*\log _{10}\left| \frac{F\left(\theta \right)}{F\left(\theta _{0}\right)}\right| \right)\\ \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,with\,\,\,\theta \in \left[0,\theta _{nu1}\right]\cup \left[\theta _{nu2},360^{\circ}\right] \end{array} $

where $\theta _{nu1}$ and $\theta _{nu2}$ are the angles at the first nulls to the left and right relative to the main beam, respectively.

When steering the main beam to the middle of the active arc, the nulls in (12) are calculated as

$ \theta _{0}-\theta _{nu1}\approx \theta _{nu2}-\theta _{0}\approx HPBW $

HPBW of CAA in case all elements in the circle are exited the same amplitude is approximately [1]

$ \theta _{0.5\_ uniform}\left(^{\circ}\right)=82.2\frac{\lambda }{2R} $

The HPBW is mainly determined according to the elements in the half of the circle. With amplitude distributions reducing SLL, the HPBW is widened compared with the uniform distribution. Therefore, when choosing the number of elements blocking an angle $\theta _{active}$ ($\theta _{active}\leq 180^{\circ}$) with an amplitude distribution that differed from the uniform distribution, the HPBW is determined by

$ \theta _{0.5}\left(^{\circ}\right)=\alpha *82.2\frac{\lambda }{2R}\frac{\theta _{active}}{180} $

where ${\alpha}$ represents the beam extension due to the use of distributions other than the uniform distribution and the reduction of active element number. In this study, ${\alpha}$ is chosen equal to 1.85 corresponding to a beam broadening of about 85\% compared to the uniform distribution for elements in the half of the circle to reduce the SLL of radiation patterns in CAAs.

Therefore, the objective function for mitigating SLL to less than SLL$_{0}$ and maximizing directivity D (in decibels) can be built as the following expression

$ \begin{array}{l} F_{ob}=\left\lceil \frac{1+sign\left(SLL_{\max }-SLL_{0}\right)}{2}\right\rceil SLL_{\max }\\ +\left\lfloor \frac{1-sign\left(SLL_{\max }-SLL_{0}\right)}{2}\right\rfloor \left(SLL_{0}-D\right) \end{array} $

where $\left\lceil x\right\rceil $ and $\left\lfloor x\right\rfloor $are the round functions toward integers of arbitrary real number x, which are determined by$\left\lceil x\right\rceil =\min \left\{p\in Z,\hspace{0pt}\,p\geq x\right\}$, and $\left\lfloor x\right\rfloor =\max \left\{q\in Z,\hspace{0pt}\,q\leq x\right\}$. $sign\left(x\right)$ is the sign function defined as follows

$ sign\left(x\right)=\left\{\begin{array}{l} -1if\,\,x<0\\ 0if\,\,x=0\\ 1if\,\,x>0 \end{array}\right. $

When suppressing the radiation pattern in the elevation plane, the directivity D in the azimuth plane is given by

$ D\left(dB\right)=10*\log _{10}\frac{2\pi }{\int _{0}^{2\pi }\left| F\left(\theta \right)\right| ^{2}d\theta } $

Eq. (16) mathematically describes the objective function to optimize multiple objectives including reducing SLL to a required value and increasing the directivity. Optimization according to the objective function (16) includes two stages: in stage 1, when SLL$_{max}$ ${\leq}$ SLL$_{0}$, the second term is zero, and optimization is performed until SLL$_{max}$ = SLL$_{0}$. In the second stage, when SLL$_{max}$ ${\geq}$ SLL$_{0}$, the first term is zero, and optimization is implemented to increase D to D$_{max}$ (equivalent to a decrease in the HPBW). With the optimization of these two stages, it is possible to apply nature-inspired algorithms such as GA and PSO to determine the amplitude distribution that decreases SLL smaller than SLL$_{0}$ and increases D to the maximum value.

3.2 GA with Combined Objective Function to Determine Optimal Amplitude for CAA

The GA uses many different operators in the optimization process including encoding schemes, crossover, mutation, and selection [19]. A string of M chromosomes is used to represent the M amplitude values of the corresponding elements in the CAA, which are real values in the interval [0,1]. The first generation of the population is initialized with the K populations. These individuals in the next generation are produced by crossover, mutation, and selection based on fitness function computation. This generation evaluation is continued until the objective function's desired fitness level is achieved. With the objective function built in section 3.1, the optimization is completed when the objective function converges to a value.

3.3 PSO with Combined Objective Function to Determine Optimal Amplitude for CAA

Consider a hyperspace consisting of M dimensions corresponding to the M amplitude values of the CAA. With K particles, each particle moves to its best position ($p_{besti}^{t}$) and the global best position ($g_{best}^{t}$ ) in the swarm. The optimal solution being equivalent to the position of the particle is achieved when the objective function F$_{ob}$ reaches its smallest value. The velocity vectors v and position vectors x of the i$^{th}$ particles (1 ${\leq}$ i ${\leq}$ K}) in the M-dimensional hyperspace at the t+1 iteration are determined as the following expressions [20,21]

$ v_{i}^{t+1}=\omega v_{i}^{t}+c_{1}r_{1}(p_{besti}^{t}-x_{i}^{t})+c_{2}r_{2}(g_{best}^{t}-x_{i}^{t}) $
$ x_{i}^{t+1}=x_{i}^{t}+v_{i}^{t+1} $

where $\omega $ is the inertia weight, r$_{1}$ and r$_{2}$ are random vectors uniformly distributed in the range [0,1]$^{M}$, c$_{1}$ and c$_{2}$ are the acceleration coefficients.

4. Simulation Results

4.1 Simulation for Uniform CAA

To illustrate the effectiveness of the GA and PSO with the combined objective function for uniform CAA, the study considers a uniform CAA with 30 elements, the distance between two consecutive elements on the circle is 0.6${\lambda}$, the active arc length is 108$^{\circ}$ equivalently to the number of elements selected as 10. With the selection of the blocking angle of 108$^{\circ}$ corresponding to the first 10 elements, the main beam is at 54$^{\circ}$ when steering to the middle of the active arc. With 30 elements, the number of main beams in the middle of the arc is 30 according to the initial position and 30 displacements of active elements. These main beams are 12$^{\circ}$ apart. Suppose it is necessary to determine the amplitude distribution so that the SLL is less than or equal to SLL$_{0}$ = -20 dB.

With GA, the population size is selected to be 100, the number of generations (iterations) is 5000, the crossover probability is 1, and the mutation probability is 0.02. With PSO, the acceleration coefficients in Eqs. (19) and (20) are determined as follows c$_{1}$ = c$_{2}$ = 2, and the inertia coefficient is decreased linearly from 0.9 to 0.4 equivalent to from the beginning to the last iteration [22]. The numbers of particles and iterations are chosen as 100 and 5000, respectively. To evaluate the convergence of the algorithms, the programs to determine the amplitude distribution using GA and PSO are run 3 times, and then the run with the smallest objective function is selected. With this method, the minimum objective functions using the GA and PSO in MATLAB 2015A are expressed in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 illustrates that the objective functions obtained by the GA and PSO reach -33.87 dB and -33.79 dB, respectively. These objective functions converge well when the number of iterations is 5000. The normalized amplitude distributions derived from the GA and PSO with the combined objective function are shown in Table 1.

To demonstrate the effectiveness of the amplitude distributions for uniform CAA generated from the proposed GA and PSO, Fig. 3 depicts radiation patterns obtained from the proposed solution, from the amplitude distribution using PSO with the objective function in [16], and from conventional amplitude distributions such as Dolph-Chebyshev window, Kaiser window, and raised cosine-squared weighting. The input parameters and number of runs for PSO in [16] are also chosen as those for the proposed PSO. To ensure SLL less than or equal to -20 dB, the Dolph-Chebyshev distribution has a side-lobe attenuation (SLA) of -42 dB, the Kaiser distribution has the coefficient ${\beta}$ = 4.18, and the raised cosine-squared distribution has ${\Delta}$ = 0.161 [7].

In Fig. 3, the beam patterns derived from the proposed GA, proposed PSO, PSO in [16], the Dolph-Chebyshev distribution (SLA = -42 dB), Kaiser distribution (${\beta}$ = 4.18), and raised cosine-squared distribution (${\Delta}$ = 0.161) are denoted by solid red curves, dashed blue curves, dashdot black curves, dotted brown curves, curves with magenta triangles, and curves with green circles, respectively. The parameters of the radiation patterns in Fig. 3 are described in detail in Table 2.

Table 2 shows that with the same input parameters, the proposed GA and proposed PSO produced an SLL less than or equal to -20 dB, while PSO in [16] could not produce an SLL smaller than the required value of -20 dB. The directivity obtained from the proposed GA reaches the largest value of 13.87 dB, then raised cosine-squared distribution with ${\Delta}$ = 0.161 attains a value of 13.83 dB. The proposed PSO and PSO in [16] together produce a directivity of 13.79 dB. The two conventional distributions including Dolph-Chebyshev (}SLA = -42 dB) and Kaiser (${\beta}$ = 4.18) generate the lowest directivities with values of 13.78 dB and 13.69 dB, respectively. The HPBW obtained from the proposed GA and proposed PSO achieves the two narrowest values of 13.16$^{\circ}$ and 13.31$^{\circ}$, respectively. The remaining others produce HPBW smaller than these two values. Therefore, the amplitude distributions from the proposed GA and proposed PSO could provide radiation patterns with SLL less than or equal to the required value of -20 dB, largest directivity, and smallest HPBW.}

Fig. 2. Combined Objective Function of GA and PSO.
Fig. 3. Radiation patterns of uniform CAA with amplitude distributions from solutions.
Table 1. Normalized amplitude distributions for the uniform CAA from the proposed GA and proposed PSO.


































Table 2. The parameters of the radiation patterns in the uniform CAA.


SLL (dB)

D (dB)

HPBW (°)

Proposed GA




Proposed PSO




PSO in [16]




Dolph-Chebyshev (SLA = -42 dB)




Kaiser (β = 4.18)




raised cosine-squared (Δ = 0.161)




4.2 Simulation for Non-uniform CAA

Non-uniform CAAs could reduce grating lobes when steering the main beams in different directions [23]. In addition, when manufacturing errors are large, a uniform CAA changes to a non-uniform CAA. To highlight the effectiveness of the proposed GA and proposed PSO for non-uniform CAA, the section investigates a non-uniform CAA with 30 elements, the distances between two successive elements on the circle are values in the range [0.55${\lambda}$, 0.65${\lambda}$]. The values l$_{1}$, l$_{2}$, ..., l$_{N}$ could be generated using normally distributed pseudorandom numbers in [0.55${\lambda}$, 0.65${\lambda}$] by MATLAB software. An example of a set of 30 values is [0.6021, 0.5587, 0.5649, 0.6291, 0.5697, 0.6032, 0.6007, 0.6327, 0.6259, 0.6426, 0.5879, 0.6409, 0.5608, 0.6430, 0.6114, 0.6167, 0.6118, 0.5895, 0.5881, 0.5919, 0.5773, 0.5517, 0.6010, 0.6001, 0.5602, 0.5873, 0.6140, 0.5740, 0.6099, 0.6117] ${\lambda}$. With the choice of the first one-third of the circle, the active angle is 107.9872$^{\circ}$. As a result, the main beam is steered to the middle of the active arc corresponding to the steering angle of 53.9936$^{\circ}$.

The programs determining optimal amplitude distributions using the proposed GA and proposed PSO on MATLAB are also run 3 times with the same input parameter in section 4.1. The minimum objective functions of the runs using the proposed GA and proposed PSO are illustrated in Fig. 4.

From Fig. 4, the objective functions derived by the proposed GA and proposed PSO for non-uniform CAA together achieve -33.94 dB. These objective functions also converge well when the number of iterations is 5000 as in the case of uniform CAA. The normalized amplitude distributions obtained from the proposed GA and proposed PSO for the non-uniform CAA are shown in Table 3.

To facilitate a comparison between the cases, this section also uses the parameters for PSO in [16] similar to section 4.1. With this requirement of the SLL being less than or approximately equal to -20 dB, the Dolph-Chebyshev distribution, the Kaiser distribution, and the raised cosine-squared distribution have SLA = -56.2 dB, ${\beta}$ = 5.09, ${\Delta}$ = 0.088, respectively. Radiation patterns obtained from the amplitude distributions are expressed in Fig. 5.

In Fig. 5, the solid red curves, dashed blue curves, dashdot black curves, dotted brown curves, curves with magenta triangles, and curves with green circles also depict the beam patterns derived from the proposed GA, proposed PSO, PSO in [16], the Dolph-Chebyshev distribution (SLA = -56.2 dB), Kaiser distribution (${\beta}$ = 5.09), and raised cosine-squared distribution (${\Delta}$ = 0.088), respectively. From Fig. 5, the parameters of the radiation patterns are presented in Table 4.}

Table 4 shows that the PSO in [16] produces the radiation pattern with the smallest SLL being -20.16 dB. The Dolph-Chebyshev distribution and Kaiser distribution could not generate the radiation pattern with the SLL being less than or equal to -20 dB despite the change of distribution parameters. With PSO in [16], the amplitude distribution provides the radiation pattern with the larger directivity and the smaller HPBW compared with three conventional distributions including Dolph-Chebyshev, Kaiser, and raised cosine-squared. It can be seen that with non-uniform CAA, the distributions from the proposed solution improve parameters including the SLL and the directivity significantly compared to the conventional distributions such as the Dolph-Chebyshev, Kaiser, and raised cosine-squared.

Even though it produces a value less than -20 dB, the SLL generated from PSO in [16] could not be fully controlled at the required value. While the amplitude distributions from the proposed GA and proposed PSO generate a larger directivity than that from the PSO in [16] with a together approximate value of 13.94 dB. The HPBWs obtained by the proposed GA and proposed PSO are 12.82$^{\circ}$ and 12.78$^{\circ}$, respectively, which are smaller than that derived by PSO in [16]. With a nearly equal SLL, the proposed GA and proposed PSO produce significantly smaller HPBW than PSO [16]. Especially, in comparison with conventional distributions such as Dolph-Chebyshev, Kaiser, and raised cosine-squared, the distributions from the proposed GA and proposed PSO enhance the parameters of the radiation patterns more considerably. The improvements obtained from the proposed solution in Table 4 are due to the proposed solution optimizing multiple objectives to both reduce SLL to less than -20 dB and increase the directivity (or reduce HPBW). These results in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 show that, in the case of non-uniform CAA, the effectiveness in improving the parameters of radiation patterns by the proposed GA and proposed PSO is much increased compared with the case of uniform CAA. With the ability to optimize many parameters, the objective function constructed in this study is not only applicable to GA, PSO, and CAA but it can also be applied to other optimization algorithms as well as other antenna arrays. These issues will be studied in more detail in the future.

Fig. 4. Combined Objective Function of GA and PSO for non-uniform CAA.
Fig. 5. Radiation patterns of non-uniform CAA with amplitude distributions from solutions.
Table 3. Normalized amplitude distributions for the non-uniform CAA from the proposed GA and proposed PSO.


































Table 4. The parameters of the radiation patterns in the non-uniform CAA.


SLL (dB)

D (dB)

HPBW (°)

Proposed GA




Proposed PSO




PSO in [16]




Dolph-Chebyshev (SLA = -56.2 dB)




Kaiser (β = 5.09)




raised cosine-squared (Δ = 0.088)




5. Conclusion

The paper proposed a solution determining the amplitude distribution to optimize the radiation pattern for CAA using GA and PSO with a combined objective function. The amplitude distributions from the proposed solution produced the radiation pattern with the SLL being less than or equal to -20 dB, maximum directivity, and smallest HPBW compared to conventional solutions when the distances between two adjacent elements on a circle were more than half a wavelength and the radiation patterns of each element were taken into account. The proposed solution was effective in both cases of uniform CAA and non-uniform CAA. In addition, the combined objective function from this study could be applied to other antenna arrays to generate the radiation pattern with SLL smaller than the required value and maximum directivity.


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Nguyen Dinh Tinh

Nguyen Dinh Tinh received his B.E. in Electronics-Telecommunications, the M.E., and a Ph.D. degree in Radar Navigation Engineering from Le Quy Don Technical University, Vietnam, in 2008, 2012, and 2023, respectively. He is now a lecturer at Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam. His research interests include antennas, microwave circuit design, signal processing, machine learning, synthetic aperture sonar, and sonar engineering.