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  1. (Escuela Profesional de Ingenieria de Sistemas, Universidad Autonoma del Peru / Lima, Peru {aaparcana, jgamboa} )

Machine learning (ML), Management, Software-defined networks (SDN), Systematic literature review (SLR)

1. Introduction

The Software-Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm has emerged as a response to the inability of today's networks to maintain a global view of network elements [87]. SDN enables innovation and programmability through a centralized structure, which in turn provides global-view data that can be used by different algorithms [89]. Many technologies have been used to improve various aspects of management in software-defined networks, and one of the most important is Machine Learning (ML) [89]. With these techniques, networks become smarter, more autonomous, and more efficient in improving the utilization and optimization of network resources [88].

Research linking two variables has increased in the last five years. This makes it necessary to have a systematic literature review that brings together this research and answers the right questions for researchers in the area, as well as comparing it with similar works. Thus, a systematic literature review was done to analyze ML and its influence on SDN management.

The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents a summary of the concepts used and related works that serve as a comparison with the present study. Section 3 explains the methodology used for the systematic literature review based on Kitchenham’s guidelines [82] and the PRISMA guidelines. Section 4 analyzes and compares the results obtained with those of other researchers. Finally, Section 5 presents the conclusions of the study and guidelines for future research.

2. Background and Related Works

In the process of systematic literature review, the search for review papers was replicated to compare the results obtained. However, in many of the cases, the papers did not make very broad explorations of areas within the software-defined networks, so the comparisons could not be made completely. The studies were focused on certain areas applicable to software-defined networks. However, they were not limited to studies in this paradigm of networks. Also, these studies present descriptive questions that are much simpler than the analytics presented in this paper. It is important to highlight that these investigations were from 2019 onward, so the growing demand for these papers still leaves room for future research.

In 2019, Öney and Peker [86] published a review on only techniques based on neural networks and their influence on Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). The results of this research were mainly that the most used technique to deal with IDS was deep neural networks, and the main database was KDD'99. Then, in 2020, Amarudin, Ferdiana, and Widyawan [85] published a study that also focused on IDSs for network security and analyzed the papers related to techniques in ML. As a result, the SVM technique was the most used to give IDS solutions, and 87 % of the ML techniques studied were classification techniques.

In the year 2021, there were two important studies prepared by Nassif et al. [83,84], who deeply studied the techniques of ML and the application for anomaly detection and security in the Cloud, respectively. The first paper [84] highlights increasing research in the area in recent years. The date range used by the authors was 20 years. It also highlighted that the SVM technique is the most used for anomaly detection but that unsupervised techniques are the most abundant among researchers.

The second study [83] extended the studies to cloud security. They highlight that in this field, DDoS attacks are the most common and also reaffirm that SVM is the most used technique in the literature. They particularly mention that KDD and KDD CUP'99 are the most commonly used databases to enter algorithms. They recommend that researchers include data selection and extraction strategies in the systematic reviews consulted. Finally, they also recommend conducting research in this area.

The contribution of this work is to expand knowledge and analyze ML techniques for DN Management. In the present study, the following contributions are made. The search equations follow strict PRISMA guidelines to answer the research questions, the search sources are specialized and include peer-reviewed articles, and the author makes use of the Research Assistant Joshua (RAj) tool, an intelligent assistant developed by Gamboa-Cruzado. RAj makes use of the TextBlob release for sentiment analysis. Polarity refers to the feeling of the text, where -1.0 is a text written in a very negative way, 0.0 is neutral, and 1.0 is very positive. Objectivity refers to how the text is written, where 0.0 is given to a text written entirely based on facts, and 1.0 is given to a text written entirely based on opinions and personal feelings [90].

3. Methodology

The methodology of the systematic review of literature takes into account the work of Kitchenham [82]. The methodology defines research phases and techniques involving research problems and objectives, search sources and search strategies, identified studies, exclusion criteria, paper selection, quality assessment, data extraction strategy, and finally, data synthesis.

3.1 Research Problems and Objectives

Identifying research questions and objectives is an essential procedure in the systematic literature review process because it is necessary for the following steps: search strategy planning, data extraction, and data analysis. Table 1 shows a table with the research questions and their related objectives.

Table 1. Research questions and objectives.

Research Question


RQ1: Who are the most productive authors in ML development?

Identify the most productive authors in ML development

RQ2: What are the most cited articles on ML and its influence on software-defined network management whose discussions and conclusions are characterized by their objectivity and polarity?

Identify the most cited articles on ML and its influence on software-defined network management whose discussions and conclusions are characterized by their objectivity and polarity

RQ3: Who are the authors who are frequently Co-authors in research on ML and its influence on software-defined network management?

Determine the authors who are often co-authors in research on ML and its influence on software-defined network management

RQ4: What are the keywords that frequently present cooccurrence in ML research and its influence on software-defined network management?

Identify the Keywords that frequently present cooccurrence in ML research and its influence on software-defined network management

3.2 Search Sources and Search Strategies

Scientific data sources were chosen to provide research papers focused on engineering, which were used to find the papers relevant to the study. The sources were Taylor & Francis, IEEE Xplore, Springer Link, Scopus, Science Direct, Wiley Online Library, ACM Digital Library, and ProQuest. The search strategy requires the identification of descriptors related to the independent and dependent variables. Table 2 shows the descriptors, which make use of synonyms separated by "/" to expand and consider similar papers that do not have nomenclatures equal to those of the study. The search procedure was carried out using search equations that strictly respect the syntax of the chosen data sources. These are shown in Table 3.

Table 2. Search descriptors.



Machine learning / ML


Network management / management


Software-defined networks / SDN

Methodology / Method / Model

Table 3. Sources and search equations.


Search equation

Taylor & Francis

[[All: "machine learning"] OR [All: ml]] AND [[All: management] OR [All: "network management"]] AND [[All: "software-defined network"] OR [All: sdn]] AND [[All: methodology] OR [All: method] OR [All: model]]

IEEE Xplore

(("Full Text & Metadata":"Machine Learning") OR ("Full Text & Metadata":ML)) AND (("Full Text & Metadata":Management) OR ("Full Text & Metadata":"Network Management")) AND (("Full Text & Metadata":"Software-Defined Network") OR ("Full Text & Metadata":SDN)) AND (("Full Text & Metadata":Methodology) OR ("Full Text & Metadata":Method) OR ("Full Text & Metadata":Model))

Springer Link

("Machine Learning" OR ML) AND (Management OR "Network Management") AND ("Software-Defined Network" OR SDN) AND (Methodology OR Method OR Model)


ALL ( ( "Machine Learning" OR ML ) AND ( Management OR "Network Management" ) AND ( "Software-Defined Network" OR SDN ) AND ( Methodology OR Method OR Model ) )

Science Direct

("Machine Learning" OR ML) AND (Management OR "Network Management") AND ("Software-Defined Network" OR SDN) AND (Methodology OR Method OR Model)

Wiley Online Library

""Machine Learning" OR ML" anywhere and "Management OR "Network Management"" anywhere and ""Software-Defined Network" OR SDN" anywhere and "Methodology OR Method OR Model" anywhere

ACM Digital Library

[[All: "machine learning"] OR [All: ml]] AND [[All: management] OR [All: "network management"]] AND [[All: "software-defined network"] OR [All: sdn]] AND [[All: methodology] OR [All: method] OR [All: model]]


("Machine Learning" OR ML) AND ( Management OR "Network Management" ) AND ( "Software-Defined Network" OR SDN ) AND ( Methodology OR Method OR Model)

3.3 Identified Studies

Once the search for research papers is complete, the results are presented in a diagram that includes the results from data sources and the total set of primary papers found. This is shown in Fig. 1.

3.4 Exclusion Criteria

Exclusion criteria were defined to filter the papers relevant to the research. Given the criteria below, the papers were filtered in the following order:

EC1. The items are older than 5 years.

EC2. Papers are not written in English.

EC3. Papers were not published in peer-reviewed conferences or journals.

EC4. Paper titles and keywords are not very suitable.

EC5. The proposed solution does not apply to software-defined network management.

Fig. 1. Number of studies identified.

EC6. The abstract of the papers is not very relevant.

EC7. The items are not unique.

EC8. The full text of the paper is not available.

3.5 Selection of Papers

The first results gave 21,743 papers based on the strategy described in section 3.2 using the descriptors of the study. The following selection and filtering steps were:

1) Applying exclusion criteria to guarantee relevant documents for the study

2) Applying quality assessments to include papers that give a clear answer to the given research questions

The results of the first step gave the 81 papers shown in Fig. 2 (PRISMA chart).

Fig. 2. Application of exclusion criteria.

3.6 Quality Assessment

Applying quality assessment was the second step described in section 3.5 to identify a final set of papers that were included in this systematic review. QAs have been applied to evaluate the quality of the papers. 7 QAs were selected, which are listed as follows:

QA1. Are the research objectives visibly identified in the paper?

QA2. Is the experiment appropriate and acceptable?

QA3. Does the paper explain the context in which the research was conducted?

QA4. Is the document well constituted?

QA5. Are the methods used to analyze the results timely?

QA6. Are the results of the experiment visibly identified and reported?

QA7. Is the document considered appropriate?

After an exhaustive review of the filtered papers, we verified the quality based on the criteria presented above to ensure their relevance within the objectives set out in section 3. It was concluded that all 81 studies met the quality criteria.

3.7 Data Extraction Strategy

A data collection structure was used where the necessary information is extracted to answer the research questions. The information extracted from each paper includes the following data: PAPER ID, title, URL, source, year, country, number of pages, language, type of paper, publication medium name, authors, affiliation, number of citations, abstract, keywords, sample size, RQ1, RQ2, RQ3, and RQ4. The Zotero software was used to obtain the data, as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Document management with Zotero.

3.8 Data Synthesis

Finally, the data were collected, typed, and presented in figures and tables to make a visual analysis and a statistical comparison of the results obtained. These figures and tables answer each research question posed and show relevant findings from papers published during the last five years.

4. Results and Discussion

4.1 Study Overview

The selection ended with 81 research papers that were rigorously analyzed to obtain the relevant data for the study. The papers were selected considering the last five years; that is, papers from 2016 to the year of 2021. Fig. 4 shows the distribution of papers in these years, and the tendency to use ML techniques in the management of software-defined networks is growing. It is unavoidable that ML techniques are becoming increasingly important in research and development within the paradigm of software-defined networks.

Fig. 5 shows the location of the most relevant papers for the study. This figure allows researchers to define the countries that invest the most in research in software-defined networks by applying ML. The countries with the most research are China, the United States, and India with 15 (18.52 %), 14 (17.28 %), and 11 (13.58 %) publications, respectively. The selected papers also showed remarkable results in terms of the ML algorithms (Table 4) used by the researchers. Among these algorithms, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naive Bayes, and Reinforcement Learning are the most popular with 14.4 %, 9.3 %, and 7.9 %, respectively.

Although it is not included as a research question, it is important to know what techniques are used in the reviewed papers. The review shows us that SVM is the most popular ML algorithm. This is partially confirmed in

Fig. 4. Papers per year.
Fig. 5. Georeferential map of publications by country.
Table 4. ML algorithms.



Qty. (%)

Support Vector Machine (SVM)



31 (14.4)

Naive Bayes (NB)




Reinforcement Learning (RL)

[6][7][11][14][19][21][28][33][34][52][53][54][55] [58][71][74][77]



Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)

[8][9][12][25][29][31][43][50][53][55][59][61] [69][72][73][75][76]



Random Forest (RF)

[17][25][26][27][31][35][38][48][51][59][60][61] [73][78][80][81]




[5][7][16][21][22][27][38][44][47][59][72][73][76] [81]



K-Nearest Neighborhood (KNN)

[2][7][18][25][38][43][44][49][50][51][59][61][65] [78]



Decision Tree (DT)

[5][7][15][22][27][38][43][48][50][59][60][66][67] [73]



Deep Neural Networks (DNN)

[10][16][21][23][30][39] [44][62][74]



Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM)

[3][4][21][30][44][46][62] [75]



Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)

[30][36][37][44][54][55] [79]





5 (2.3)





Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)




Recurrent Neural network (RNN)




Stacked Autoencoder (SAE)




Bayesian Neural Networks (BNN)




Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost)








Graph Neural Network (GNN)




Autoencoder (AE)




Extreme Learning Machine (ELM)




Deep Belief Network (DBN)








One-Class SVM




Isolation Forest








Meta-Heuristic Bayesian Network Classifier




Random Undersampling Boosting (RUSBoost)




the reviews consulted since they do not focus on SDN only. According to Nassif, Talib, Nasir, and Dakalbab [84], for Anomaly Detection, SVM is the most popular ML technique. In another study on Cloud Security, the same authors [83] reveal that SVM is still the first technique. Amarudin, Ferdiana, and Widyawan [85] focused on IDSs and stated that SVM maintains the first place with the same number of studies. Finally, Öney and Peker [86] focused on IDSs with only Neural Network (NN) techniques contradict the results obtained, finding deep neural networks to have the largest number of studies.

4.2 Answers to Research Questions

RQ1: Who are the most productive authors in ML development?

Given the question asked, the study has done the task of finding the most productive authors in ML. Fig. 6 shows that Julong Lan and Yuxiang Hu are the most productive authors, both with 5 papers. Secondly, Penghao Sun and Zehua Guo have 4 items. It should be noted that the first two authors have the same papers, which were mostly indexed in Scopus. Likewise, the second place also has papers found in this data source, so these authors publish high-quality papers.

Undoubtedly, the most productive authors publish in data sources indexed in Scopus. The relationship between these authors is discussed in question RQ4. This answer fulfills the objective of identifying the authors with more products in the area but does not find review papers that have asked the same question.

RQ2: What are the most cited papers on ML and its influence on software-defined network management whose discussions and conclusions are characterized by their objectivity and polarity?

Based on this question, Fig. 7 shows the objectivity and polarity of the discussions and conclusions ordered by the most cited papers. It can be noted that the most cited paper is subjective and of positive polarity. Positive polarity means that the paper was written formally. Instead, the following papers are shown to be neutral in both their objectivity and polarity. The most cited papers are from the scientific data sources IEEE Xplore, Scopus, and ACM Digital Library. All papers are also shown in a graph of objectivity and polarity in Fig. 8.

The study finds that for this question most of the most cited papers are in the balance of these characteristics. These papers maintain a factual argument of their findings in their research, and they also write neutrally to the reader. The study determined the most cited papers and characterized them for their objectivity and polarity. No other review paper consulted contains any similar questions for comparison.

RQ3: Who are the authors who are frequently co-authors in research on ML and its influence on software-defined network management?

Authors who are often co-authors in research on ML and software-defined network management are shown visually with bibliometric networks in Fig. 9. The elaboration of these bibliometric networks was done while taking into account that authors and their co-authors carry out more research. Consequently, the authors who appear are also the most productive, as answered in RQ1. The figure mainly shows that Julong Lan and Yuxian Hu share the same publications (5). It is also appreciated that these authors carry out work together with other researchers, such as Penghao Sun sharing 7 papers through a network of researchers that link Junfei Li and Zehua Guo. They make up the strongest network of authors.

The present study presents graphs not found in the systematic reviews consulted. The graphs are bibliometric networks that visually show the strongest relationships between the authors, who are also the ones with the most publications. These authors are of Chinese origin and belong to the same research institutes.

RQ4: What are the Keywords that frequently present cooccurrence in ML research and its influence on software-defined network management?

To answer this question, two figures were elaborated. Fig. 10 shows that the most frequent keywords are "Machine Learning", "SDN", and as a complete concept, "Software-Defined Networking". This is mainly due to the rigorous selection of research variables. These more frequent keywords also show important connections. Fig. 11 shows bibliometric networks that relate the most important keywords. These networks show that "Machine Learning" has a strong relationship with "SDN" and "Software-Defined Networking". It also shows strong relationships with the most used ML techniques, as well as important concepts in SDN, such as the OpenFlow protocol and security.

The last question has also been answered by bibliometric networks that identify the strong relationships between the words "Machine Learning" and "Software-Defined Networks", or its more popular abbreviation, "SDN". These types of questions and graphical representations are also not found in the systematic reviews consulted.

Fig. 6. Most productive authors in ML.
Fig. 7. Most cited papers characterized by their objectivity and polarity.
Fig. 8. Papers in graph of objectivity and polarity.
Fig. 9. Bibliometric networks of authors.
Fig. 10. Most used keywords.
Fig. 11. Bibliometric network of keywords.

5. Conclusions and Future Research

The relationship between ML and its influence on software-defined network management has increased in the number of publications in the last five years. In this study, 81 papers were determined to contribute to the 4 research questions posed. These papers were chosen after a search in the most specialized scientific data sources on these topics: Taylor & Francis, IEEE Xplore, Springer Link, Scopus, Science Direct, Wiley Online Library, ACM Digital Library, and ProQuest. Exclusion and quality criteria were also applied to them through the adoption of Kitchenham’s guidelines [82], and together with the Zotero tool, the correct data can be extracted.

The results and discussion showed important findings. The most productive countries are China, US, and India, and the most popular technique among researchers is SVM. In response to RQ1, Julong Lan and Yuxian Hu are the authors with the most publications. The response to RQ2 shows that the most cited papers are mostly neutral. For RQ3, the result relates authors and co-authors, which gives us a look at the academic relationships of authors and products. Finally, the answer of RQ4 gives bibliometric networks of the most used keywords and those with whom they relate the most.

Researchers in ML and its influence on software-defined network management are recommended to consider the evolution of concepts in variables their review papers, as well as key phrases that influence this type of research. Upcoming researchers are also urged to use bibliometric networks in research questions that analyze the relationships between elements through the use of IT tools. Finally, it is proposed that in future systematic reviews, ML and text mining techniques be implemented to increase the objectivity and polarity of the investigations.


This research was supported by Universidad Autonoma del Peru, Lima, Peru. We thank Prof. Favio Cuya for his invaluable help during the review process.


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Andres J. Aparcana-Tasayco

Andres J. Aparcana-Tasayco received his Bach. Eng. in Systems Engineering in 2021 from Universidad Autonoma del Peru, Lima, Peru. His skills are Software Development, Database Design and Programming, Machine Learning, Networking, and Network Programmability. Additionally, he was awarded in Huawei’s ICT Competition Peru and Thesis Workshop by Universidad Autonoma del Peru in 2021. In addition, he has published and reviewed papers for international conferences. He was a research committee chair in his IEEE Student Branch and is currently an IEEE, IEEE ComSoc, and IEEE Computer member. He currently works as a research assistant at the coordination of Cybersecurity and Networking in Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Capacitacion de Telecomunicaciones de la Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Lima, Peru. His current research interests include virtualization technologies and Software-Defined Networking, Programmable Data Planes, Network Monitoring, and Network Security.

Javier Gamboa-Cruzado

Javier Gamboa-Cruzado works at the Faculty of Systems Engineering of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru. He is Doctor in Systems Engineering and Doctor in Administrative Sciences. He has published several articles in inter-national journals and conferences. His research interests are in machine learning, big data, the internet of things, natural language processing, and business intelligence (email: