(Department of Electrical Electronic and Control Engineering, Kongju National University
/ Cheonan, Korea)
(Institute of IT Convergence Technology, Kongju National University / Cheonan, Korea
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Burn-in socket, Daisy-chain board, Coplanar waveguide, Defect, S-parameter, Z-parameter
1. Introduction
Burn-in testing is a process in which a test system drives a tested device at
high temperature and applies a predetermined stress to it to detect an initial failure
[1]. This process can test the reliability of semiconductor devices. However, various
failures and defects may occur in the electrical path as the device operates for a
long time at high temperature [2]. Stresses and loads can damage the materials of the socket or board or create defects
through electrical, physical, or chemical processes.
Several factors are known to induce defects during burn-in tests, such as solder
voids, package warpage, electrochemical migration, and intermetallic formation [3-13]. Voids occur due to flux gas, soldering contamination, and pores inside a solder
ball and substrate [3-5]. Voids can cause open defects such as solder joint cracks and board delamination
due to long operation at high temperatures. Moreover, large voids in adjacent solder
balls can cause short defects.
Package warpage is caused by a mismatch in the coefficients of thermal expansion
between the epoxy mold compound and the printed circuit board (PCB) [6,7]. Package warpage can lead to open defects in an outer solder ball and short defects
in a central solder ball. Electrochemical migration is known to occur due to the migration
of ionic species during electrochemical reaction [8-10]. The movement of ions is accelerated by the electrical field and can cause an electrical
Several metallic elements may inter-diffuse beyond the contact interface to form
an alloy mixture [11,12]. These intermetallic compounds (IMCs) are very brittle and thus weaken the interface
between metals [13]. Joule heating caused by high current accelerates IMC formation and eventually causes
failure. These factors cause open or short defects in a socket, circuit board, or
tested device.
Several methods have been reported to detect defects in devices, sockets, and
boards. Table 1 shows a summary of these methods. One type of inspection method detects
and classifies defects on a PCB using image processing [14-16]. Defects in solder joints of a processor socket have also been detected using X-rays
[17,18]. To obtain clearer measurements and analyses, test samples were destroyed, and optical
micrographs, X-ray images, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) data were obtained.
This destructive defect analysis provides a clear image, but the test sample may be
damaged, and additional defects may occur in preparation for measurement.
In general, a daisy-chain structure is used to check the continuity of an electrical
path between a package, PCB, and socket [19,20]. This daisy chain connects each component and forms a closed loop. It has been used
to monitor resistance in reliability tests for semiconductor devices and components
[21]. S$_{11}$ measurement and analysis were proposed to classify and locate defects in
through-silicon-via (TSV) daisy-chain structures [22]. If failure occurs in the closed loop, the loop resistances differ from the normal
In addition, various failures may occur in a package, PCB, or socket during a
burn-in test, resulting in open defects or short defects. These defects have a significant
effect on the electrical performance of semiconductor devices and components. Thus,
we propose a method for defect-detection analysis of burn-in sockets and boards. The
detection and location of the defects in the electrical path are analyzed to connect
sockets and boards to form a daisy-chain path and to calculate the S-parameter and
Table 1. Summary of defect detection methods.
Detection Method
Optical micrograph
Fast detection,
no internal detection
X-ray image
Internal detection,
low resolution
Clear image,
destructive analysis
Resistance measurement
Simple detection,
unable to locate defects
S-parameter measurement
Clear defect distinction
2. Method of Defect Detection
2.1 Daisy-chain Path using Coplanar Waveguide
We propose a method for the detection of defects in a burn-in socket by applying
daisy-chain and coplanar waveguide (CPW) structures. The burn-in socket has multiple
contact pins to supply power to the tested device and for test measurements. Therefore,
a method is required to inspect multiple pins at the same time to detect defects effectively.
Fig. 1 shows the configuration of the burn-in socket and daisy-chain boards. A CPW pattern
is designed on the board, and a burn-in socket is placed between the top and bottom
PCBs. The burn-in socket has 30 contact pins with 6 horizontal rows and 5 vertical
rows. The boards have dimensions of 4.7 ${\times}$ 5.5 ${\times}$ 0.27 mm$^{3}$ and
a socket height of 4.28 mm. The CPW trace on the boards and the contact pins of the
socket were connected to create a daisy-chain path, and all contact pins in the socket
were placed on this path.
Fig. 2 shows the CPW patterns designed on the daisy-chain boards. The CPW structure can
be implemented as a single layer and has an advantage of being able to connect contact
pins simultaneously through signal lines and ground lines. To form a daisy-chain path,
the CPW traces of the top and bottom PCBs were designed differently. The trace pitch
was set to 0.8 mm, which is the same as the pitch of a contact pin in a socket. The
CPW trace width was set to 0.5 mm to obtain a characteristic impedance of 50 ${\Omega}$.
Fig. 3 shows a top view and cross-sectional view of the daisy-chain path. The daisy-chain
path is formed by the configuration and arrangement of the top PCB, bottom PCB, and
socket. Signal S in the figure starts from Port 1 and passes through the top PCB,
socket, and bottom PCB several times in the upper or lower directions to form a daisy
chain before reaching Port 2. The test signal passes along this path to form an electrical
circuit. The electrical paths of the signal and ground are indicated by dotted lines
in Fig. 3.
Fig. 1. Configuration of burn-in socket and daisy-chain boards.
Fig. 2. Daisy-chain boards and their coplanar waveguide patterns (a) Top printed circuit board, (b) Bottom printed circuit board.
Fig. 3. Top (a) and cross-sectional, (b) views of boards and socket
Fig. 4. Defect location and type in the boards and socket (a) Defect locations on the board, (b) Open and short defects in the socket and boards.
Fig. 5. Reflection loss of daisy chain path with and without defects.
Fig. 6. Insertion loss of daisy chain path with and without defects.
2.2 S-Parameter Calculation of Daisy-chain Path
S-parameter analysis was used as a method to detect defects in the daisy-chain
path. Defects were placed at different locations along the path, and S-parameters
were calculated according to the types and locations of defects. Fig. 4 shows the defects’ locations and types. Open and short defects were examined. Open
defects in the signal net were implemented by placing the signal trace and contact
pin 0.001 mm apart from each other, as shown in Fig. 4. Short defects were modeled by electrically connecting a signal trace to a ground
trace. These defects were arranged at 6 points along the electrical path.
The model of the daisy-chain path is shown in Fig. 1. The S-parameter was calculated using ANSYS HFSS. The ports for signal and ground
were arranged in circular patterns on the board. If there is no defect in the daisy-chain
path, the signal from Port 1 reaches Port 2 with low loss. However, a defect in the
path can affect electrical properties such as the S-parameter. Therefore, defects
in the path can be detected by analyzing the trend of S-parameter graphs.
3. Analysis of Defect Detection
To verify that a defect can be detected using S-parameter analysis, a defective
daisy-chain path was compared to a path without any defects. First, the daisy-chain
paths with and without defects were modeled. Next, the S-parameters of the two models
were calculated, and their results were compared. Fig. 5 shows the reflection loss (S$_{11}$) of the daisy-chain paths.
Reflection increases as the S$_{11}$ curve approaches 0 dB. Open defects and short
defects have high losses (between 0 and -2 dB) over all frequency ranges. Both types
of defects lead to impedance discontinuities in the daisy-chain path. This causes
signal reflections at the defect location, resulting in increased reflection loss.
In contrast, a non-defective path shows a completely different S$_{11}$ curve. There
is no impedance discontinuity from a defect on the path, so the reflection loss is
not high. However, loss occurs due to only the mismatch in the characteristic impedance
between the CPW trace and the contact pin.
Fig. 6 shows the insertion loss (S$_{12}$) of the daisy-chain path. The closer the S$_{12}$
graph is to 0 dB, the better the signal is transmitted without loss. A non-defective
path shows low loss in all frequency ranges, and signals in this path are transmitted
without significant loss. However, open defects and short defects result in a value
of less than -40 dB in DC and higher insertion loss compared to non-defective paths.
This result demonstrates that signals are hardly transmitted along the electrical
path. This verifies that the defects in the daisy-chain path can be detected by comparative
analysis of the S-parameters of models with and without defects.
The defect location changes along the daisy-chain path, so the resulting changes
in the S-parameter were investigated. Fig. 7 shows the reflection loss (S$_{11}$) from open defects placed along the daisy-chain
path. As shown in Fig. 4, Point 1 to Point 6 denote the defect locations along the electrical path. Fig. 7 shows that the S-parameter curves can be divided into 3 categories according to the
defect locations. Point 1 and Point 6 are somewhat different in some frequency bands
but show similar curves overall. Point 2 and Point 5 show similar curve characteristics,
whereas Point 3 and Point 4 show almost the same curve in all frequency bands.
These three different types of curves demonstrate that each type of open defect
is located differently on the daisy-chain path. However, Point 3 and Point 4 cannot
be distinguished by the characteristics of the S-parameter curves alone. Therefore,
the location of the defects cannot be determined, even though the open defects can
be detected.
Fig. 8 shows the insertion loss (S$_{12}$) from open defects placed along the daisy-chain
path. The curves of the insertion loss can also be classified in the same way as in
Fig. 7. Point 1 and Point 6, Point 2 and Point 5, and Point 3 and Point 4 are almost the
same in all frequency bands and look like pairs. The locations of the open defects
cannot be specified with the same curve characteristics. As shown in Fig. 8, the open defect shows significant insertion loss of less than -20 dB in the low-frequency
band below 0.5 GHz. However, the open defect shows a low loss of approximately -5
dB in the high-frequency band above 1.5~GHz. Unlike in the low frequency band, these
results show that the high-frequency signals can pass through the narrow gap at the
open defect point through electromagnetic coupling.
The S-parameters of the short defects were calculated to analyze the effect of
the defect location on the daisy-chain path. Fig. 9 shows the reflection loss (S$_{12}$) of the short defects. Similar to the trend in
Fig. 7, the S-parameter curves can be classified into three types. Point 1 and Point 6 are
short defects located in each port. They have some differences in certain frequency
bands but show similar curves overall.
Point 2 and Point 5 also show similar curve characteristics in all frequency ranges.
However, Point 3 and Point 4 show almost the same graph but are located near the center
of the electrical path and adjacent to each other. Comparing Figs. 7 and 9, the short
defects show significantly different S-parameters and curve tendencies from those
of open defects despite having the same locations. However, as with the reflection
loss analysis of the open defects, the three types of curves prove that the positions
of the short defects are different along the daisy-chain path.
Fig. 10 shows the insertion loss (S$_{12}$) for the short defect placed in the daisy-chain
path. The reflection loss is approximately -10 dB or less over all frequency ranges.
There is a significant loss when the signals start from Port 2 and reach Port 1 along
the electrical path. In other words, signals are not effectively transmitted along
the daisy-chain path. These results indicate that significant reflection loss occurs
on the path, which proves that defects are present.
As shown in Fig. 8, the insertion loss of an open defect has a large difference in the low and high
frequency bands. On the other hand, short defects have the same level of loss at low
and high frequencies. As shown in Figs. 8 and 10, the large difference in the trends
of these S-parameter curves makes it possible to distinguish between short and open
We propose using Z-parameter analysis as a method to distinguish defect locations
in the daisy-chain path. The Z-parameter has the advantage of providing the capacitive
and inductive characteristics more intuitively, so it was used to analyze defects.
As the frequency increases, the impedance of the capacitive load gradually decreases,
while the impedance of the inductive loads increases continuously. Therefore, the
impedance $\textit{Z}$ of the electrical path can be expressed as:
where w is the angular frequency, $\textit{R}$ is the resistance, $\textit{L}$
is the inductance, and $\textit{C}$ is the capacitance of the electrical path.
Fig. 11 shows the Z-parameter (Z$_{11}$) for open defects placed at different locations on
the daisy-chain path. The open defects have a capacitive characteristic, so their
impedances gradually decrease in the frequency range below about 1 GHz. However, in
the frequency band above 1 GHz, the inductance is the dominant circuit component,
and the impedances increase with frequency. The inset of the figure shows an enlargement
of the Z-parameter curves in the region in the circle.
As the open defect moves away from Point 1, the physical distance of the trace
from which the signal starts (from Port 1) to reach the defect location increases,
and the capacitance of the trace also increases. Therefore, as the point number increases,
the impedance of an open defect decreases. The locations of the open defects can be
distinguished because these defects have different impedances. In other words, different
impedance curves appear at each point of the open defects.
Fig. 12 shows the Z-parameter (Z$_{11}$) for short defects at different locations along the
daisy-chain path. The short defects have an inductive characteristic and make the
daisy-chain path have an inductance-dominant circuit component. Therefore, the impedance
of the defective path increases up to the low and mid-frequency bands.
As shown in Fig. 4, the locations of the short defects are arranged differently. As the point number
of the short defect increases, the electrical length of the trace from Port 1 to the
short defect increases, and thus, the impedance increases. Different impedance curves
appear in each order of the points of short defects, as shown in Fig. 12. The results of Figs. 11 and 12 demonstrate that Z-parameter analysis can distinguish
the type and location of defects in a daisy-chain path.
Fig. 7. Reflection loss with location of open defect on daisy-chain path.
Fig. 8. Insertion loss with location of open defect on daisy-chain path.
Fig. 9. Reflection loss with location of short defect on daisy-chain path.
Fig. 10. Insertion loss with location of short defect on daisy-chain path.
Fig. 11. Z-parameter with location of open defect on daisy-chain path.
Fig. 12. Z-parameter with location of short defect on daisy-chain path.
4. Conclusion
A method of defect-detection analysis has been proposed for burn-in sockets and
boards. In this method, circuit boards with CPW traces were placed and connected above
and below the socket, resulting in a daisy-chain path. Defects were placed at 6 points
along the path, and the S-parameter of the path was calculated. The detection of defects
on the path was verified by comparing the calculation results of the models with and
without defects. Both open and short defects cause impedance discontinuity in the
daisy-chain path and change the S-parameter and Z-parameter. Therefore, it was verified
that S-parameter analysis can be used to detect defects and their type.
The S-parameter analysis method can detect defects with changes in their location,
but some S-parameter curves were very similar to each other, so the defect location
could not be identified. For this reason, Z-parameter analysis was used to identify
the defect location along a daisy-chain path. Movements of the defect along the path
cause changes in the capacitance and inductance, eventually resulting in changes in
the Z-parameter. Therefore, it was proven that Z-parameter analysis can be used to
distinguish the type and location of a defect.
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Donghee Yu received a BSc and MSc in electrical electronic and control engineering
from Kongju National University, South Korea, in 2016 and in 2018, respectively. He
is evaluating the semiconductor test components. His research interests are analyzing
the signal integrity and electrical properties of high-frequency L/C components for
high-speed device testing.
Moonjung Kim received a BSc in electronic engineering from Kyung-pook National
University, South Korea, in 1997 and an MSc and a PhD in electrical and electronic
engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea,
in 1999 and 2003, respectively. He worked at Samsung Electronics Co., Hwaseong, as
a senior engineer for the development of memory packages, from 2003 to 2006. In 2006,
he joined the faculty of Kongju National University, South Korea, where he is currently
a professor in the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering. His
research interests include signal integrity and power integrity of package-board-system
for high-speed applications.