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  1. ( Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amity School of Engineering & Technology, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
  2. ( Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Noida, Uttar Pradesh
  3. ( Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames
  4. ( Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, Amity School of Engineering & Technology, Noida, Uttar Pradesh

GPS based tracking, Mobile based application, Accelerometer, Gyroscope

1. Introduction

In the field of transportation infrastructure, monitoring road conditions is the most challenging task on a worldwide scale because, without proper maintenance, the maintenance and repair costs of the roads significantly increase vehicle damage and road accidents. Major road accidents occur because of the poor conditions of the road surface [1-3].

The major focus while maintaining good quality roads is to support an efficient road network and reduce traffic accidents. Nevertheless, road maintenance must face various daily challenges, such as weather conditions, heavy manpower and heavy traffic loads.

An efficient and low-latency road surface monitoring system is needed to meet the demands of frequently repairing the deteriorating road surface. Thus far, traditional systems use equipment that is too expensive, such as LIDAR and GPR, which makes it less efficient for deploying at a very large scale [5,6].

The major anomaly that comes as distress in the roads is as follows:

· Rutting

· Patching

· Cracking

· Alligator

· Block

· Traverse

· Longitudinal

· Raveling

· Potholes [4]

Therefore, this methodology was used to focus on these anomalies and analyze them using machine-learning methodology.

2. Methods

The goal of this study was to design a low latency efficient road monitoring system using a machine learning methodology to classify various conditions of road surfaces using the data collected using smartphones. The results over a single axis were compared with the three axes system and performances of neural networks to classify the conditions of road surfaces. The proposed system was divided into various steps for a better evaluation of the data, which are as follows (Fig. 3):

- Data Collection

· GPS location system

· Gyro meter

· Accelerometer

- Data processing

· Labeling

· Filtering

· Extraction of features

- Machine learning designing and training

· Support Vector Machine

· Decision Tree

· Neural Networks

· Design Model Evacuation

· Classification

Fig. 1. Cracking and its types.
Fig. 2. Rutting and its types.
Fig. 3. Block Diagram of Proposed System.
Fig. 4. Sample Data acquired during data collection [38].

A. Data Collection

The data collection stage is the stage that handles the situation of collecting and recording data according to the requirements of the present system. Different sensors of smartphones, such as GPS sensors, gyrostat, and accelerometer, were used.

As expected, the calculations might differ with different vehicles because of their features and suspension quality. Therefore, the data were collected from two types of vehicles by stabilizing smartphones and mounting. These vehicles were a car and motorcycles [8,9].

The figure shows one of the collected data samples with readings as a sample. The latitude and longitude records of the vehicle using GPS technology were used to detect its location at every point in time. The rotation around all three axes is taken through a gyro meter, and acceleration is obtained from all three axes using an accelerometer.

B. Data Processing

After collection, the data quality is deficient because it contains too many fluctuations, which must be processed for analyzing and classifying the road surface quality. The readings were taken using an accelerometer and gyro meter to determine the speed and locations. The data were collected under different frames of reference on the same device, as shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Frame of references of Accelerometer and Gyro meter on the same Cartesian Plane [38].
Fig. 6. Global frame of references common to both gyro-meter and accelerometer [38].

The coordinate axis reference frame needs to be reoriented to the global reference frame that can become common with a redefined and reprocessed frame of reference of the Gyro meter. The reorientation algorithm was used to reorient the data set obtained using an accelerometer through Eyler’s angles.

The condition in which vehicles are at resting position on a horizontal surface was taken because the ideal acceleration value is mentioned below:

A$_{\mathrm{x}}$ = 0 m/s$^{2}$

A$_{\mathrm{y}}$ = 9.81 m/s$^{2}$ (Gravitational pull)

A$_{\mathrm{z}}$ = 0 m/s$^{2}$

The following equations were used to convert the accelerometer reference frame to the Global reference frame by calculating two of the three Euler angles [30]

The road surface condition needs to be labeled in various parts for proper operation on the ground level of the supervised machine learning algorithm. The conditions in various road pavements could be labeled using the video recorded by the specialized developed application [7,10].

Subsequently, the data collected regarding the speed and location coordinates are being trained to detect the exact position of the road surface anomalies because of the spline interpolation of GPS data, location, and speed calculation because of the variance in the sampler rate of the Gyro meter or accelerometer. On the other hand, the driving conditions, such as accelerating, decelerating, turning, and changing lanes, which are unrelated to the road surface condition, are also considered. The 11$^{\mathrm{th}}$ order of high pass filters, attenuation of 80db, and a cut-off frequency of 3Hz for filtering it out are needed to remove such disturbances in X’ and Z’ of acceleration data. This results in the omission of low-frequency bands and the saving of high-frequency bandwidth of the data.

· Feature extraction

While driving, many road vibrations occur, which has various features. Nevertheless, this study focused mainly on three broad domain categories: frequency, time, and wavelet domain features.

✔ Time Domain Features

Through the analysis done according to Gandelmawla et al. on various domains in his present and previous literature, the following were used to calculate from time domain signals and their channels, crests, and packets of the signal: maximum, minimum, and mean values; RMS; Peak to Peak; Ten-Point Average values [11].

✔ Frequency Domain Features

Focusing on the vibrational signals, the power spectral density would provide information to distinguish between road surface conditions [12,13]. The signals were calculated for the windowed system, and the bandwidth was divided into various signals of small bands of 5Hz each, of which average, maximum, and RMS band values are considered frequency domain features.

✔ Wavelet Domain Features

Through the extensive analysis and study of Griffith’s studies, the RMS points and ten-point averages of the studied scales were used to consider the wavelet domain features [14-16].

The last task in features extraction is to extract the features from the dataset evaluated of the accelerometer, in which the analysis found that the Y’ axis is just used to distinguish road surface anomalies and the X’ and Z’ axes analysis that is affected by every change in the road surface and provides information that can be used to distinguish cracks and potholes.

Therefore, 54 features were considered using an accelerometer, and 162 feature values for every feature vector were used.

C. Machine Learning Designing and Training

The research and methodology should have the self-capacity to learn and improve. AI (Artificial Intelligence) was used for machine learning to improve with experience. After training the system, the algorithm uses the relationship learned to solve the same type of previously solved problems. For implementation, it is important to understand the workflow diagram used (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Workflow diagram of Machine Learning Algorithms.
Fig. 8. Decision Tree Diagram [38].
Fig. 9. Structure of the Neural Network with one hidden layer.

No standard nomenclature exists for implementing machine learning algorithms. Hence, selecting classifiers becomes difficult. Seven Machine Learning Classifiers were applied from MATLAB and its incorporation of The Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox [17-19]:

· Classification introduced by Naïve Bayes

· Analysis based on Discriminants

· Classifier based on Ensemble

· Decision Tree Induction

· Nearest Neighbours Tree

· SVM (Support Vector Machine)

· NN (Neural Networks)

Further analysis of their results revealed the three most popular and reliable techniques to work on the data set of the processed road surface conditions:


· Decision Trees

· Neural networks

Randomization and division of data sets in the ratio of 80:20 were used for training and testing for the system. This data set was used in the three selected classifiers.

I) Support Vector Machine (SVM)

SVM works on the pattern recognition methodology for classifying and regression analysis by evaluating input datasets as a supervised machine learning methodology. SVM uses the hyperplane for classification because a hyperplane is the maximum margin between the data point clusters of various classes [20]. Versatility, memory efficiency, and efficiency in high-dimensional spaces are needed.

II) Decision Trees

Classification or regression trees are decision trees that predict the output using the input responses. Moving from the root node to the leaf node provides the output based on the input values and decisions made in the path [21]. Fig. 8 shows the decision tree algorithm that categorizes the data using a series of arithmetical tests.

III) Neural Networks

Neural networks are a set of algorithms that are designed to recognize patterns and modeled loosely after the human brain. They use machine perception, labeling, or clustering of raw input to interpret the sensory data. The patterns they recognize are numerical and contained in vectors, into which all real-world data, images, sound, text, or time series must be translated [34-36].

Neural network algorithms are used to connect the class labels (output layer) to the feature vectors (input layer) using another multi-layered network layer called hidden layers by the neural network algorithms (depicted in diagram 9). The total count of hidden layers needed can be determined by measuring the complexity of the classification problem [22-24].

The neural network helps cluster and classify the data. Therefore, this layer can be taken as a clustering and classification layer on top of the data that needs to be stored and managed. They group the unlabelled data according to the similarities found among the example inputs, and the labeled dataset is then classified to train on [39]. Although neural networks are extremely powerful and high-accuracy algorithms, they require a large dataset to train them, which increases as the number of hidden layers increase.

D. Designed Model Evaluation

As mentioned earlier about the classifiers, different performance assessment methodologies are used in machine learning models to evaluate the classifier performance because some parameters are used to measure their performance efficiently. For efficient analysis and classification methodology, they are derivative of the confusion matrix, which shows the working of a supervised machine-learning algorithm in tabular form based on the true negatives (TN), true positives (TP), false negatives (FN), and false positives (FP) in the following equation:

$\begin{align*} Accuracy=\frac{\left(TN+TP\right)}{\left(FN+FP+TN+TP\right)} \\ Precision=1-\frac{FP}{\left(FP+FP\right)} \end{align*}$
$ Recall=1-\frac{FN}{\left(FN+TP\right)}$

The performances of the simple decision tree and the SVM classifiers were assessed using average test accuracy and average training loss on the trained classifier, where the accuracy of the average test is the average of the correctness for the n-iterations dataset during classification. In contrast, the average training loss is the average in the sample loss of the skilled classifier model using a working-out dataset. In addition, the average recall and average precision are recorded for three different modules projected by the model for analyzing them and finding which portion of identification is correct and which portion of actual positives are identified correctly.

Table 1 lists the results of the time requirement comparison, which are required to evaluate the significance of the time requirement for feature extraction. It compares three axes with one axis (Y-axis).

Table 1. Average Time Requirements for Feature Extraction.


All Axis (ms)

Y axis (ms)

Filtering Using HIGH PASS FILTER



Extraction of Feature using TIME DOMAIN



Feature Extraction using Frequency Domain



Feature Extraction using Wavelet Domain






3. Results

This study analyzed and evaluated the results of the machine learning models to know their capabilities in detecting road surface anomalies. The algorithm was run on a Lenovo Idea Pad 310 on Microsoft Windows 10 Home OS with an Intel core of i5-7200 processor, 2.30 GHz CPU, and 8GB RAM.

A. SVM – Support Vector Machine

The simple SVM was implemented with one hundred iterations, where every iteration use different groupings of occurrences for the testing and training. The machine also maintains the same ratio every time for all classes. The generalized performance of the algorithm was evaluated using the average values of evaluation parameters. Table 2 lists the calculated training loss, accuracy of testing, correctness, and recall rates.

Table 2. Implemented Results of Simple SVM.

Parameter (AVG)

all Axis (ms)

Y axis (ms)

Training Loss



5-fold Loss



7-fold Loss



10-fold loss



Leave one out loss



An analysis of Table 2 showed that the SVM classifier was trained using structures with lower loss and performed better on all three axes than only one axis. Table 3 lists the data calculated on a cross-validated SVM over both cases of considering all three axes and considering only one axis, Y. Considering all three axes in a classifier has less training loss and fewer loss cross-validated errors.

Table 3. Implemented Results of Cross-Validated SVM.

Parameter (AVG)

all Axis (ms)

Y axis (ms)

Training Loss



Test Accuracy























B. Decision Tree

The decision tree was produced using a highly varying set of hyperparameters with each iteration with the number of nodes and node thresholds, which is easier and faster for training. The process can be implemented just like SVM, and 500 iterations can be used using an exclusive collection of training data sets for implementation in SVM. Table 4 lists the training loss, precision, recall, and test accuracy of the decision tree implementation.

Table 4. Implemented Results of the Decision Tree.

Parameter (AVG)

all Axis (ms)

Y axis (ms)

Training Loss



Test Accuracy























The classifier Decision Tress trained with features had lower loss and performed better on all three axes than on only one axis (Table 4). The features were calculated on a cross-validated model over both cases, considering all three axes and considering only one axis, Y (Table 5). Considering all three axes in the classifier also gave less training loss and fewer loss cross-validated errors.

Table 5. Cross-Validated Implemented Results of Decision Tree.

Parameter (AVG)

all Axis (ms)

Y axis (ms)

Training Loss



5-fold Loss



7-fold Loss



10-fold loss



Leave one out loss



C. Neural Networks

The introductory examination phase of implementing an MLP neural network classifier includes the assessment of test precision, accuracy, and recall for the different parametric groupings selected earlier. The result is tabulated in Tables 6 and 7. Different numbers of hidden layers were used to compare the effects of the number of hidden layers in the analysis. The average test precision, recall rates, and accuracy of the MLP model were relatively greater for all three axes as related to one axis. Tanh was used as the activation function because the models are trained through features from one axis only, which provides higher recall rates and precision among the three classes. Nevertheless, high recall and precision rates for crashes were obtained using ReLU and taking all three axes. The recall rates and accuracy for potholes and plane roads did not change between the two activation functions [37].

Table 8 lists the average time acquired to categorize a single data set of data features from all three axes for diverse ML algorithms and classifiers.

Table 6. Execution Results with the Tanh-Results for MLP.

Hidden Layers

Features of all axes

Features of Y' Axis only

Accuracy of Test













Accuracy Rates



































Recall Rates



































Table 7. Implementation results using the Re LU-Results for MLP.

MLP Hidden Layers Count

Features of all axes

Features of Y' Axis only

Accuracy of Test













Accuracy Rates



































Recall Rates



































Table 8. Testing Time – Classifier Performance.


Average Time to Categorize one Window (micro-seconds)



Decision Trees




4. Discussion & Future Work

Machine Learning approaches are quite effective for potholes and cracks. In addition, implementing all three axes to consider the feature use is more accurate and precise than only a single axis. This approach was novel for extracting many features from all three axes in training multiclass ML classifiers. On the other hand, there were some limitations that will be addressed in future works:

a) Loss in accuracy and precision because of the small number of data sets.

b) Errors in individual precision and recall rates because the distribution of instances was disproportional in potholes, cracks, and smooth areas.

c) Possibilities of better results as the study focused on specific architectures only in neural networks.

d) Impacts on the data acquired in data acquisition because of the condition of vehicles, smartphones, and other devices.

e) Possibilities of larger scale implementation because of the self-learning methodology of ML technologies.

5. Conclusion

Machine Learning techniques based on the collected data produced acceptable results. Smartphone sensors were used to collect the data, which is feasible and cost-effective, and monitor the road surface conditions. Machine learning models used parameters mined from all three coordinate axes. This method improved accuracy, precision, and recall rates compared to the models trained with only one axis perpendicular to the ground. This behavior will be followed by all three machine-learning methods discovered in this paper. The results prove the initial hypothesis of the road present in data collected with respect to all three axes (x, y, and z). With the rise of self-driving cars and smart cars, which have several sensors, and the current development rate, data collected from them could be used to improve safety and infrastructure quality and assess the road surface.


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Prabhat Singh

Prabhat Singh is pursuing Ph.D from Amity University Noida India. He has published 10 research papers publications in different International Journals and in Proceedings of International Conferences of repute. He Completed his M.Tech (Computer Engineering) in 2012 and B.Tech (Information Technology) in 2010 from Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow. He has 12 years of teaching, training and research experience with leading institutions. His area of interest includes computer networks, distributed systems, wireless sensor networks and network security.

Shilpi Sharma

Shilpi Sharma works as Deputy Head and Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University, Uttar Pradesh. Dr. Sharma has experience of more than two decade in academics. She obtained her Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engg. from the Amity University, Uttar Pradesh India, in Data Security in Social Media. She is keenly interested in Interdisciplinary Research and development. She has experience spanning fields of Cyber Security, Blockchain and Cloud Computing. Under her able guidance, three students are pursuing their Ph.D. degrees. She filed 10 Patents 2 were Granted, two international patent and 1 copyright. She has authored and co-authored over 70 research papers in an international journal (SCI/ ESCI/Scopus) and conferences including IEEE, Springer, and Elsevier Conference proceedings. She is a co-author of 2 books available for sale on Amazon and the co-editor of 1 book. She has presented various papers at international conferences and received Best Paper award. She is the co-author of 6 Book Chapters. She is an IEEE Member, ACM Senior Member, IET member and a Life Time Member of IAENG. She is Keynote speaker, Session chair, Co-chair, Publicity chair, Publication chair, Advisory Board, and Technical Program Committee member in many prestigious International and National conferences.

Ahmed E. Kamal

Ahmed E. Kamal received the B.Sc. (distinction with honors) and the M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, in 1978 and 1980, respectively, and the M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, in 1982 and 1986, respectively. He is currently a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Iowa State University, Ames. Earlier, he held faculty positions with the Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, and the Department of Computer Engineering, Kuwait University, Kuwait City, Kuwait. He was also an Adjunct Professor with the Telecommunications Research Labs, Edmonton, AB, Canada. His research interests include high-performance networks, optical networks, wireless and sensor networks, and performance evaluation. Dr. Kamal is a Member of the Association for Computing Machinery and is a registered Professional Engineer.

Sunil Kumar

Sunil Kumar is currently works as an Associate Professor in Computer Science and Engineering Department of Amity School of Engineering & Technology, Amity University, Noida, India. He has rich experience in teaching & training the undergraduate and postgraduate classes. He has published 3 text books and 20 research papers publications in different International Journals and in Proceedings of International Conferences of repute. Dr. Sunil Kumar completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering from Amity University, Noida, India. He Completed his M.Tech (Computer Engineering) in 2011 and B.Tech (Information Technology) in 2007 from Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow. He has 13 years of teaching, training and research experience with leading institutions. His area of interest includes computer networks, distributed systems, wireless sensor networks and network security.