Kim Jeonghoon1
Kim Sungyoon1
Pyo Changhoon2
Kim Hyeongmyeon2
Yim Changhoon1,2,*
(Konkuk University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul 05029, Korea)
(Konkuk University, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Seoul 05029, Korea )
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Image dehazing, Depth estimation, Attenuation coefficient, Deep learning, Entropy
1. Introduction
Many studies have been performed on image dehazing [1-6] and depth estimation (DE) [7-11]. These two topics have generally been investigated separately. In this paper$^{J.
we propose a framework to jointly solve these two problems.
Image dehazing is a challenging problem because haze is dependent on the unknown depth
and parameters. It is an under-constrained and ill-posed problem if the input is a
single image [1]. Because haze degrades the visibility of outdoor images, it negatively affects high-level
vision tasks, such as object detection and recognition.
The atmospheric scattering model for hazy images is expressed as follows [1-6]:
where $x$ represents the pixel location (coordinate), $I\left(x\right)$ represents
the hazy image (observed image), $J\left(x\right)$ represents the clean image (haze-free
scene radiance), $A$ represents the global atmospheric light, and $t\left(x\right)$
represents the transmission map (matrix). The transmission map $t\left(x\right)$ can
be expressed as:
where $d\left(x\right)$ represents the scene depth (distance), and $\beta $ is the
attenuation (scattering) coefficient. Hence, the transmission is closely related to
the depth.
Previous image processing methods based on the atmospheric scattering model [1, 12,
13] aimed to obtain the transmission $t\left(x\right)$ for image dehazing using Eq.
(1). Since the exact $\beta $ value is unknown, these methods can only provide a depth
map $d\left(x\right)$ to an unknown scale from the transmission $t\left(x\right)$
using the inverse operation of Eq. (2).
Recently, deep learning methods for image dehazing have been developed [4-6]. The performance of deep learning methods depends on the dataset, particularly for
supervised learning with ground truth (GT) data for training. Most deep learning methods
for image dehazing use synthetic datasets for supervised learning. Synthetic data
with hazy and clean (GT) image pairs can be generated from scenes with depth data,
such as indoor NYU depth v2 [14] and outdoor KITTI data [15]. The depth information for indoor scenes is more accurate than that for outdoor scenes.
For outdoor scenes, it is difficult to obtain a hazy image and the corresponding clean
image for a GT image with perfect registration of pixels. Moreover, the atmosphere
is not completely free of particles, even on clear days [1]. A case where the atmosphere is completely free of particles corresponds to $\beta
$ = 0, $t\left(x\right)$ = 1, and $I\left(x\right)~ $= $J\left(x\right)$ in Eqs. (1) and (2). In this case, the image may seem unnatural and lose depth information [1].
Deep learning methods for depth estimation (DE) using a single image have been developed
[7-11]. Godard et al. developed a self-supervised monocular DE method called Monodepth2
[8], which improved on the unsupervised monocular DE method Monodepth1 [7]. The DenseDepth method achieves DE from a single image using transfer learning [9]. The dense prediction transformer (DPT) uses a transformer architecture and provides
fine results for DE with a single image [11].
The attenuation coefficient $\beta $ has been simply considered as an unknown parameter
in a single image. As $\beta $ increases, the amount of attenuation by depth increases,
and the degree of haziness increases (haziness becomes more severe). Few studies have
been performed to estimate the $\beta $ value for a single image using the relationship
between the transmission $t\left(x\right)$ and depth $d\left(x\right)$ given by Eq.
A joint estimation method was developed for defogging (dehazing) and stereo reconstruction
(DE) from a video sequence composed of multiple images (frames) [16]. In this method, a set of sparsely matched pixel pairs was collected, and the $\beta
$ value was estimated for each pair. The $\beta $ value was estimated as the value
with the highest probability in the $\beta $ histogram. Because this method requires
multiple images, it would not be applicable for the estimation of $\beta $ from a
single image.
In this paper, we propose a progressive dehazing and depth estimation (PDDE) method
with optimal estimation of the attenuation coefficient for a single hazy image.
2. Proposed Method
Fig. 1 presents the overall architecture of the proposed method. For a given input hazy
image $I\left(x\right)$, the depth estimation module (DEM) estimates the depth $\hat{d}_{i}\left(x\right)$,
and the atmospheric light estimation module (ALEM) estimates the amount of atmospheric
light $\hat{A}$. Through progressive image dehazing, the dehazed image $\hat{J}_{i+1}\left(x\right)$
is obtained from the atmospheric light estimate$~ \hat{A}$ and the current depth estimate
$\hat{d}_{i}\left(x\right)$. The updated dehazed image is assessed using entropy for
the optimal state. The DEM updates the depth estimate $\hat{d}_{i}\left(x\right)$
by using the updated dehazed image $\hat{J}_{i+1}\left(x\right)$ for the next iteration.
After the optimal condition is satisfied, the PDDE provides the optimal dehazed image
$\hat{J}\left(x\right)$ and optimal depth estimate $\hat{d}\left(x\right)$ from a
single hazy image $I\left(x\right)$.
Fig. 1. Overall architecture of the proposed PDDE method.
2.1 Progressive Image Dehazing
The image dehazing problem involves obtaining a clean image estimate $\hat{J}\left(x\right)$
from an input hazy image $I\left(x\right)$. If we have a depth estimate $\hat{d}\left(x\right)$
and a global atmospheric light estimate $\hat{A}$, we can roughly calculate $\hat{J}\left(x\right)$
for image dehazing with an arbitrary value for $\hat{\beta }$, as shown in Eq. (3), which can be deduced from Eqs. (1) and (2).
To compute $\hat{J}\left(x\right)$ from the depth estimate $\hat{d}\left(x\right)$
accurately, we must accurately obtain the attenuation coefficient estimate $\hat{\beta
}$, which determines the degree of haziness. We do not have prior knowledge of the
degree of haziness $\hat{\beta }$ for an outdoor hazy image. We propose estimating
the $\hat{\beta }$ value progressively using a small attenuation value $\beta _{s}$
for one iteration. If the dehazing operation with $\beta _{s}$ in Eq. (3) is performed for a hazy image $I\left(x\right)$, a slightly dehazed image is obtained.
If the dehazing operation is performed again for the dehazed image with $\beta _{s}$,
it is equivalent to performing the dehazing operation for the original hazy image
$I\left(x\right)$ with 2$\beta _{s}$. To generalize this concept with multiple dehazing
iterations, we consider the dehazed image for the $i$th iteration with $\beta _{s}$.
$\hat{J}_{i}\left(x\right)$ represents an estimate of the dehazed image for the $i$th
iteration of progressive image dehazing:
In Eq. (4), $\beta _{i}$ represents the cumulative attenuation coefficient for the $i$th iteration
in progressive image dehazing:
Eq. (4) means that the dehazed image $\hat{J}_{i}\left(x\right)$ can be effectively obtained
from the input hazy image $I\left(x\right)$ using the depth estimate $\hat{d}_{i-1}\left(x\right)$
with attenuation coefficient $i\beta _{s}$. Because we do not have prior knowledge
of the attenuation coefficient, $\hat{J}_{i}\left(x\right)$ must be computed progressively
from the previous dehazed image $\hat{J}_{i-1}\left(x\right)$, not directly from $I\left(x\right)$.
For progressive image dehazing, we define the computation of $\hat{J}_{i+1}\left(x\right)$
from $\hat{J}_{i}\left(x\right)$ with attenuation coefficient $\beta _{s}$ as follows:
$\hat{d}_{i,c}\left(x\right)$ in Eq. (7) represents the compensated depth map in the $i$th iteration for progressive image
dehazing for $\hat{J}_{i+1}\left(x\right)$ from $\hat{J}_{i}\left(x\right)$ with attenuation
coefficient $\beta _{s}$.
The initial value of $\hat{J}_{i}\left(x\right)$ is set as $\hat{J}_{0}\left(x\right)$
= $I\left(x\right)$. From Eqs. (4) and (6), we have:
From Eqs. (5), (7) and (8), we derive:
From Eq. (5),
From Eqs. (9) and (10), we obtain:
The DE for $\hat{d}_{i}\left(x\right)$ is performed using the progressively dehazed
image for $\hat{J}_{i}\left(x\right)$ for the next iteration. Because the hazy image
is dehazed progressively, the accuracy of the depth estimate can be improved incrementally
up to the optimal state. Hence, the image dehazing performance can be effectively
improved using the updated depth estimate $\hat{d}_{i}\left(x\right)$ as in Eq. (11) rather than using the initial depth map $\hat{d}_{0}\left(x\right)$ from hazy image
$I\left(x\right)$. By using the compensated depth map $\hat{d}_{i,c}\left(x\right)$
in Eq. (7) for the progressive image dehazing operation in Eq. (6), the dehazed image $\hat{J}_{i+1}\left(x\right)$ can be effectively obtained from
the input image $I\left(x\right)$ using the depth estimate $\hat{d}_{i}\left(x\right)$
with the attenuation coefficient $\left(i+1\right)\beta _{s}$ in Eq. (11), as in the previous iteration in Eq. (4).
2.2 Depth Estimation Module
The depth estimation (DE) is performed using a deep learning network. One of the following
deep learning networks was adopted and tested for the proposed PDDE method:
· Monodepth2 [8] using self-supervised monocular training
· DenseDepth [9] using pre-trained DenseNet [17] for the encoder
· DPT-Hybrid [11] using pre-trained ViT [18] with the ImageNet-1k dataset [19]
2.3 Atmospheric Light Estimation Module
The global atmospheric light $A$ in Eq. (1) is assumed to be homogeneous and constant in the image. We use the U-Net [20] structure with an encoder and decoder as DCPDN [21]. The encoder is composed of four contracting blocks with convolution (Conv), batch
normalization (BN), and rectified linear unit (ReLU) layers. The decoder is composed
of four expanding blocks with deconvolution (DConv), BN, and ReLU layers. After the
encoder and decoder operations are performed, the atmospheric light estimate $\hat{A}$
is obtained via convolution, pooling, and linear layer operations.
2.4 Optimality Assessment
After progressive image dehazing is performed in each iteration, the dehazed image
needs to be assessed to determine whether it has reached the optimal state of dehazing.
For optimality assessment, we adopt the entropy [22] as a non-reference image quality metric as a measure of information entropy [23]. We argue that entropy can be effectively used to measure the relative quality of
dehazed images from a single hazy image.
The entropy $H^{C}$ for each channel $C$ (R, G, B) with eight bits (256 levels) can
be defined as:
where $p_{j}^{C}$ represents the probability of the intensity level $j$ of channel
$C$. The entropy $H$ for an image with R, G, and B channels is defined as the average
value of $H^{R}$, $H^{G}$, and $H^{B}$.
Algorithm 1. PDDE algorithm.
Algorithm 1 presents the proposed PDDE algorithm with optimality assessment, including detailed
pseudocode for the overall architecture shown in Fig. 1. Let $H_{i}$ represent the entropy value of dehazed image $\hat{J}_{i}\left(x\right)$
for optimality assessment in the $i$th iteration. Because image dehazing is performed
at each iteration with $\beta _{s}$, the entropy $H_{i}$ would be increased to the
optimal state. However, the entropy $H_{i}$would be decreased if the dehazing operation
is performed excessively (over-dehazed). We observed that the entropy $H_{i}$ is approximately
a convex function of $i$, which is maximized for the optimally dehazed image in most
experimental cases. Hence, we set the optimal state for the iteration where the entropy
$H_{i}$ is the maximum value in a predefined index range of 0 to $S_{\max }$. After
the proposed algorithm finds the optimal state from the entropy, it obtains the optimal
dehazed image and depth map in the optimal state.
3. Experimental Results
In the experiments, the attenuation coefficient value for one iteration was set as
$\beta _{s}$= 0.005, and the maximum iteration index was set as $S_{\max }$= 50.
3.1 Progressive Image Dehazing
The image dehazing performance of the proposed PDDE method was compared with that
of state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods. The DPT-Hybrid method [11] was fine-tuned with the RESIDE-v0 outdoor training set (OTS) [6] and used for DE in the proposed PDDE method. The training data were composed of 8,970
non-hazy data in OTS and 313,950 synthesized data with atmospheric light $A$ ${\in}$
{0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0} and $\beta $ ${\in}$ {0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.12, 0.16,
0.2}. The input images were resized to 256${\times}$256 instead of being cropped.
Fig. 2 shows the image dehazing results for RESIDE-v0 outdoor images. The proposed PDDE
method provided a clearer image than that obtained by the SOTA methods while maintaining
color information. For the image in row 1, the proposed method provided results similar
to the ground truth (GT) image. For the image in row 2, the GT image appeared relatively
hazy, and the proposed PDDE method provided a clearer result. Figs. 3 and 4 show the
dehazed images at different iterations of the proposed PDDE method for row 1 and row
2 in Fig. 2(f), respectively. The input hazy images were synthesized from the GT images with $\beta
$ = 0.12.
Fig. 5 shows the entropy, peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), and Structural Similarity (SSIM)
index values for the iterations of the PDDE method. The optimal state was set for
the iteration when the maximum entropy occurred: iteration 25 in Fig. 5(a) and iteration 38 in Fig. 5(b). The images at 10 and 20 iterations were in under-dehazed state (still hazy), whereas
those at 40 and 50 iterations were in over-dehazed state, as shown in Figs. 3 and
In row 1 of Fig. 2(g), the GT image is clear. In this case, the entropy, PSNR, and SSIM values were maximized
at iteration 25, as shown in Fig. 5(a). In row 2 of Fig. 2(g), the GT image is relatively hazy. In this case, the entropy was maximized at iteration
38, whereas the PSNR and SSIM values were maximized at iteration 26. This means that
the dehazed image in iteration 26 is closer than the dehazed image at iteration 28.
However, the dehazed image at iteration 38 in Fig. 4(e) is clearer than the dehazed image at iteration at iteration 26 in Fig. 4(d). Notably, the GT image in row 2 of Fig. 2(g) looks relatively hazy in this case of the dataset. The proposed PDDE method provided
a dehazed result that was clearer than the hazy GT image in this exceptional case.
The dehazed image results in the case of Fig. 4 imply that the entropy can be used as a non-referenced image quality assessment metric.
Fig. 2. Image dehazing results for RESIDE-v0 outdoor images: (a) input hazy image; (b) DCP[1]; (c) AOD-Net[5]; (d) FFA-Net[24]; (e) MSBDN-DFF[25]; (f)PDDE (proposed); (g) GT image.
Fig. 3. Dehazed images at different iterations of the PDDE method inFig. 2(f)(row 1): (a) input hazy image ($\boldsymbol{\beta }=0.12$); (b) 10 iterations; (c) 20 iterations; (d) 25 iterations; (e) 40 iterations; (f) 50 iterations.
Fig. 4. Dehazed images at different iterations of the PDDE method inFig. 2(f)(row): (a) input hazy image ($\beta =0.12$); (b) 10 iterations; (c) 20 iterations; (d) 26 iterations; (e) 38 iterations; (f) 50 iterations.
Fig. 5. Entropy, PSNR and SSIM values at different iterations of the PDDE method: (a) the case of Fig. 3; (b) the case of Fig. 4. Horizontal axis: iteration index. Vertical axis: PSNR (blue, left), SSIM (green, left), entropy (red, right).
Fig. 6 presents a comparison of the image dehazing results for an RESIDE-RTTS outdoor image
[6], which did not have a GT image. As shown, the proposed PDDE method provided clearer
and subjectively better results than the SOTA methods.
For a quantitative comparison, 500 outdoor images from the synthetic objective testing
set (SOTS) [6] were used for testing. Table 1 presents a quantitative comparison of the proposed PDDE method and the SOTA methods
for the SOTS. As shown, the proposed method provided the best results for the PSNR
and entropy.
Table 2 presents the performance evaluation of ALEM for the estimation of atmospheric light
$\hat{A}$ for different values of $A$ by the mean absolute error (MAE). The ALEM estimates
atmospheric light, which determines the luminance and color level of atmosphere. In
this experiment, hazy images with 5 values of $A$ were generated from each clean image
of SOTS. Equal numbers of hazy images for each value of $A$$\in$ {0.8,0.85,0.9,0.95,1.0}
were generated for training. Table 2 shows that the MAE values between $A$ and $\hat{A}$ are close. This means that the
ALEM performance is consistent with different values of $A$.
Table 1. Quantitative comparison of the proposed PDDE method and the SOTA methods for the SOTS. The best results are presented in bold, and the second-best results are underlined.
DCP [1]
AOD-Net [5]
FFA-Net [24]
MSBDN [25]
PDDE (proposed)
Table 2. Performance evaluation of ALEM for the estimation of atmospheric light $\hat{A}$ for different values of $A$.
Fig. 6. Image dehazing results for an RESIDE-RTTS outdoor image: (a) input hazy image; (b) DCP; (c) AOD-Net[5]; (d) FFA-Net[24]; (e) MSBDN-DFF[25]; (f) PDDE (proposed).
3.2 Depth Estimation
For a comparison of the depth estimation (DE) from a single hazy image, hazy images
were synthesized by Eq. (1) using 652 images, which are data split of Eigen $et~ al$. [10] from the KITTI dataset [15] with depth information. For the synthesis of 1,956 hazy images, the atmospheric light
was estimated using the image processing method by Peng $et~ al$. [13], and the attenuation coefficient values of $\beta $${\in}${0.02, 0.04, 0.06} were
The attenuation coefficient $\beta $values were relatively small because the KITTI
dataset had depth values up to 80 m, whereas the RESIDE-v0 outdoor dataset had scaled
depth values of 0 to 5 (without unit). As the depth range increased, the transmission
was decreased by Eq. (2), and the degree of haziness was increased for the same $\beta $ value.
Fig. 7 presents the DE results for hazy images with $\beta $ values of 0.02, 0.04, and 0.06.
As shown, the proposed PDDE method yielded the best DE result among the methods examined,
especially for the objects with large depth (distance) in the red box, which are clearly
visible in the inverted depth maps in each row 2 of Fig. 7(c). These objects were not visible in the hazy image or the depth map of Fig. 7(a). The DE and image dehazing results of the PDDE method were better than those shown
in Fig. 7(b), with separate application of image dehazing (FFA-Net) and DE (Monodepth2).
Table 3 presents a comparison of the DE results of the proposed PDDE method and the original
DE modules for hazy images. We compared the standard error metrics for DE (a smaller
value is better) [8,10]. As shown, the proposed method achieved a significantly higher accuracy of DE for
hazy images with a large improvement ratio (IR) than the previous DE methods.
4. Conclusion and Discussion
The main contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows.
· We proposed a novel framework for jointly solving image dehazing and DE problems.
The proposed method provides an optimally dehazed image and depth map from a single
hazy image.
· We proposed a progressive image dehazing method by iterative dehazing operations
with a small attenuation coefficient. This method is based on the characteristics
of the image dehazing operation, which were investigated using the atmospheric scattering
· We proposed an optimality assessment method that uses entropy as a non-reference
quality metric to find the optimal image dehazing state for a given input hazy image.
· We performed experiments to demonstrate the benefits of the proposed PDDE method
for image dehazing and DE from a single hazy image compared with the previous SOTA
It is possible to set $\beta _{s}$ with a larger value for the attenuation coefficient
of one iteration in progressive image dehazing. This would require a smaller number
of iterations for faster convergence with larger granularity as in Eq. (5) for the estimation of optimal attenuation coefficient $~ \hat{\beta }$ in Eq. (3). Future research can be directed to set the $\beta _{s}$ value adaptively for a faster
search for the optimal state in progressive image dehazing.
Fig. 7. DE results for a hazy image: (a) Input hazy images (${\beta}$ = 0.02, 0.04, 0.06) and the corresponding depth maps; (b) Dehazed image obtained by FFA-Net[24]and the depth map from the dehazed image obtained by Monodepth2[9]; (c) Dehazed image and depth map obtained by the proposed PDDE method with Monodepth2. Each depth map in row 2 presents the inverted depth map as (1 ${-}$ $\overline{d}$), where $\overline{d}$ represents the normalized depth.
Table 3. Comparison of the DE results of the proposed PDDE method and the original DE modules for hazy images with $\boldsymbol{\beta }$ values of 0.02, 0.04, 0.06.
$\boldsymbol{\beta }$
Abs Rel
Sq Rel
RMSE log
Original DE modules
Proposed method
with DE modules
This research was supported by a National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant
funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (NRF-2021R1F1A1047396). This research was also
supported by a University Innovation Grant from the Ministry of Education and the
National Research Foundation of Korea.
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Jeonghoon Kim received a BS degree in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering
from Konkuk University in Korea in 2022. He worked as a student researcher at the
Intelligent Image Processing Labora-tory of Konkuk University. His research interests
include computer vision, reinforcement learning, and autonomous driving.
Sungyun Kim received a BS degree in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering
from Konkuk University in Korea in 2022. He worked as a student researcher at the
Intelligent Image Processing Labora-tory of Konkuk University. His research interests
include computer vision and image processing.
Changhoon Pyo received a BE degree in the Department of Software Engineering from
Tsinghua University in China in 2017 and has been studying for a master’s degree in
the Department of Artificial Intelligence at Konkuk University in Korea since 2019.
His research interests include machine learning in image processing and analysis.
Hyeongmyeon Kim received a BS degree in the Department of Physics from Konkuk University
in Korea in 2019. He is currently a master’s student in the Department of Artificial
Intelligence at Konkuk University. His research interests include computer vision-based
AI technology and deep learning model compression.
Changhoon Yim received a BS degree in the Department of Control and Instrumentation
Engineering from Seoul National University in Korea in 1986, an MS in the Department
of Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science
and Technology in 1988, and a PhD in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
from the University of Texas at Austin in 1996. Since 2003, he has been a professor
in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Konkuk University. His research
interests include digital image processing, computer vision, and deep learning.