LeeWon Chang2
(Department of Smart Robot Convergence and Application Engineering, Pukyong National
University/ Busan, Korea
(Department of Electronic Engineering, Pukyong National University/ Busan, Korea )
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Robot manipulator, Deep reinforcement learning, Optimal path, Robot simulator
1. Introduction
Reinforcement learning, supervised learning, and unsupervised learning are the
three main approaches to machine learning. Deep reinforcement learning algorithms
give machines the ability to generalize lessons learned during conventional reinforcement
learning by expressing table-based value functions used in conventional algorithms
through function approximation. This means that these systems can be applied to a
variety of artificial-intelligence or large-scale engineering problems [1].
Deep reinforcement learning has been applied in the field of robotics when trying
to perform elaborate and complex tasks. Currently, much research in this area is being
conducted [2]. However, since the robot's states and actions are inherently continuous, the dimensions
of the problem space are very high, and as the number of dimensions increases, we
encounter the curse of high dimensionality with exponentially increasing amounts of
calculations and data.
As an example, consider a motor with 360 possible states. When there is only one
motor, there are 360 states to deal with, but when there are n motors, there are $360^{n}$
states. Furthermore, if the motor has two actions (for example, it can rotate to either
the left or right), the state-action space can become extremely large very quickly.
These kinds of environments occur frequently in robotics, so for any deep reinforcement
learning approach to derive optimal policies, it is necessary to reduce the dimensions
of the state space or action-state space [3].
In this paper, we present a new method to search for an optimal path using real-time
images as input to a deep reinforcement learning algorithm. The goal is controlling
a robot manipulator to perform pick-and-place tasks. A pick-and-place operation refers
to the process of picking up a certain object and putting it down at a desired location
in the shortest possible time without colliding with any obstacles that may be in
its path. In order to minimize the effect of high dimensionality, we assume that the
robot is controlled through inverse kinematics using the position of its end effector.
The position is obtained by analyzing images from a camera to define the robot’s state
rather than using the angles given by the rotation of the motors on the robot manipulator.
We chose D3QN (Dueling Double Deep Q-Network (DQN)) as our deep reinforcement
learning algorithm. The D3QN algorithm combines Double DQN and Dueling DQN, which
offers performance improvements over conventional DQN [4,5]. Furthermore, by using PER (Prioritized Experience Replay), the efficiency of the
experience replay memory was improved [6]. This simplification of the work environment and the use of a powerful deep reinforcement
learning algorithm enable a robot manipulator to perform pick-and-place tasks using
an optimal path.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 and Section 3 describe
the motivation and background of this work, respectively. In section 4, the simulation
environment is described. Section 5 includes training results for the deep reinforcement
learning algorithms used in this work and simulation results from the search for the
optimal path of the robot manipulator’s end effector. Finally, Section 6 concludes
the paper.
2. Motivation
DQN is the most representative deep reinforcement learning algorithm. It expresses
the action value function through a deep neural network and has successfully learned
to play computer games on an Atari 2600 using only high-dimensional raw images of
the games as input. It has even achieved performance comparable to humans in some
games [7].
There have been many attempts to use DQN for high-level robotic tasks, but so
far, few have succeeded. This is due to the fact that most physical tasks take place
in high-order action-state spaces with continuous action values [8]. Nevertheless, there are some cases in which DQN along with some additional methods
have been used experimentally to obtain good results when searching for optimal policies
to provide to mobile robots and robot manipulators [9-11]. Therefore, we believe that
an improved DQN algorithm and a simplified representation of the work environment
would make it possible to find the optimal policy for pick-and-place operations by
a robot manipulator.
3. Background
3.1 Markov Decision Process
The Markov Decision Process (MDP) is an ideal mathematical form that is able
to elaborately express reinforcement learning problems theoretically [1]. In MDPs, learners are called agents, and everything other than agents that interact
with the learner is classed as the environment. The agent and the environment interact
in every successive discrete time step. At every time step, the agent receives a representation
of the state of the environment $s_{t}\in S$, where $S$ is the state space. The agent
then selects an action $a_{t}\in A$ based on $s_{t}$, where $A~ $ is the action space.
In the next time step the agent receives a reward function $r_{t+1}$ and the
next state of the environment $s_{t+1}\in S$. At this time, the learner's goal is
to maximize the gain $G_{t}$, which is the sum of the attenuated rewards:
where $\gamma \in \left[0,1\right]$ is the discount rate, which gives the present
value of future compensation. The action value function evaluates the agent's action
in a given state:
where $\pi $ is called the policy and the probability of choosing each possible
action from that state. There is one policy that is better than or as good as all
other policies, which is called the optimal policy $\pi _{*}$ and satisfies the following:
3.2 DQN
One of the main factors in the success of DQN is experience replay. First, the
agent's experience $e_{t}\doteq \left(s_{t},a_{t},r_{t+1},s_{t+1}\right)$ is stored
in the experience replay memory $D=\left\{e_{1},e_{2},\cdots ,e_{N}\right\}$ at every
time step, where N gives the size of the experience replay memory. At a later point,
during learning, experiences $e\sim D$ are uniformly randomly sampled from the memory,
the number of experiences sampled is a predetermined parameter, and these experiences
form a mini-batch that is entered as an input of the agent.
Due to experiential replay, the correlations between input data, which cause
instability when reinforcement learning uses neural networks, are significantly reduced
[7]. A second factor in the success of DQN is the use of a separate target network. The
target network has the same structure as the network in which learning happens but
has independent $\theta ^{-}$ parameters, which are used to generate the target value
$y$ used during learning:
where $s'$ is the next state stored by $e=\left(s,a,r,s'\right)\sim D$, $a'$
is the action selected by the target network at $s'$, $i$ indicates how many times
the update of the learning network parameters is repeated, and $\gamma $ is the discount
rate. Due to the use of a target network, the parameters of the learning network in
the i-th iteration are updated to minimize the loss function $L_{i}\left(\theta _{i}\right)$
Fig. 1. Robot manipulator and work environment.
3.3 Double DQN
Double DQN is a deep reinforcement learning algorithm that combines DQN with
Double Q-learning. It is intended to reduce overestimation of Q-learning's action
value function. This approach estimates the action value function more accurately
and shows better performance than DQN in some Atari games [4].
This action value function overestimation is a problem caused by the maximization
operation for the target value that is carried out while updating the current action
value function. This problem causes significant deviations in the estimated action
value function. Double DQN uses a target value $y$:
As shown in (6), the process of selecting an action and the process of evaluating
the action are distributed to the learning and target networks to prevent overestimation
of the action value function.
3.4 Dueling DQN
Dueling DQN uses a dueling architecture that has two streams for the state value
function and advantage function. It combines these to estimate the action value function
[5]. The new action value function $q$ is then:
The dueling architecture has the following advantages. First, as the action value
function is updated, the state value function is also updated. Therefore, other action
value functions that have not been selected by the agent may also be updated frequently.
Second, when updating the action value function, it is less affected by the difference
in size between the target value and the current action value function, making the
learning process more robust.
3.5 Prioritized Experience Replay
The prioritized experience replay method prioritizes and samples the data in
the experience replay memory that will be used for learning according to the magnitude
of the temporal difference error. This makes learning more efficient and effective
compared to random uniform sampling [6]. The priority of the samples to be stored in the experience replay memory is based
on the magnitude of their temporal difference error (that is, how "surprising" the
sample is). However, if only samples with high priority are greedily selected, and
samples with low temporal difference errors are never selected, only a subset of the
experience replay memory will ever be used. To solve this problem, stochastic sampling
is used. The probability that the i-th sample in the memory is selected, $P\left(i\right)$,
is given by:
where $p_{i}$ is the priority of the i-th sample, and the constant $\alpha ~
$determines how much effect priority has on a sample’s chance of being selected.
4. Optimal Path Search Method
4.1 Simulation Environment
The robot manipulator and environment used in our simulation were created using
the realistic robot simulator Webots [12]. Webots is a professional robot simulation software package that provides a fast
prototyping environment that allows users to create 3D virtual worlds by defining
physical properties such as the mass, type of joint, coefficient of friction, and
so on. In addition, various sensors and actuator devices such as distance sensors,
drive wheels, cameras, motors, and touch sensors can be modeled. Webots is a more
realistic simulator than other simulation tools available. Webots not only allows
you to simulate the physical properties of the environment, but also provides realistic
photo-like camera images that reduce the gap between the real world and the simulated
environment. Due to these advantages, Webots is a great simulation tool for reinforcement
learning researchers. In addition, a useful framework for developers called Deepbots
has also been created for this software [13].
Fig. 1 shows the robot manipulator, which is a three-axis robot that has two linear motors
to operate the gripper. In the work environment, both objects to be moved and obstacles
are on a table. Our goal is to bring the target object to the target point while avoiding
obstacles in the shortest time. A camera to monitor the work environment hangs from
the ceiling.
4.2 Proposed Method
The camera in Webots supports object detection, recognizes target objects, and
allows us to track their positions using images. Based on information obtained from
images captured by the camera, a new representation is created, as shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 2 shows the position of the target object, the position of the obstacle, and the destination
expressed as a grid world composed of square boxes. The grid world has dimensions
of 12x12 and is created as an 84x84 image. This grid world image becomes the input
image to the training network of the deep reinforcement learning algorithm, which
will search for the optimal path to complete the pick and place tasks.
As shown in Fig. 3, the robot simulator extracts object information from the input image of the camera.
Then, a new grid world image is created and delivered to the deep reinforcement learning
agent. After receiving the image, the agent selects the next action and transmits
it to the robot simulator. The robot simulator calculates the position where the end
effector should move based on that action and then moves each joint through inverse
kinematics. Next, a new image is then recorded by the camera after the robot has moved,
and the information obtained from it is used to create the new grid world image. This
process repeats from the moment the object is picked up to the moment it is put down
on the target point.
Fig. 2. How work environment is represented by grid world.
Fig. 3. System architecture.
Fig. 4. Training results for simple environment.
In reinforcement learning, there are various episodes, and learning takes place
from the experiences that are created within them. It takes a considerable amount
of time to acquire sufficient experience for a robot to learn a skill well while in
the simulation tool. To tackle this problem, we created training data using OpenAI
Gym frame, a toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms
[14]. OpenAI Gym frame allows you to test your own reinforcement learning algorithms using
various internal game environments. Furthermore, if you use OpenAI Gym frame, you
can create your own game environment where your algorithms can learn how to complete
tasks. Since we represented the work environment using a grid world image, we were
able to create virtual training data and significantly cut the time required for training.
5. Simulation Results
5.1 Training of Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
We let the deep reinforcement learning algorithm learn two environments. In the
first environment, the starting point and destination are randomly generated, and
there are no obstacles in the way. The scalar reward function for this is as follows.
The robot has a maximum of 500 time steps per episode, and the worst total reward
per episode is -50. The goal of the robot is to reach the destination in the shortest
time. The training was conducted over a total of 50,000 episodes, where two deep reinforcement
learning algorithms were trained: DQN and D3QN with PER. The results achieved by these
two algorithms in this task are shown in Fig. 4.
The vertical axis represents the total reward per episode, and the horizontal
axis represents the number of episodes. For each episode, the total reward from the
most recent 1000 episodes was averaged and used as the output. In a simple environment
with no obstacles, both algorithms successfully learned how to compete the task well.
By episode 50,000, the average reward was about -0.65, which means that the destination
was reached in 6 to 7 time steps on average. The overall average and highest average
rewards of D3QN with PER were slightly higher than those of DQN.
Table 1. Simulation hyperparameters.
Fully Connected(512)
Fully Connected(256)
Fully Connected(64)
Batch size
Start $\epsilon $
End $\epsilon $
Annealing step
Memory size
Learning rate
Discount rate
PER $\alpha $
PER $\beta $
PER $\beta $ increasement
The second environment is a more complex and difficult environment than the first
one. In the second environment, three obstacles appear stochastically with random
positions and sizes. The goal of the robot is to pick up the target and move it to
the destination in the shortest time possible (measured in steps) while avoiding obstacles.
If the robot collides with an obstacle, it returns to its original position. This
is more difficult than the first environment because the agent needs to know where
the obstacles are in the work environment and to find a path to avoid them. The reward
function and the learning process are the same as in the first environment. The results
achieved by the two algorithms in this task are shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Training results for complex environment: (a) Comparison of training results
of DQN and D3QN with PER during 10,000 episodes; (b) Training result of D3QN with
PER during 50,000 episodes.
Fig. 6. Optimal path when there is no obstacle in the workspace.
In Fig. 5, the difference between the two algorithms can be seen clearly. As the learning progressed,
DQN was not able to find the destination and could only avoid obstacles. Eventually,
we decided that DQN would not be able to complete the task and ended training in the
20,000th episode. In contrast, D3QN with PER successfully learned how to complete
the task. It can be seen that the average reward is about -1.2 by the 50,000th episode,
which indicates that the robot was able to reach the destination by moving 12 times
on average. To teach the 3-axis robot manipulator, the weights found by the deep reinforcement
learning algorithm model in Gym Frame were used. Table 1 shows the hyperparameters for Double Dueling DQN with PER used for training.
5.2 Optimal Path Search
Figs. 6-8 show the optimal path search results of the 3-axis robot manipulator
that was taught using the stored weights of the trained model. These were passed to
the deep reinforcement learning algorithm model, which was then able to interact with
the working environment implemented in the simulation. The first test was to ensure
that the optimal path could be found when there were no obstacles. Fig. 6 shows that the robot manipulator is able to find the fastest straight path when it
picks up and moves the object to the target.
Fig. 7. Optimal path when there are static obstacles in the workspace.
Fig. 8. Optimal path when there are dynamic obstacles in the workspace.
The second test was to check that our model could find the optimal path when
there were static obstacles. There are two obstacles in the work environment. The
tests confirmed that the robot manipulator is able to avoid obstacles and reach the
destination. In Fig. 7, the robot follows the fastest path while avoiding collisions with the obstacles.
The final test was to ensure that our model could find the optimal path when
there were moving obstacles. One obstacle moves and blocks the simple path to the
target while the robot manipulator performs a pick and place operation. As shown in
Fig. 8, the robot manipulator moved along the path with the greatest reward while making
corrections to the optimal path in real time to avoid the moving obstacle.
6. Conclusion
In this paper, we proposed a method that searches for the optimal trajectory for
a robot manipulator to take in pick-and-place tasks using deep reinforcement learning
with images of the workspace as inputs. This method was successful even when there
were moving obstacles in the workspace. We confirmed that the deep reinforcement learning
agent is able to find optimal behavior using a simulation.
It was also shown that optimal robot manipulator operation can be achieved using
a variant of DQN. This kind of robot manipulator operation is considered difficult
when using DQN, but when applying improved DQN algorithms, such as Double DQN and
Dueling DQN, the task becomes more feasible. The method proposed in this paper is
expected to be applicable to pick-and-place tasks and a wide variety of applications
using robot manipulators.
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Yungmin Sunwoo received his B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from Pukyong
National University. Cu-rrently, he is a graduate student in Smart Robot Convergence
and Application Engineering at Pukyong National University.
Won Chang Lee received B.S. in Control and Instrumentation Engi-neering from Seoul
National University in 1983. He received and M.S. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 1985, and Ph.D.
in Electrical Engineering from Pohang University of Science and Technology(POSTECH)
in 1992. He was with Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science from 1985 to
1988. He is currently a professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Pukyong
National University, Busan, South Korea. His current areas include nonlinear control,
robotic systems, and artificial intelligence.